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Clans of CC (2010)

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Clans of CC (2010)

Postby jpcloet on Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:05 pm

The site could use a clan based map and I set out to make one about a year ago. The project got shelved due to lack of unique game play and Blitzaholic asked me to revisit as they develop Clandemonium (which is more Feudal than Clan). The following map has updated game play and also includes more of the clan themes than previously.

71 Territories

To Do List:
CD (Clan Directors) game play (attack any clan? or attack only special spots? or neither?)
Bonuses (? for holding ? Tier 1 and Tier 2 Clans, ? for holding ? Tier 3 Clans, ? for holding 4 Dead Clans, ? for Holding ? Special Spots or +1 on Special Spots, CD's?)
Remainder of Legend
Texture or not on Special Locations?
Finalize Names (most are temporary and subject to change based on ladder{not posted} as well as league and CCup results) ... b01b_o.jpg

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Re: Clans of CC (2010)

Postby natty dread on Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:17 pm

Hmm.... I'm not sure. CC could use a clan map, but two might be pushing it...

You are going to have to make your map interesting for those not involved in clans. Right now, and this is just a personal opinion, but to me this just feels "meh, there's some clan names slapped on some territories, yawn"... No offense... I don't see much innovative or interesting gameplay here.

Then again the clan people might get interested in this map, but since there's already a clan map being developed... I'd rather see you focus your creative energy on something else. Again, this is just a personal opinion, which might be influenced by the fact that I've never been in a clan and have never had much interest in them...

I like the textures and colours scheme though, those could look nice on some other map.
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Re: Clans of CC (2010)

Postby jpcloet on Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:30 pm

natty_dread wrote:Hmm.... I'm not sure. CC could use a clan map, but two might be pushing it...
There are 4 Egypt Maps, not sure if any clan map will make it through, but have to try.

natty_dread wrote:You are going to have to make your map interesting for those not involved in clans. Right now, and this is just a personal opinion, but to me this just feels "meh, there's some clan names slapped on some territories, yawn"... No offense... I don't see much innovative or interesting gameplay here.
There are over 1000 players involved in clans, I'm ok with having a smaller audience. The gameplay may be interesting if you took some more time to look at it, and given there are game play topics still to figure out, it's a little early. If we had to be innovative on every map, you'd have about 20 maps available for play. Most are unique in location or theme.

natty_dread wrote:Then again the clan people might get interested in this map, but since there's already a clan map being developed... I'd rather see you focus your creative energy on something else. Again, this is just a personal opinion, which might be influenced by the fact that I've never been in a clan and have never had much interest in them...
The other clan map is pretty much feudal with clan names on it. This one incorporates much more of the clan themes and is my angle.

natty_dread wrote:I like the textures and colours scheme though, those could look nice on some other map.
I had another map going until the foundry changes. I plan on doing other maps in the future and 1 design is with an artist as we speak to do a high-end realistic map, and is intended to be graphics first.
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Re: Clans of CC (2010)

Postby natty dread on Thu Mar 18, 2010 10:15 pm

Again, I truly meant no disrespect... just that the subject holds little interest to me.

Anyway... you might start by considering the setup of your map, the beginning. So how do clans really come into the play in this map? You seem to have clans as territories, which on one hand might be a good solution, as you can fit more of them in that way... Then again, this doesn't really fit well with CC gameplay. I think the clandemonium map has a nice aspect in the way that each player starts with a clan, and has to build his clan up and attack other clans... So the clans have a much more active role in that map.

Here the clans have a more passive role, they're just space to be taken over. The map just doesn't give the impression of rival clans competing against each other, it's more like there's some higher forces that compete for the control of the clans themselves.

I'm not sure if I'm making any sense, it's 5 am and I should be getting some sleep... perhaps I'll look at this tomorrow and try to come up with a bit more constructive solutions. Good night. ;)
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Re: Clans of CC (2010)

Postby Industrial Helix on Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:48 am

Three things come to mind looking at this map.

