A darkness spreads across Epic Mafia, consuming all in its path. Reaching one small group of players it begins to corrupt and twist their minds. This small group of eight use to have fun together in games that restarted and restarted again and again. Now, they are fighting for their right to serve the darkness, all who fail will be disposed of forever.
Day 1:
The corruption spreads through their veins as the first sun rises high in the sky. Their fates are all resting on this game. Who will survive and take this final win?
The town and mafia come together for the beginning of the day, aware that one may not see the first night tonight.
Night 1:
As the town gathered together for the first day, name calling and bickering wasted most of the day, resulting in little work for the town to start and more work for them to catch on in the following days. For now, they go into the night, wondering who will not come out alive tomorrow, knowing full well this time they will not be revived at end-game for another play.
Day 2:
The darkness easily went unseen in the night.. or did it. As the corrupted killers in the night fought on, two bodies were found in the early morning.
First, the body of Nebuchadnezer, a Vanilla Townie was found with his throat slit and left laying in a ditch.
But, only meters away was another body, this was the body of an assailant. Charm, a Mafia Hooker is also found dead, with a bullet right through the head.
Upon further investigations, there is evidence of virus90 being close to Charm when she died.
Night 2:
No one forgot who didn't come out alive from the night before. One claimed for the Hooker's death and no one else step forward to make such a bold claim. Arguing continued as was the day before, once again they decided to allow everyone to live.. for now.
Day 3:
In the night only a single shot ran out. It was loud and clear to everyone in the town. Perhaps the second killer ran out of luck, or perhaps he just didn't have the confidence to fight back. But in the morning the town gathered around to see who was killed.
iAmCaffeine, a Town Vigilante has been killed.
However, Virus was watching over Jonty, no one knows why he is being found here and there, but he seems to be sticking around.. watching.. waiting..
Night 3:
The town gathered around for a lynch finally after two days of deciding to kill no one, they put the noose around the first victim of the town mob.
Whatsausage, a Vanilla Townie has been LYNCHED.
Day 4:
The clock strikes 6 as the remaining town gathers around, the darkness taken yet another victim permanently in the night.
HotShot, the Town Doctor has been found killed.
With three alive today, everyone knew this would most likely be the final chance.
As virus headed for the noose, someone could not help but chuckle to himself. After all the odds, he victory would soon be at hand. The noose is slowly placed around virus' neck. As the wooden floor below him is slid out, the man cannot help but laugh out loud. Jonty, believing he has secured the victory quickly slits Mtam's throat, causing him to bleed out and collapse to the ground.
Mtamburini, the Town Cop is ENDGAMED.
However, his laughter stops when virus just swings there, still breathing. With a block of wood below the stage he can easily stand on his toes. Taking the noose off from his neck he draws his pistol, firing two shots into Jonty's legs and another into his knife wielding arm. Stepping down from the stage, Virus is overcome with laughter of his own. This is the final game, this is the final win, drawing his gun up to jonty's head, a pull of the trigger releases jonty's brains onto the cold ground.
jonty125, the Mafia Goon has been ENDGAMED.
Once the dust settles, one victor remains. The final battle has been won by him alone.
virus90, the Fool has won!
The darkness envelops their bodies, melting the losers and carrying the winner onto another round.
Who will win in the next round? #2 will be on its way.

1.) This game is moderated by me. I am the law. Whatever I say goes. If a mistake is made, I'll do my best to fix it. All roles are given out randomly.
2.) Do not edit/delete posts. Whatever you say stays.
3.) Do not quote any PM's you receive from me or another player. You may say your name, role, associated abilities.
4.) The game will not be discussed outside this thread.
5.) Once your death scene has been posted, it's over for you. You can no longer post in the game until ENDGAME.
6.) Be active, being inactive for 2 days will result in being replaced. If you're going to be away, announce in game or send me a PM beforehand.
7.) You cannot talk at night.
8.) Joking and messing around is okay, but do not let it take over as spam/flaming/trolling.
9.) Do not PM other players.
10.) If you have questions, PM me. It's better to understand if you're unsure about something than do/say something that could result in a mod-kill.
11.) Have fun.
1.) Days will last for 8 real life days. No extensions.
2.) Nights will last for 2 real life days. No extensions.
1.) Lynching requires majority vote.
2.) If deadline is reached and no majority reached, it will result in a No Lynch.
3.) Votes must be Red and BOLD. If they are not, they may be missed!
4.) You may vote "No Lynch" to end the day without a death.
1.) Unless your role says you can do something against the rules, do not break them.
1. virus90 ~ Jason, Fool WINNER!
7. Nebuchadnezer ~ James, Vanilla Townie
6. charm ~ Sally, Mafia Hooker
8. iAmCaffeine ~ Steve, Town Vigilante
5. Whatsausage ~ Jessie, Vanilla Townie
2. HotShot53 ~ David, Town Doctor
3. mtamburini ~ Johnny, Town Cop
4. jonty125 ~ Justin, Mafia Goon
Day 1 Begins.
Night 1 Begins.
Day 2 Begins.
Night 2 Begins.
Day 3 Begins.
Night 3 Begins.
Day 4 Begins.
__________________Vote Counts__________________
_________________________Day 1_________________________
4 (Final Day 1)
_________________________Day 2_________________________
3 (Final Day 2)
_________________________Day 3_________________________
2 (Final Day 3)
_________________________Day 4_________________________
1 (Final Day 4)