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william18 wrote:I got 5 hours and 6 minutes!
Ditocoaf wrote:bump?
n00blet wrote:Bump. I will be the victor!
william18 wrote:6:51 - 1:45= 5:06
Ditocoaf wrote:well, as long as nobody seems to want to wait the requisite 4:40 before bumping, it should be fairly easy to keep my spot on the board safe.
Ditocoaf wrote:Yeah... this was a really great idea for a game. It will never truly die, because if it disappears even for a while, someone's going to win big.
n00blet wrote:wait....
is the bump for whoever bumps it after the longest time....or for whoever's bump lasts the longest?
lol i r teh n00b. now i get it! BAM! LEADERBOARD!!!!!!!!!! who's on it? me! that's right!
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