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Postby Cheesemore on Sat Jun 30, 2007 11:50 am

You can't bring back a team that's already eliminated

Packers 108 +
Panthers 12
Saints 11
Bucs 9
Giants 6
Redskins 11
Cowboys 3 -
Seahawks 12
49ers 11
Cardinals 11
Titans 12
Jaguars 11
Colts 21
Texans 9
Bengals 12
Ravens 10
Browns 12
Chargers 3
Chiefs 15
Dolphins 20
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cena-rules wrote:Cheese is the most valuble thing in the world
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Postby firth4eva on Sat Jun 30, 2007 3:19 pm

Packers 106 -
Panthers 12
Saints 11
Bucs 9
Giants 6
Redskins 11
Cowboys 4 +
Seahawks 12
49ers 11
Cardinals 11
Titans 12
Jaguars 11
Colts 21
Texans 9
Bengals 12
Ravens 10
Browns 12
Chargers 3
Chiefs 15
Dolphins 20

taking the one that wasnt counted before
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Postby Gold Knight on Sat Jun 30, 2007 9:07 pm

Packers 107 +
Panthers 12
Saints 11
Bucs 9
Giants 6
Redskins 11
Cowboys 3 -
Seahawks 12
49ers 11
Cardinals 11
Titans 12
Jaguars 11
Colts 21
Texans 9
Bengals 12
Ravens 10
Browns 12
Chargers 3
Chiefs 15
Dolphins 20
xxtig12683xx wrote:yea, my fav part was being in the sewer riding a surfboard and wacking these alien creatures.

shit was badass
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Postby derfderf34 on Sat Jun 30, 2007 9:23 pm

Packers 108 +
Panthers 12
Saints 11
Bucs 9
Giants 6
Redskins 11
Cowboys 2 -
Seahawks 12
49ers 11
Cardinals 11
Titans 12
Jaguars 11
Colts 21
Texans 9
Bengals 12
Ravens 10
Browns 12
Chargers 3
Chiefs 15
Dolphins 20
(= . =)
(")_(") bringing back that bunny pride
why did they get rid of gridiron gang
eh' woman
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Postby Gold Knight on Sat Jun 30, 2007 9:26 pm

Packers 109 +
Panthers 12
Saints 11
Bucs 9
Giants 6
Redskins 11
Cowboys 1 -
Seahawks 12
49ers 11
Cardinals 11
Titans 12
Jaguars 11
Colts 21
Texans 9
Bengals 12
Ravens 10
Browns 12
Chargers 3
Chiefs 15
Dolphins 20
xxtig12683xx wrote:yea, my fav part was being in the sewer riding a surfboard and wacking these alien creatures.

shit was badass
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Postby derfderf34 on Sat Jun 30, 2007 9:28 pm

Packers 110 +
Panthers 12
Saints 11
Bucs 9
Giants 6
Redskins 11
Cowboys 0 - haha dead
Seahawks 12
49ers 11
Cardinals 11
Titans 12
Jaguars 11
Colts 21
Texans 9
Bengals 12
Ravens 10
Browns 12
Chargers 3
Chiefs 15
Dolphins 20
(= . =)
(")_(") bringing back that bunny pride
why did they get rid of gridiron gang
eh' woman
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Postby Gold Knight on Sat Jun 30, 2007 9:50 pm

Packers 111 +
Panthers 12
Saints 11
Bucs 9
Giants 6
Redskins 11
Seahawks 12
49ers 11
Cardinals 11
Titans 12
Jaguars 11
Colts 20 -
Texans 9
Bengals 12
Ravens 10
Browns 12
Chargers 3
Chiefs 15
Dolphins 20
xxtig12683xx wrote:yea, my fav part was being in the sewer riding a surfboard and wacking these alien creatures.

shit was badass
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Postby dussle on Sat Jun 30, 2007 11:26 pm

Cheesemore wrote:
dussle wrote:
Cheesemore wrote:100 points, w00t!

Why, some people ask? Because Packers fans are the only people who bother wasting their lives adding points to their team, who're gonna suck whether they have 100 points or not.

That means we're dedicated unlike some team's fans (where were you when the Bears were 4-12 for 3 straight years, most of you not supporting them)

Dedicated as in dedicated to dominating idiotic forum games out of lack of better things to do? :wink: Secondly, I wasn't into football until the two seasons ago, where I was a Bears fan in spite of living in Indiana and them being awful, so hah. Thirdly, the Packers nearly made the playoffs. I believe you had a tie record, but I'm not sure... anyways, isn't there a bit of a difference? I hate to admit it but despite their old fart QB, the Packers have a chance to make it to the playoffs and nearly made it last year. The Bears... 4-12 for 3 consecutive years? Seems to be an unfair comparison somewhere in there.
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Postby derfderf34 on Sun Jul 01, 2007 8:48 am

dussle wrote:
Cheesemore wrote:
dussle wrote:
Cheesemore wrote:100 points, w00t!

