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Siege II -new map-

Have an idea for a map? Discuss ideas and concepts here.

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Re: Siege II -new map-

Postby porkenbeans on Wed Oct 06, 2010 4:26 pm

DubWarrior wrote:DAMN! I love those graphics, I love them, I love them!
sorry if I don't add any great ideas but those graphics...I mean :D
How did you do that? :ugeek: Is it photoshop?
I like the siege-idea btw, will take some time to run through the gameplaydiscussion so I can add some thoughts too.
keep up the work plz!
=D> =D> =D>
Thank you very much for the kind words. I really mean that. :D

I have not looked at this project for a while. I may decide to pop it back up in photoshop soon, and do some more work on it. So if there be any suggestions for me, I will consider any, and all of them.
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Re: Siege II -new map-

Postby porkenbeans on Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:56 pm

I think that the next task on the list will be finalizing the lines, that denote the territ boundaries. I am comfortable with the style, so what I would like to see, is some options that go towards the territs and boundries, Such as things like, the number of territs that would be optimal. Along with all of the GP that is required at his stage.

I can change, were to draw the boundary lines, or anything else, that gets us to a well balanced board.

So, If anyone that is interested, wants to take this map and scribble all over it, I would NOT be upset. Even if you do not have photoshop, or other graphic program, you can still just make a copy on your printer. Then just use a crayon or marker or something, to scribble your ideas on.
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