1) Do we need another clan map? Clandamonium has a lot of support and if that support is extended to this map there is no reason why it shouldn't continue to be made. Hell, if it has just 1/4th of the support clandamonium has then it should be made (you know, cause its got like 40 pages of interest).

2) Much like clandamonium, I have no idea what those acronyms stand for. I'd like to see some sort of explanation (and you have room in the outside squares background.

3) I'm not completely clear on what sort of theme you're going for, other than it includes clans. Is it a simulation of the ranking system or what? Forgive me, but I'm totally unfamiliar with clans.

Personally, I see no reason why this map shouldn't be made if it has community support and a coherent design and gamplay.
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Re: Clans of CC (2010)

Postby jpcloet on Fri Mar 19, 2010 10:06 am

Industrial Helix wrote:Three things come to mind looking at this map.

1) Do we need another clan map? Clandamonium has a lot of support and if that support is extended to this map there is no reason why it shouldn't continue to be made. Hell, if it has just 1/4th of the support clandamonium has then it should be made (you know, cause its got like 40 pages of interest).
Blitzaholic contacted a lot of people to help drum up support. I don't plan on doing that. Maybe he'll do it for this map too?

Industrial Helix wrote:2) Much like clandamonium, I have no idea what those acronyms stand for. I'd like to see some sort of explanation (and you have room in the outside squares background.
Good thought. On one hand I could fully write most of the names out or possibly write a blurb in the legend, although not sure if enough space for all 30+ clans. I guess I wonder if that matters? What's in a name? As an example, in First Nations of North America, there is a territory named "Chipewyan". Do I need to know their history or what the name means or represents? An overall explanation that each acronym represents a clan should suffice in the legend. An overall explanation of what the map represents could encompass that. What clans mean to the site, over 1000 players etc. I will add something to that extent.

Industrial Helix wrote:3) I'm not completely clear on what sort of theme you're going for, other than it includes clans. Is it a simulation of the ranking system or what? Forgive me, but I'm totally unfamiliar with clans.
Based on the locations, it does sort of represent the map of where clans are. Eg. THOTA is the highest rated clan and was the League Champions so they sit in the spots right next to the League and are in the Tier 1 group. It would be a combination of the league and ladders that are out there, although more indicative in terms of the ladders. The legend blurb about "representation" is a good idea.

Industrial Helix wrote:Personally, I see no reason why this map shouldn't be made if it has community support and a coherent design and gamplay.
I can see many arguments against the map based on historical requirements (changes etc.), but I'd like for us to expand our thinking beyond that. A map like this will entice new clans to start/participate and to stick around, which are key goals for me as a Clan Director. In the past 2 years we've gone from about 5-7 stable clans to almost 25 stable clans and more developing.
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Re: Clans of CC (2010)

Postby lurkerleader on Fri Mar 19, 2010 10:28 am

It looks to me to more follow the progress of a clan, rewarding the feats each clan wishes to achieve someday.

It also follows the process of the clan league (roughly) and nice touch adding the Cup :D
I am not sure how you wish to make continents of this, top two divisions seem to be a bunch of small 2 territory continents.

I think this has potential, and I think the time stamp is needed in the map title (or at least the legend). Because it represents current standings.

Are the CDs - clan directors?

Edit - if they are the directors, maybe just ask permission to use their user names?
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Re: Clans of CC (2010)

Postby jpcloet on Fri Mar 19, 2010 10:33 am

The CD's are Marval and jpcloet, I'm sure both would approve the name use. I just didn't want people thinking that I wanted to put my name on a map. :lol:
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Re: Clans of CC (2010)

Postby jpcloet on Fri Mar 19, 2010 10:33 am

lurkerleader wrote:It looks to me to more follow the progress of a clan, rewarding the feats each clan wishes to achieve someday.
Yeah, mentioning the "life-cycle" of clans in the legend theme blurb would also be good.
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Re: Clans of CC (2010)

Postby jpcloet on Fri Mar 19, 2010 10:35 am

Makes me wonder if there is a better name, like Clan Life or ?
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Re: Clans of CC (2010)

Postby lurkerleader on Fri Mar 19, 2010 10:54 am

true, life cycle makes it sound like once your done you get put back on the bottom - clan history? achievements? :P ummm could just use standings

Clan Records?

