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The Adventures of Shackleton

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The Adventures of Shackleton

Postby army of nobunaga on Sun Apr 18, 2010 5:49 pm

A lot of people may not be familiar with this guy. But he had one of the greatest REAL life adventures ever recorded.

Basically the map could look like this --> expanded --> Image

His story is here

There are books and an Imax film about his adventure.

Here is a link to the film... ... expedition -- not sure if this link works yet,m have not checked.

If I remember from the book, they have to leave most of their mates in a cave island, search by stars for a remote whaling port, are starving, climb an ice mountain then have no way down the other side because its almost a straight fall, they then make a human train and slide on their asses down the ice mountain to the whaling station... Its actually an incredible story.

Anyway, this could be a pretty fun epic map.
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Re: The Adventures of Shackleton

Postby army of nobunaga on Sun Apr 18, 2010 6:02 pm

film link works... its a good watch.

edit, btw-- First time I watched this doc. I was on a loooong flight to a job. I had read the book. And I knew the story. On the way to our jobs; we always had these long ass flights from hell in a cargo like plane. All we could do was watch dvds, read books, or like me sneak into the planes network and play cc =D

Anyway, we all watched this film and at the end 15 pretty world savy guys that have seen and done a lot all look at each other and we were like, holy shit... how is this guy and his crew not a legend?

anyway, enjoy the film.
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Re: The Adventures of Shackleton

Postby Industrial Helix on Sun Apr 18, 2010 6:37 pm

Seen the film, haven't read the book. I'm pretty familiar with the story and I think it would make for an awesome map. Jus thow exactly it could be a map, i dunno.

On one hand you could make it like the proposed Northwest Passage map or go for something a little more personal along the lines of Das Schloss.

I think its ripe for the picking, just someone has got to pick it. Plus, we have no Antarctica maps :(
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Re: The Adventures of Shackleton

Postby army of nobunaga on Sun Apr 18, 2010 6:46 pm

exactly man! It would have to be blown up... Each island has territorys.. The mountain is a oneway pass. The cave island is a +1 deploy.. Hold the ship, end dest, and crew in the cave for automatic win.. It could be very nice.
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Re: The Adventures of Shackleton

Postby Incandenza on Thu Apr 22, 2010 8:03 pm

"For a joint scientific and geographical piece of organization, give me Scott; for a Winter Journey, Wilson; for a dash to the Pole and nothing else, Amundsen: and if I am in the devil of a hole and want to get out of it, give me Shackleton every time."

Sadly, I'm not sure a story as mind-blowing as Shackleton's would make a good map, but it'd be interesting to see someone take a stab at it.
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Re: The Adventures of Shackleton

Postby army of nobunaga on Thu Apr 22, 2010 8:20 pm

yeah maybe man. It would be a challenge. The little islands where they went would have to be larger (not to scale really) and the Ice flow they were trapped on for 8 months as their ship was torn apart constantly moved... So yeah, It would be tough.

Ill be the first to admit I dont even have near the talent enough for it... I might sketch a small map of what I was thinking once I finish this conquer roulette and then see if anyone wants to run with it later though.
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Re: The Adventures of Shackleton

Postby neanderpaul14 on Thu Apr 22, 2010 8:22 pm

I read a book about that expedition once, what an amazing story of survival. The part of it that always struck me most amazing is that there was not one single fatality, well except for the sled dogs.
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Re: The Adventures of Shackleton

Postby army of nobunaga on Thu Apr 22, 2010 8:31 pm

yeah, that was like Shakletons thing.. HE, Napoleon, and like optimus prime might be some of the greatest leaders we have had as mankind.

Shackleton was so driven and focused on survival of ALL of his men, In interviews later on, they all said the "skipper" would get them home and they knew it.

Anyway, its a cool cool story...

glad you guys left some feedback, its always fun to see like-minds.
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Re: The Adventures of Shackleton

Postby neanderpaul14 on Sun Apr 25, 2010 3:18 am

army of nobunaga wrote:
Here is a link to the film... ... expedition -- not sure if this link works yet,m have not checked.

Awesome site BTW nobunaga, lots of good stuff on there. Thanks for that.
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Re: The Adventures of Shackleton

Postby army of nobunaga on Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:08 pm

neanderpaul14 wrote:
army of nobunaga wrote:
Here is a link to the film... ... expedition -- not sure if this link works yet,m have not checked.

Awesome site BTW nobunaga, lots of good stuff on there. Thanks for that.

cool man.. I dont work anymore atm.. jsut kinda hang out and watch movies and go to bars and play CC...

I have a ton of free movie links, if you ever need a few let me know through message.
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