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Welcome to Noobsville! GAME OVER! TOWN WINS!

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Welcome to Noobsville! GAME OVER! TOWN WINS!

Postby Lootifer on Sat Mar 22, 2014 6:24 pm


A simple game for those amongst us who would like to try mafia, or are pretty inexperienced.

This game is played with the Matrix6 setup. It is designed to be simple and balanced. There won't be a lot of flavor, just a focus on getting used to the game.

I encourage all who want to play a simple fun setup to sign up (including experienced players) but it will not be first in first serve. I will fill the game by giving those without experience first dibs then fill the remainder with experienced players as necessary.

show: possible setups

Rules (there are some changes)

1.The moderator is always right. Do not try and argue with them. However we are all human and we all make mistakes. The moderator will try and fix any mistake he or she may have made.

2. Do not edit/delete previous posts. Whatever you say goes into historical record.

3. Do not quote any PM's you receive from the moderator or another player. You may say your name, role, associated abilities. This is a serious offence and could earn you a mod-kill, and/or a blacklist from future games.

4. The game will not be discussed outside this thread, unless your role specifically says you can.

5. All ā€˜votesā€™ and ā€˜unvotesā€™ must be in bold and red. This is for your convenience so that I can easily identify the votes.

6. Lynching requires a majority of the town vote, once the majority has been reached any unvotes will not be counted. The majority is half the player's alive +1

7. You may vote ā€˜no lynchā€™ to end the day without a death. Also if the day ends without a majority vote there will be a no lynch automatically. However if there are inactive players the day may be extended upon request.

8. Nights will be at least 48 hours but no longer than 96 hours. This is absolute unless I am sick and no one can post the scene on time. Please send your actions in as soon as you are able, the quicker I get them the more time I will have to double check and make sure there are no mistakes.

9. Once your death scene has been posted, it's over for you. You can no longer post anything related to the game. Whining is alright, **Voices from beyond the grave** are alright, as long as nothing of substance is revealed. This means you can post something like "Damn you mafia!" or "Oh well. Go town!" but you cannot post and add to the discussion. This is a serious offense.

10. Be attentive and active in the game. You will be replaced if you don't post. If something prevents you to participate for a long period of time, announce it here or via PM. Help everyone's enjoyment of the game by being active and sending your actions promptly. All inactives will be prodded, if you are prodded and respond in one post and then go inactive again, you will be replaced/modkilled without a second warning.

11. You cannot talk at night. You can do joke votes like "zzzzzz" if you want but don't let it get out of hand. Small night talks are alright as long as they are not talking about the game, are not intentionally annoying and keep it at a reasonable level (1 page or less preferably).

12. If you have any questions or doubts, send a private message to me and ask for help. It would be much worse to remain unsure about your role, mafia rules, whatever than to ask the moderator and then understand

13. I WILL use to find out setup and assign roles. RB/Cop/Doc may be more exciting but tough, part of the balance is not knowing the setup.

14. Days will last either 2 weeks or 3 weeks depending on activity, I will make a call as to how long each day will last after the first week of that day phase.

15. Have fun!
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! A game for beginners; signups [0/

Postby Lootifer on Sat Mar 22, 2014 6:25 pm


1. charm
3. MudPuppy
4. H8 AFK
5. joak
6. mookiemcgee
9. Iron Butterfly <- your token experienced guy


2. Zivel
7. degaston
8. legionnare


jonty and anyone else.
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! A game for beginners; signups [0/

Postby charm on Sat Mar 22, 2014 6:44 pm

count me in!
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! A game for beginners; signups [0/

Postby jak111 on Sat Mar 22, 2014 8:13 pm

In :P
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! A game for beginners; signups [0/

Postby Zivel on Sun Mar 23, 2014 2:55 am

in please
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! A game for beginners; signups [0/

Postby Iron Butterfly on Sun Mar 23, 2014 6:30 am

Im in.

