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7 Deadly Sins endgame!

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Postby kwanton on Sat Feb 02, 2008 12:01 pm

Vote Count!

crab- 1 rebel
kalish-2 firth, dustn
firth- 1 kalish
Click the Esoog!
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Postby CrabNebula on Sat Feb 02, 2008 12:37 pm

Kwanton, you forgot my vote was already on firth.

Even though I find it difficult to believe kalish, he does put forward a valid argument, so my vote stays on firth.
rebelman wrote:
JOHNNYROCKET24 wrote:thats why my next wife will be a player from this site. I wont mention who :wink:
obviously you are looking for a woman thats a good cook and likes you to dominate in one on one
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Postby firth4eva on Sat Feb 02, 2008 1:09 pm

FFS. I hate it how because I try to keep mafia games active I end up getting accused. It happened in baroom mafia and it's happening here. I know that kalish is a sin. I know Crab is a sin and I know my sin. That's 3 out of 7 and 2 are already dead. I'm pretty certain that I know the other 2. We must lynch either Crab or Kalish today because I believe these are the 2 with the Night kill powers. I will happily lynch any of them so bandwagon on one of them now. I know it might not be in the good old mafia like kalish said but if you know they are scum why not. Crab has even gone out and said that he is a sin. Why isn't everyone lynching him. unvote vote crab
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Postby CrabNebula on Sat Feb 02, 2008 2:09 pm

You will of course happily lynch either of us as long as you can save your ass...
rebelman wrote:
JOHNNYROCKET24 wrote:thats why my next wife will be a player from this site. I wont mention who :wink:
obviously you are looking for a woman thats a good cook and likes you to dominate in one on one
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Postby dustn64 on Sat Feb 02, 2008 4:14 pm

I'm pretty sure kal is a sin. I'll keep my vote on him.
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Postby Skoffin on Sun Feb 03, 2008 2:33 am

I believe this is where I come in a wreck everything :P

I for one believe all the sins don't know each other, which we've pretty much established. All the sins seem to have a helper-survivor of sorts. I don't think all the sins are scum either. But I do know that Kal really is a sin, and I also know he does *not* have a killing power. So if you want to kill a sin that can kill, turn somewhere else.
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Postby firth4eva on Sun Feb 03, 2008 6:07 am

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Postby kalishnikov on Sun Feb 03, 2008 1:55 pm

Skoffin wrote: I believe this is where I come in a wreck everything :P
Thats what you do best dear, proceed. :)

I for one believe all the sins don't know each other, which we've pretty much established. All the sins seem to have a helper-survivor of sorts. I don't think all the sins are scum either. But I do know that Kal really is a sin, and I also know he does *not* have a killing power. So if you want to kill a sin that can kill, turn somewhere else.

Thank you, if I did have a killing role many of these fools would already be dead. I wish I was Gluttony with day kills, this game would be mine.
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Postby kalishnikov on Sun Feb 03, 2008 2:06 pm

firth4eva wrote:FFS. I hate it how because I try to keep mafia games active I end up getting accused. It happened in baroom mafia and it's happening here. I know that kalish is a sin. I know Crab is a sin and I know my sin. That's 3 out of 7 and 2 are already dead. I'm pretty certain that I know the other 2. We must lynch either Crab or Kalish today because I believe these are the 2 with the Night kill powers. I will happily lynch any of them so bandwagon on one of them now. I know it might not be in the good old mafia like kalish said but if you know they are scum why not. Crab has even gone out and said that he is a sin. Why isn't everyone lynching him. unvote vote crab

I am sorry about that firth but, unfortunately, that's how it works. When you carry the game you always look scummy and in your case I'm suspicious as hell of you since the Thieves game, for no good reason at all.

In this specific instance, however, your claim of being a cop and investigating me yet waiting until this exact moment to unveil said results looks WAI to convenient with the common consensus being against myself and crab at the moment.

Oh and your either a townie or Sin/Sin helper so you are the enemy of most living players at the moment, thus why not many are following you.
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Postby kalishnikov on Sun Feb 03, 2008 2:11 pm

CrabNebula wrote:You will of course happily lynch either of us as long as you can save your ass...


