S C R A B B L E - 1 New Player needed
Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 4:48 am
You should all know the rules to S.c.r.a.b.b.l.e, but if not here they are: http://www.scrabblepages.com/scrabble/rules/
I'll be the moderator and as I'll know what letters everyone is holding, I can't play . But that's okay . You'll be PM'ed your letters when we start and after your turns are taken.
I'll be using Random.org to give out the letters initially as well as after every players' turn. I'll use this to determine the playing order as well. The amounts of each of the tiles is going to be taken from the current English board game totals, as of 2004. They are as below:
This set comprises 200 tiles, in this distribution:
* 4 blank tiles (scoring 0 points)
* 1 point: E ×24, A ×16, O ×15, T ×15, I ×13, N ×13, R ×13, S ×10, L ×7, U ×7
* 2 points: D ×8, G ×5
* 3 points: C ×6, M ×6, B ×4, P ×4
* 4 points: H ×5, F ×4, W ×4, Y ×4, V ×3
* 5 points: K ×2
* 8 points: J ×2, X ×2
* 10 points: Q ×2, Z ×2
4 players needed. You will have 24 hrs to take your turn, so please be prompt. Missing 2 turns will result in your expulsion. I have a blank board that I will put your words on and have posted in the second post. Your scores will be there as well. You will have to be sure to tell me where to place the word you want on the board. I'll be using: http://www.hasbro.com/games/adult-games ... /wordlists or the word search @ the http://www.hasbro.com scrabble section. If your word is legit, it should be in there. This is in the case that a word is challenged by another player. If it's not challenged it'll get placed on the board.
If you want to play but got beaten to it by others, I'll be doing this again, so you can play then
drake_259, Game 1 Winner
Tripitaka, Game 2 Winner
Serbia, Game 3 Winner
I'll be the moderator and as I'll know what letters everyone is holding, I can't play . But that's okay . You'll be PM'ed your letters when we start and after your turns are taken.
I'll be using Random.org to give out the letters initially as well as after every players' turn. I'll use this to determine the playing order as well. The amounts of each of the tiles is going to be taken from the current English board game totals, as of 2004. They are as below:
This set comprises 200 tiles, in this distribution:
* 4 blank tiles (scoring 0 points)
* 1 point: E ×24, A ×16, O ×15, T ×15, I ×13, N ×13, R ×13, S ×10, L ×7, U ×7
* 2 points: D ×8, G ×5
* 3 points: C ×6, M ×6, B ×4, P ×4
* 4 points: H ×5, F ×4, W ×4, Y ×4, V ×3
* 5 points: K ×2
* 8 points: J ×2, X ×2
* 10 points: Q ×2, Z ×2
4 players needed. You will have 24 hrs to take your turn, so please be prompt. Missing 2 turns will result in your expulsion. I have a blank board that I will put your words on and have posted in the second post. Your scores will be there as well. You will have to be sure to tell me where to place the word you want on the board. I'll be using: http://www.hasbro.com/games/adult-games ... /wordlists or the word search @ the http://www.hasbro.com scrabble section. If your word is legit, it should be in there. This is in the case that a word is challenged by another player. If it's not challenged it'll get placed on the board.
If you want to play but got beaten to it by others, I'll be doing this again, so you can play then
drake_259, Game 1 Winner
Tripitaka, Game 2 Winner
Serbia, Game 3 Winner