Ill think of something good and edit this

Edit - Clan Competency?
ahh thought of the word, Clan Proficiency
Would lead up through the stages.
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Re: Clans of CC (2010)

Postby Bones2484 on Fri Mar 19, 2010 4:48 pm

Industrial Helix wrote:1) Do we need another clan map? Clandamonium has a lot of support and if that support is extended to this map there is no reason why it shouldn't continue to be made. Hell, if it has just 1/4th of the support clandamonium has then it should be made (you know, cause its got like 40 pages of interest).

My only response to this is that I fail to see Clandemonium as a clan map. Blitz started it in an attempt to portray clans, but it has absolutely nothing to do with clans besides using (some) of their names. That map can exist as is without the clan names on it and it would change nothing about the map.

This one takes clans into account in regards to what the clan "life" is on CC. Take the clans away from this one, and you have an incoherent mess.
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Re: Clans of CC (2010)

Postby Beckytheblondie on Fri Mar 19, 2010 4:55 pm

It's missing CLNBKY.
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Re: Clans of CC (2010)

Postby jpcloet on Fri Mar 19, 2010 5:00 pm

Beckytheblondie wrote:It's missing CLNBKY.

Would love to welcome that clan to the map, if it was official and had completed some challenges. See you then I guess.....
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Re: Clans of CC (2010)

Postby VampireM on Fri Mar 19, 2010 5:18 pm

i think the map is coming along wonderfully.. i like how u have had demotion and promoting to the map.. i was wondering to plan to allow the circles to attack each other.. it would make sense.. but i haven't seen anything written about it? such as 1st clan war can attack (maybe only one way if desired) with 1st clan war win? clan created can attack clan 1st ranking.. also could the ladder teir 1 hit ladder teir 2 and 3? and can the leagues hit each other? im just wondering if that should be part of the game play so there isnt so much importance to the promotion and demotion places..

also the bonuses could be hold two entire clans in each league (hold both spots of two clans get u +3)? just throwing it out there.. just an idea
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Re: Clans of CC (2010)

Postby reptile on Sun Apr 11, 2010 7:15 pm

I think this is a very original ideah and would be a very used map. What is the hold up here? seriously, i like this idea and where it is going.
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Re: Clans of CC (2010)

Postby laughingcavalier on Mon Apr 12, 2010 4:05 pm

I like this. There are plenty enough clan players to carry 2 or more maps if the maps are good in themselves.
I'm thinking this has 3 important things a clan map should have:
- Clan names
- A reflection of the current clan structure (formation, rankings, clan league, conqueror's cup)
- Potential for good complex teamplay (which is what clans are all about)
I think maybe use the legend and/or the graphics to make it clearer how you move between levels.
And I wonder if the gameplay would be better if there were some short impassable borders between clans. Maybe between the clans who have trash-talked each other? :D
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Re: Clans of CC (2010)

Postby jpcloet on Tue Apr 13, 2010 5:47 pm

Brief was submitted over 3 weeks ago. Given what happened with my other map, waiting for it to be moved.
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Re: Clans of CC (2010)

Postby TaCktiX on Fri Apr 16, 2010 8:21 pm

We're catching up on our backlog, and I'm sorry about the fact that your map has sat. So here's where we sit:

- Pick a theme. You've got either How Clans Advance (good idea) or Present Clans and How Good They Are (also good idea, considering how much clans play a role in CC). You can't do both and do either idea justice.
- There needs to be some solid gameplay outline. You can put a +500 bonus for holding Legends of War and a -50 for holding Bullet Proof Bandits for as much as it matters, but SOME gameplay must be in place before we can approve the map for movement.

Please handle these two concerns as soon as possible, and we'll move your map on its way.
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