Is crab a Sin? No doubt in my mind. Will I vote crab, when the proper time comes? Certainly. Right now though crab has a killing role and it could be useful to us as he will gladly eliminate his competition, bringing EVERYONE closer to endgame, regardless of alignment. We need to kill scum right? crab will do that.
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Postby Skoffin on Sun Feb 03, 2008 3:36 pm

Firth is either a sin's survivor like he claims, or he is a lying sin impersonating one. Firth can lie well when he needs to.
Although Crab and kalish are sin I do not think killing them at the moment is in our best interests.
But I do have a question for you all. By the wording of our roles as sin survivors, our sin do not know us(HAI KALISH :P ) but it implies that at some point they may find out. So, has anyone talked to each other yet?
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Postby firth4eva on Sun Feb 03, 2008 3:51 pm

I haven't and I'm not allowed to tell them. Power skoffin?
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Postby Skoffin on Sun Feb 03, 2008 4:07 pm

Vote stealing.
My last power was so much cooler v.v
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Postby firth4eva on Sun Feb 03, 2008 4:28 pm

Just in case I'm not, unvote vote crab
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Postby dustn64 on Sun Feb 03, 2008 6:38 pm

I am rather confused. If the sins were to make it to endgame, then why has it not been reached? most the people alive are sins or survivors.
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Postby kwanton on Mon Feb 04, 2008 12:35 am

Vote Count!

crab- 2 rebel, firth
kalish-1 dustn
firth- 2 kalish, crab
Click the Esoog!
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Postby CrabNebula on Mon Feb 04, 2008 1:56 am

dustn64 wrote:I am rather confused. If the sins were to make it to endgame, then why has it not been reached? most the people alive are sins or survivors.

Because the sins do not know each other! And the survivors job is to kill the sins so they can survive. Apparently some do not get it, and I am tired of explaining already.

Prod NES please or PLEASE REPLACE!
rebelman wrote:
JOHNNYROCKET24 wrote:thats why my next wife will be a player from this site. I wont mention who :wink:
obviously you are looking for a woman thats a good cook and likes you to dominate in one on one
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Postby cena-rules on Mon Feb 04, 2008 10:44 am

Ive just been informed by me boss that Im needed away.

Please replace me
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Postby firth4eva on Mon Feb 04, 2008 11:09 am

CrabNebula wrote:And the survivors job is to kill the sins so they can survive.

No it's not. We either protect our sins and whilst they are alive we have a power. If they die we lose our power and then have to survive until the end.
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Postby kalishnikov on Mon Feb 04, 2008 11:15 am

Skoffin wrote: Firth is either a sin's survivor like he claims, or he is a lying sin impersonating one. Firth can lie well when he needs to.
Although Crab and kalish are sin I do not think killing them at the moment is in our best interests.
But I do have a question for you all. By the wording of our roles as sin survivors, our sin do not know us(HAI KALISH :P ) but it implies that at some point they may find out. So, has anyone talked to each other yet?

So playing the old firth card, eh woman?

"I'll give up my big, mean Sin if you guys please let me live *innocent smile, bats eye lashes*."

I sincerely wish I would have thought of this myself, by the time firth gets his "Sin" lynched and you convince these fools of townies I'm a Sin and you're an innocent little survivor, then they lynch me and my role is revealed it will be to late to stop you guys (the actual Sins) from taking this.

If only their was a way to prove it... I'll come up with something just need to think...

Kudos to you woman/firth, you've played the town like a fiddle 2 kwan games in a row now, I just wish nag/ga7 were here; they'd believe me and know how to expose you.
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Postby firth4eva on Mon Feb 04, 2008 11:21 am

:roll: Pretty poor defense kalish
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Postby kalishnikov on Mon Feb 04, 2008 11:33 am

It wasn't really a defense, more of an analysis of the situation. :wink:

As I stated above, I don't know how to prove it and am thinking. You won't distract me, scum, I'll figure out a way to show them.

For freaking once I'm not scum and actually trying to expose the scum, but my pleas fall on deaf ears. Damn this cursed fate which conspires against me...
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Postby firth4eva on Mon Feb 04, 2008 11:43 am

So do you have a sin then?
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Postby dustn64 on Mon Feb 04, 2008 12:13 pm

I'm not really sure about this game :? :? But I trust crab the least. Unvote vote crab.
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Postby firth4eva on Mon Feb 04, 2008 12:18 pm

Trust him the least. He admitted to being a sin!
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