AndyDufresne wrote:As many of the earlier posts have pointed out, if you can get enough of a fan base up in forum games or in a usergroup, we'll expand our forums to fit those needs. It happened with Mafia games, it happened with the International Italian Forum recently, etc. So get some backing, and we'll come back to it later!
The film cuts in just after the anchorman has switched over to the correspondent surrounded by a blue border. Dressed in a dress shirt and a black vest, the man wears a medical mask and shifts nervously over the black bar on the screen showing his name. For a moment, the man looks around in a paranoid fashion, before nodding his head, the delayed message from the anchorman having made it's way to the plastic bit in his ear.
"That's correct Tim, I'm currently standing on the edge of Times Square, which has become a truly macabre place. Having nowhere else really to put them, this large square had become an impromptu dumping ground for the dead and dying."
A groan echoes through the night, turns into a shriek, and then a trailing moan, soon dying off into the background.
"As you can hear Tim, many of the bodies here in Times Square are still alive, but left unattended. From some cries, we, we...believe that they are some living people in the center of the main pile, that can see here."
The man turns sideways out of the camera's view, allowing for a full shot of the square behind the reporter. As this happens, a cloth rustles, and the sound of someone expelling their stomach contents is heard. However, the noise is hardly registered against the scene before the camera.
"As you can see Tim, it has been only five days since the first signs of the plague began to surface, and already, most of New york City has been infected, and are counted among the deceased. From the current reports filing out with the evacuees, only around 5% of the city's population has survived, leaving over 15 million dead."
A shaking hand mops sweat from his brow
"From what I'm told, the city is now completely empty of the living, with the exception of the military, and a twenty-mile quarantine zone has been set up around the now vacant city. This will be our last report from the devastation of New York City. George Jones signing out. Tim."
The picture fades, and quickly switches to a pale and shaken looking Tim. Clearing his voice, the man of his early fifties looks down to the sheet of paper in front of him for a second before looking back up
"I have just been told that President Walken has declared New York City entirely off limits. The Army, Navy and Air Force has set up a perimeter around the quarantine zone. Anyone trying to enter or leave the quarantine zone will be shot on sight."
Grey and black lines crackle as the tv flickers off, power being completely cut-off from the city...
A letter addressed to President Walken by the head of the military
Mr. President,
From our long-range scans and data collection, we believe that the last traces of the plague in the remains of New York City have died off. Our scientists have told us that it would now be feasible to send in teams to find out what started the New York City tragedy. I would like to begin to send in my men post haste, to discover the cause, and develop a cure, should it ever arise again.
General Sun
A letter addressed to the head of the military from President Walken
General Sun,
The remains of New York City are a lost cause, and the painful memory for the people of the United States of America. At this point, only time will get rid of it, not interfering with the area. I am ordering you to pull back your men from the quarantine zone edge as quietly as possible, and leave the city alone. Oneday, we may return to the ruins; until than, let the dead lie in peace.
President Walken
A letter addressed to President Walken from the head of the military
Mr. President,
The last of my men have been moved from the NYC quarantine zone edge. However, reports have been coming in of people filtering into the remains of New York City. I would advise sending in men to find out exactly what these no doubt illegal groups are doing, and to prevent them from desecrating the dead.
General Sun
A letter addressed to the head of the military from President Walken
General Sun,
I have no reason to send United States military personnel into a potentially dangerous area, against possibly hostile people. They are in a deserted area, a ruined and dead city, where they can do no harm to any living being. There are to be no, I repeat, ZERO men sent into the zone.
President Walken
Welcome to Empty Streets, in which you are the leader of one of the many gangs and groups that have snuck into the remains of New York City, which was decimated by a plague. However, if the gangs were hoping for an easy life in the ruins of the once great city, they were sorely mistaken. It seems that the plague was not finished with the bodies that it had killed off. Through some strange mutation, the bodies of the dead walk again as dessicated zombies.
Not only that, but there is something deeper. The bones of the dead can be found lying among the streets, teeth and claw marks etched into them. Weird marks can be found scarred into the sides of buildings, almost as if it was some sort of writing...
Character and Gang sheet
Gang name:
Common Weapons:
Hang Out:
Where to begin, where to begin:
You can start anywhere in the ruins of the city doing anything you like: Looting, killing zombies, exploring, etc. Once you have settled into your roles and interacted, a general plot will start.
Normally, I would say "Normal RP rules apply"; as there are no rules yet, I guess I'll be the first one to set some down.
1) No God modding - this term is generally used to people that try to use others characters. This is not allowed unless express permission is given by the owner of the character. Other than that, the world is yours. *NOTE: you can reference others actions in your post, if you wish. Example:
Kotaro wrote:Seeing that the horde was fast approaching, Kotaro quickly raced for the nearest exit, his eyes filled with fear, the knowledge that he may soon be joining Eclectic in the afterlife daunting him...
Natewolfman wrote:Seeing Kotaro flee down the corridor, Nate quickly followed, his heart pounding, as the sound of the horde echoed down the passageway...
2) No Children Posts - I do not like seeing posts that are 2 to 3 sentences long. The entire idea behind RP's is creativity, so be creative. Minimum 6 sentences per post. Also, no double posting - let others have a chance to put their creativity into this as well.
3) Over Excessive Profanity is not okay - The occasional swearing is fine, but I don't want to see posts where half the paragraph is obscenities. Lets try and make this enjoyable, eh?
4) In thread is for Gaming - When we make the main thread, try to stick to the game. You can have a little bit of off topic conversation (Using the OOC/Out of Character Tag), but try and keep it low
That's about it. Now, since this is my RP, I can ask for more details about your character before you're allowed to participate in it. If it looks like you put 2 minutes into your character sign-up, than I probably won't accept it.
I will post my own later on, as this gets moving. Once we have 4 or more sign-ups that have been accepted, another thread will be started, the thread where all the writing will be happening.