Here's an idea. how about a map which stresses cooperative gameplay? Is there any way to create a a map which would be like Settlers of Cataan, ie a game where you can win by having the most income , resource pairs, etc etc, maybe after a certain finite time period, but don't have to destroy other players to win? Just curious about this. I'm thinking that maybe things like resource pairs from the "Age of realms" map could indicate some way for players to create their own territory and acquire points, money, or some other resource, which might allow the game to produce a winner without actual need to kill players (unless one chose to.)
my main reason for suggesting this is I've played a number of games where discussions with other players about the game course was one of the most enjoyable aspects of gameplay. please feel free to write any feedback. (try to avoid the obvious jokes about how this idea isn't bloodthirsty enough.):-D