by boomlil on Wed Aug 15, 2007 8:57 pm
I remade this because idiots spammed the last one.(ps misterman10 Fircoal may not choose his fate for ruining the last thread)
they make get their privelges back by apoligizing and not spamming this one muy_thaiguy has his privelges back
Heres how it goes i will tell a story and you will make the occasional choice
1 Sticky the stickfigure was walking along one day and went into a mall.
Should he
a go to the foodcourt
b rob the gap
c make fun of the cashiers at hot topic
2 Sticky walk into the gap takes a metal clotheshanger and bends it into a shank and stabs the cashhier, who then pulls out a shotgun
should he
a try to kick the gun out of his hand
b shank him again
3 Sticky shanks him again and since everyone in stick land is a stick figure he snaps in half sticky grabs the cash and the shotgun.
should he
a join a gang
b join the army
c get a job at wendys
4 Sticky get a job at wendys as a fry cook. his boss makes him work 23.5 hours a day and pay him minum wage.
should he
a Poison his food
b Shoot him with his shotgun he always has with him
c date his daughter
5 Sticky dates his boss daughter stickina and when the father finds out he gets pissed and says if sticky doesnt break up with her he'll be fired
should he
a break up with her
b propose to piss off the boss more
6 Sticky proposes to Stickina and when the boss finds out he hires a hitman to kill Sticky. Oh and he fires him.
Should he
a hire a counter hitman to stop the hitman trying to kill him
b kill The boss
c tell Stickina
7 Sticky hires a stick man who tries to shoot the other hitman but fails cause the dice are evil. Sticky shanks the boss hitman when he isnt looking and then pushes The boss over who was trying to oversee the whole operation
should he
a Shoot him
b shank him
c all of the above
choice-c+leave no evidence
8 After shooting twice and shanking to death, The boss cries out with his last breath that, "as my oldest daughter was shanked to death at the gap, so am I. Then by Wendy's law,Sticky becomes the new manager of Wendy's for killing the old one. He then finds out mcdonalds is trying to blow up his Wendys.
should he
a kill the Mcdonalds boss
b steal the mcdonalds car bomb and ram (and explode) Mcdonalds
c tell the police
Sticky tracks down the Mcdonalds boss in a back alley and says, "there can only be one" and then runs over and kicks him in the nuts. He then hears a voice that says "finish him". He then kicks off his head and laughs. He then turns around and sees Ronald Mcdonald standing there with the hamburgaler and that purple guy no one likes.
should he
a run and try to find the truckbomb about to ram Wendy's
b stay and fight
c challenge them to a dance off
SAticky challenges them to a dance off and, with his superior ddr skills, serves them. Then Ronald Mcdonald goes into cardiac arrest, the hamburgler gets arrested for peddling drugs, and the purples guy explodes for no reason. But wendys still blew up.
what should he do i will take the first GOOD suggestion
I have no problem if you make an animation of this just give me credit please
Last edited by
boomlil on Fri Aug 17, 2007 2:30 pm, edited 5 times in total.
pancakemix wrote:I want to be beat to death by a monkey.