Why, some people ask? Because Packers fans are the only people who bother wasting their lives adding points to their team, who're gonna suck whether they have 100 points or not.

That means we're dedicated unlike some team's fans (where were you when the Bears were 4-12 for 3 straight years, most of you not supporting them)

Dedicated as in dedicated to dominating idiotic forum games out of lack of better things to do? :wink: Secondly, I wasn't into football until the two seasons ago, where I was a Bears fan in spite of living in Indiana and them being awful, so hah. Thirdly, the Packers nearly made the playoffs. I believe you had a tie record, but I'm not sure... anyways, isn't there a bit of a difference? I hate to admit it but despite their old fart QB, the Packers have a chance to make it to the playoffs and nearly made it last year. The Bears... 4-12 for 3 consecutive years? Seems to be an unfair comparison somewhere in there.

the packers were four and twelve two years ago and we didn't give up hope even a little
(= . =)
(")_(") bringing back that bunny pride
why did they get rid of gridiron gang
eh' woman
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Postby derfderf34 on Sun Jul 01, 2007 8:49 am

Packers 112 +
Panthers 12
Saints 11
Bucs 9
Giants 5 -
Redskins 11
Seahawks 12
49ers 11
Cardinals 11
Titans 12
Jaguars 11
Colts 20
Texans 9
Bengals 12
Ravens 10
Browns 12
Chargers 3
Chiefs 15
Dolphins 20
(= . =)
(")_(") bringing back that bunny pride
why did they get rid of gridiron gang
eh' woman
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Postby 0ojakeo0 on Sun Jul 01, 2007 8:52 am

Packers 112
Panthers 12
Saints 11
Bucs 9
Giants 5 -
Redskins 11
Seahawks 12
49ers 11
Cardinals 11
Titans 12
Jaguars 11
Colts 19 -
Texans 9
Bengals 12
Ravens 10
Browns 12
Chargers 4 +
Chiefs 15
Dolphins 20
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Postby derfderf34 on Sun Jul 01, 2007 8:54 am

Packers 113 +
Panthers 12
Saints 11
Bucs 9
Giants 4 -
Redskins 11
Seahawks 12
49ers 11
Cardinals 11
Titans 12
Jaguars 11
Colts 19
Texans 9
Bengals 12
Ravens 10
Browns 12
Chargers 4
Chiefs 15
Dolphins 20
(= . =)
(")_(") bringing back that bunny pride
why did they get rid of gridiron gang
eh' woman
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Postby 0ojakeo0 on Sun Jul 01, 2007 9:01 am

Packers 113
Panthers 12
Saints 11
Bucs 9
Giants 4
Redskins 11
Seahawks 12
49ers 11
Cardinals 11
Titans 12
Jaguars 11
Colts 18 -
Texans 9
Bengals 12
Ravens 10
Browns 12
Chargers 5 +
Chiefs 15
Dolphins 20
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Postby red bull on Sun Jul 01, 2007 1:19 pm

Packers 113
Panthers 12
Saints 11
Bucs 9
Giants 4
Redskins 11
Seahawks 12
49ers 11
Cardinals 11
Titans 12
Jaguars 11
Colts 18
Texans 9
Bengals 11-
Ravens 10
Browns 13 +
Chargers 5
Chiefs 15
Dolphins 20
the black knight enemy of spamalot
11-2 againts spamalot
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Postby Cheesemore on Sun Jul 01, 2007 7:56 pm

derfderf34 wrote:
dussle wrote:
Cheesemore wrote:
dussle wrote:
Cheesemore wrote:100 points, w00t!

Why, some people ask? Because Packers fans are the only people who bother wasting their lives adding points to their team, who're gonna suck whether they have 100 points or not.

That means we're dedicated unlike some team's fans (where were you when the Bears were 4-12 for 3 straight years, most of you not supporting them)

Dedicated as in dedicated to dominating idiotic forum games out of lack of better things to do? :wink: Secondly, I wasn't into football until the two seasons ago, where I was a Bears fan in spite of living in Indiana and them being awful, so hah. Thirdly, the Packers nearly made the playoffs. I believe you had a tie record, but I'm not sure... anyways, isn't there a bit of a difference? I hate to admit it but despite their old fart QB, the Packers have a chance to make it to the playoffs and nearly made it last year. The Bears... 4-12 for 3 consecutive years? Seems to be an unfair comparison somewhere in there.

the packers were four and twelve two years ago and we didn't give up hope even a little

Difference between people who like Chicago teams and people who like Wisconsin teams
(said from a Cubs fan) "Cubs suck!"
(responce from Cub fan) "We wouldn't suck if that curse never happened"

(Said to a Packers fan when they went 4-12) "Packers suck"
(Response from a Packers fan) "no we don........... yeah pretty much this year"

We admitt the truth, while others blame they're suckiness on goats and fans reaching for a foul ball

