Industrial Helix wrote:Three things come to mind looking at this map.
1) Do we need another clan map? Clandamonium has a lot of support and if that support is extended to this map there is no reason why it shouldn't continue to be made. Hell, if it has just 1/4th of the support clandamonium has then it should be made (you know, cause its got like 40 pages of interest).
Blitzaholic contacted a lot of people to help drum up support. I don't plan on doing that. Maybe he'll do it for this map too?
Industrial Helix wrote:2) Much like clandamonium, I have no idea what those acronyms stand for. I'd like to see some sort of explanation (and you have room in the outside squares background.
Good thought. On one hand I could fully write most of the names out or possibly write a blurb in the legend, although not sure if enough space for all 30+ clans. I guess I wonder if that matters? What's in a name? As an example, in First Nations of North America, there is a territory named "Chipewyan". Do I need to know their history or what the name means or represents? An overall explanation that each acronym represents a clan should suffice in the legend. An overall explanation of what the map represents could encompass that. What clans mean to the site, over 1000 players etc. I will add something to that extent.
Industrial Helix wrote:3) I'm not completely clear on what sort of theme you're going for, other than it includes clans. Is it a simulation of the ranking system or what? Forgive me, but I'm totally unfamiliar with clans.
Based on the locations, it does sort of represent the map of where clans are. Eg. THOTA is the highest rated clan and was the League Champions so they sit in the spots right next to the League and are in the Tier 1 group. It would be a combination of the league and ladders that are out there, although more indicative in terms of the ladders. The legend blurb about "representation" is a good idea.
Industrial Helix wrote:Personally, I see no reason why this map shouldn't be made if it has community support and a coherent design and gamplay.
I can see many arguments against the map based on historical requirements (changes etc.), but I'd like for us to expand our thinking beyond that. A map like this will entice new clans to start/participate and to stick around, which are key goals for me as a Clan Director. In the past 2 years we've gone from about 5-7 stable clans to almost 25 stable clans and more developing.