I <3______
Thu Nov 22, 2007 12:40 am
by soundout9
Finish the sentace and keep coming up with new things....i'll start
I <3 my xbox 360
Thu Nov 22, 2007 12:41 am
by misterman10
I love playing two-hand touch
Eating way too much
Watching my team win
With the twins
I love quarterbacks eating dirt
Pom-poms and short skirts
Fans who won’t quit
And those twins
And I love you, too
Here’s to football!
I love football on TV
Shots of Gina Lee
Hanging with my friends
And twins
I love burritos at four a.m.
Parties that never end
Dogs that love cats
And...and twins
And I love you, too
Here's to love songs!
I love
"Scary Movie 3"
Women on TV
A party that's jumpin'
And twins
I love
Friends who stay in touch
Screamin' heard too much
A white boy who's rappin'
And twins
And I love you, too
Thu Nov 22, 2007 2:48 pm
by Shadowstar
Fircoal wrote:I <3 Pikachus
I <3 controlling Fircoals
Fri Nov 23, 2007 2:05 pm
by diddle
I <3 the fact that soundout9 knows how hated he is amoung many people on this website, yet he still has the half wittedness to bump a useless and, to be completely honest, rubbish game thread, when he knows the only consequence will be people gettin angry, and him gaining even more enemies.
Fri Nov 23, 2007 2:48 pm
by soundout9
diddle wrote:I <3 the fact that soundout9 knows how hated he is amoung many people on this website, yet he still has the half wittedness to bump a useless and, to be completely honest, rubbish game thread, when he knows the only consequence will be people gettin angry, and him gaining even more enemies.
I <3 that about soundout9 too