Packers 114 +
Panthers 12
Saints 11
Bucs 9
Giants 3
Redskins 11
Seahawks 12
49ers 11
Cardinals 11
Titans 12
Jaguars 11
Colts 18
Texans 9
Bengals 11
Ravens 10
Browns 13
Chargers 5
Chiefs 15
Dolphins 20
Leader of the Gridiron Gang
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cena-rules wrote:Cheese is the most valuble thing in the world
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Postby spurgistan on Sun Jul 01, 2007 8:02 pm

Well, there is the lack of other Wisconsin teams to root for, like when the Celtics suck (i.e. forever) we're Red Sox fans, when the Sox suck we're Pats fans, and so on. When the Pack suck, you have to support them out of lack of alternatives :wink:
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Postby red bull on Sun Jul 01, 2007 9:26 pm

Packers 114
Panthers 12
Saints 11
Bucs 9
Giants 2-
Redskins 11
Seahawks 12
49ers 11
Cardinals 11
Titans 12
Jaguars 11
Colts 18
Texans 9
Bengals 11
Ravens 10
Browns 14+
Chargers 5
Chiefs 15
Dolphins 20
the black knight enemy of spamalot
11-2 againts spamalot
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Postby dwightschrute on Sun Jul 01, 2007 9:36 pm

Packers 113 -
Panthers 12
Saints 11
Bucs 9
Giants 2
Redskins 11
Seahawks 12
49ers 11
Cardinals 11
Titans 12
Jaguars 11
Colts 19 +
Texans 9
Bengals 11
Ravens 10
Browns 14
Chargers 5
Chiefs 15
Dolphins 20
Festivus for the rest of us.
-Frank Castanza

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Postby derfderf34 on Mon Jul 02, 2007 7:46 am

spurgistan wrote:Well, there is the lack of other Wisconsin teams to root for, like when the Celtics suck (i.e. forever) we're Red Sox fans, when the Sox suck we're Pats fans, and so on. When the Pack suck, you have to support them out of lack of alternatives :wink:

the brewers from wisconson are doing well
(= . =)
(")_(") bringing back that bunny pride
why did they get rid of gridiron gang
eh' woman
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Postby derfderf34 on Mon Jul 02, 2007 7:47 am

Packers 114
Panthers 12
Saints 11
Bucs 9
Giants 1 -
Redskins 11
Seahawks 12
49ers 11
Cardinals 11
Titans 12
Jaguars 11
Colts 19
Texans 9
Bengals 11
Ravens 10
Browns 14
Chargers 5
Chiefs 15
Dolphins 20
(= . =)
(")_(") bringing back that bunny pride
why did they get rid of gridiron gang
eh' woman
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Postby 0ojakeo0 on Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:33 am

Packers 114
Panthers 12
Saints 11
Bucs 9
Redskins 11
Seahawks 12
49ers 11
Cardinals 11
Titans 12
Jaguars 11
Colts 19
Texans 9
Bengals 11
Ravens 10
Browns 14
Chargers 6 +
Chiefs 15
Dolphins 20
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Postby Gold Knight on Mon Jul 02, 2007 10:31 am

Packers 115 -
Panthers 12
Saints 11
Bucs 9
Redskins 11
Seahawks 12
49ers 11
Cardinals 11
Titans 12
Jaguars 11
Colts 18 -
Texans 9
Bengals 11
Ravens 10
Browns 14
Chargers 6
Chiefs 15
Dolphins 20
xxtig12683xx wrote:yea, my fav part was being in the sewer riding a surfboard and wacking these alien creatures.

shit was badass
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Postby dwightschrute on Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:13 am

Packers 114 -
Panthers 12
Saints 11
Bucs 9
Redskins 11
Seahawks 12
49ers 11
Cardinals 11
Titans 12
Jaguars 11
Colts 19 +
Texans 9
Bengals 11
Ravens 10
Browns 14
Chargers 6
Chiefs 15
Dolphins 20
Festivus for the rest of us.
-Frank Castanza

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Postby Gold Knight on Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:35 pm

Packers 115 +
Panthers 12
Saints 11
Bucs 9
Redskins 11
Seahawks 12
49ers 11
Cardinals 11
Titans 12
Jaguars 11
Colts 18 -
Texans 9
Bengals 11
Ravens 10
Browns 14
Chargers 6
Chiefs 15
Dolphins 20
xxtig12683xx wrote:yea, my fav part was being in the sewer riding a surfboard and wacking these alien creatures.

shit was badass
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Postby dussle on Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:37 pm

derfderf34 wrote:
spurgistan wrote:Well, there is the lack of other Wisconsin teams to root for, like when the Celtics suck (i.e. forever) we're Red Sox fans, when the Sox suck we're Pats fans, and so on. When the Pack suck, you have to support them out of lack of alternatives :wink:

the brewers from wisconson are doing well

Their winning their division since the rest of central sucks. (Go cubs)
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