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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! A game for beginners; signups [0/

Postby rishaed on Sun Mar 23, 2014 9:25 am

Jak and IB since when are you noob? >.>
aage wrote: Maybe you're right, but since we receive no handlebars from the mod I think we should get some ourselves.

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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! A game for beginners; signups [0/

Postby Iron Butterfly on Sun Mar 23, 2014 9:28 am

Ill play like a noob if it helps

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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! A game for beginners; signups [0/

Postby Lootifer on Sun Mar 23, 2014 3:27 pm

charm wrote:count me in!

Have you played any mafia before?
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! A game for beginners; signups [0/

Postby jak111 on Sun Mar 23, 2014 3:45 pm

rishaed wrote:Jak and IB since when are you noob? >.>

When aren't I a noob? :P (plus I did have a pretty LONG break so I am noob-ish enough again!)
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! A game for beginners; signups [2/

Postby jonty125 on Mon Mar 24, 2014 1:23 pm

War doesn't determine who's right; it determines who's left.
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! A game for beginners; signups [2/

Postby MudPuppy on Mon Mar 24, 2014 1:46 pm

In, please.

EDIT: Just started my 2nd mafia game.
Last edited by MudPuppy on Mon Mar 24, 2014 2:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! A game for beginners; signups [0/

Postby crasp on Mon Mar 24, 2014 2:13 pm

Lootifer wrote:
charm wrote:count me in!

Have you played any mafia before?

charm is playing her first game in the Gon Mafia game Lootifer. There is another 4 in a similar situation. i can point them your way if you want. i would play as well if there is space.
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! A game for beginners; signups [0/

Postby Lootifer on Mon Mar 24, 2014 3:20 pm

crasp wrote:
Lootifer wrote:
charm wrote:count me in!

Have you played any mafia before?

charm is playing her first game in the Gon Mafia game Lootifer. There is another 4 in a similar situation. i can point them your way if you want. i would play as well if there is space.

Sure thing, the more newbies who get experience the more fun they have and the more likely they are to stick around and join other games (win win win win win?).

Bear in mind I will be putting at least two experienced players in to help with learning the game.
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! A game for beginners; signups [3/

Postby HotShot53 on Mon Mar 24, 2014 3:24 pm

If you need someone to fill the ranks I'll join, I'm guessing after 5-7 games or so I'm not a noob anymore though lol.
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! A game for beginners; signups [3/

Postby H8 AFK on Mon Mar 24, 2014 5:19 pm

I'm signing up :-)
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! A game for beginners; signups [3/

Postby crasp on Mon Mar 24, 2014 5:49 pm

Four in Lootifer.
H8 AFK who has already posted.
I have sent them the link so they should appear here at some point. All have less than 1 game experience.
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! A game for beginners; signups [3/

Postby joak on Mon Mar 24, 2014 6:09 pm

I'll huv a go cheers
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! A game for beginners; signups [3/

Postby mookiemcgee on Mon Mar 24, 2014 6:28 pm

Hey thats mookiemcgee, I'm not clarified butter.
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! A game for beginners; signups [3/

Postby degaston on Mon Mar 24, 2014 6:32 pm

I have no idea what I'm signing up for, but I'm in.
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! A game for beginners; signups [3/

Postby StorrZerg on Mon Mar 24, 2014 6:34 pm

no idea what to expect!
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! A game for beginners; signups [3/

Postby NoSurvivors on Tue Mar 25, 2014 5:10 pm

Ill join in if you need me... played a few so I am pretty in between noob/experienced :P
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! A game for beginners; signups [3/

Postby legionnare on Tue Mar 25, 2014 6:24 pm

Count me in please, one of the GON mafia Noobs looking for experience
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! A game for beginners; signups [3/

Postby Roger Dodger on Wed Mar 26, 2014 1:17 pm

I'm in. Feeling noobish. Long time sine I have played. In a game a little lost
So, I sticka my tonga at all youa.

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