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Re: Gladiators Mafia - Endgame: Mafia Wins!

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 9:38 am
by Epitaph1
Gladiators of Noxious Mafia
Read the details below and post in this thread to hunt some scum now!



This is an introduction to Mafia for the clan "Gladiators of Noxious." It is a simple set up to give the players a feel for the mechanics, strategy, and fun of the game.

All roles can be found here: & ... s-72597749 (both links should connect to some recreation of the same flash program)

Some helpful links about gameplay and terminology can be found here:
Rules and Terms of Mafia
Mafia And You


1. The moderator is always right. Do not try and argue with them. However we are all human and we all make mistakes. The moderator will try and fix any mistake he or she may have made.

2. Do not edit/delete previous posts. Whatever you say goes into historical record.

3. Do not quote any PM's you receive from the moderator or another player. You may say your name, role, associated abilities and win conditions. This is a serious offense and could earn you a mod-kill, and/or a blacklist from future games.

4. The game will not be discussed outside this thread, unless your role specifically says you can.

5. All ‘votes’ and ‘unvotes’ must be in color or bold. If they are not, they will not be tallied. You do not need to first unvote and then vote to change your vote from someone. Unvoting may be done to remove a vote as per normal

6. Lynching requires a majority of the town vote, once the majority has been reached any unvotes will not be counted. The majority is half the player's alive +1. Player with the most votes at deadline will be hung. Tie results in a No Lynch.

7. You may vote ‘no lynch’ to end the day without a death.

8. Lengths of days is 14 days

9. Lengths of nights is 3 days

10. Once your death scene has been posted, it's over for you. You can no longer post anything related to the game. Whining is alright, **Voices from beyond the grave** are alright, as long as nothing of substance is revealed. This means you can post something like "Damn you mafia!" or "Oh well. Go town!" but you cannot post and add to the discussion. This is a serious offense.

11. Be attentive and active in the game. You will be replaced if you don't post. If something prevents you to participate for a long period of time, announce it here or via PM. Help everyone's enjoyment of the game by being active and sending your actions promptly.

12. You cannot talk at night. You can do joke votes like "zzzzzz" if you want but don't let it get out of hand. Different moderators have different tolerance levels.

13. If you have any questions or doubts, send a private message to the moderator and ask for help. It would be much worse to remain unsure about your role, mafia rules, whatever than to ask the moderator and then understand

14. Night action mechanics:
a) roleblocking the bus driver
b) bus driving
c) roleblocking
d) most powers (investigations, protections etc)
e) recruitments
f) kills

Player List
1. TheCrown
3. crasp
10. Mithridaties
13. Bantam
14. Iron Butterfly



5. Odug - Reviver - killed N1.
12. Frank Martel - Vanilla Townie - killed N1.
6. WOLFZ71 - Vanilla Townie - lynched D2.
4. Cump Sherman - Town Doctor - killed N2.
2. mtamburini - Town Bodyguard - killed N2.
11. SiriusCowKing - Vanilla Townie - lynched D3.
7. Akamiro - Mafia Godfather - killed N3.
15. DB4Christ - Town Cop - killed N3.
8. Mike1962 - Mafia Hitman - lynched D4.
9. TuffyLess - Backup Cop - killed N4.

Re: Gladiators of Noxious Mafia - [set up] - 15/15

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 10:01 am
by Ignoreme
I'm ready. However, all links post no info. Also, when I go to the tutorial web site Norton tells me to stay away, website not safe.
But I'm ready!

Re: Gladiators of Noxious Mafia - [set up] - 15/15

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 10:06 am
by Cump Sherman
Role received.

Re: Gladiators of Noxious Mafia - [set up] - 15/15

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 10:11 am
by crasp
Still reading but ready to go.

Re: Gladiators of Noxious Mafia - [set up] - 15/15

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 10:12 am
by TuffyLess

Re: Gladiators of Noxious Mafia - [set up] - 15/15

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 10:12 am
by Ignoreme
Role Received. Thanks!

Re: Gladiators of Noxious Mafia - [set up] - 15/15

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 10:13 am
by Epitaph1
Mike1962 wrote:I'm ready. However, all links post no info. Also, when I go to the tutorial web site Norton tells me to stay away, website not safe.
But I'm ready!

I posted a link to another website with the same flash program. Let me know if you are blocked from that as well.

I checked the other links and they work for me. Another more round about way of finding them is to go to the Mafia forum on CC and go to the subforum "Mafia Discussions." Both "Mafia and You" and "Rules and Terms of Mafia" can be found there.

Re: Gladiators of Noxious Mafia - [set up] - 15/15

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 10:26 am
by Odug
Ok got my role where do you play? Not sure of anything seems pretty complicated like a Kardashian family meal at the restaurant on the island of LOST.

Re: Gladiators of Noxious Mafia - [set up] - 15/15

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 10:39 am
by Epitaph1
Odug wrote:Ok got my role where do you play? Not sure of anything seems pretty complicated like a Kardashian family meal at the restaurant on the island of LOST.

We will play in this thread. Once everyone has confirmed here that they received their role pm, I'll write an opening scene and then everyone is free to post here as much as they like.

The first day is difficult for town as there is little to no information to aid their hunt for scum (mafia). So, it largely involves pressuring anyone deemed slightly suspicious by voting for him or her (sometimes people are randomly pressured, but that carries risks that an innocent person will be pressured). This may lead a person to claim his or her role and then the rest of the players must decide whether they believe the claim, and would like to pressure someone else, or lynch the person who claimed. A lynch will end the day.

Mafia seems confusing at first, but once we get through the first day and night, it will make more sense.

Re: Gladiators of Noxious Mafia - [set up] - 15/15

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 10:49 am
by Akamiro
Role received.

Re: Gladiators of Noxious Mafia - [set up] - 15/15

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 10:57 am
by TuffyLess
Epitaph1 wrote:
Odug wrote:Ok got my role where do you play? Not sure of anything seems pretty complicated like a Kardashian family meal at the restaurant on the island of LOST.

We will play in this thread. Once everyone has confirmed here that they received their role pm, I'll write an opening scene and then everyone is free to post here as much as they like.

The first day is difficult for town as there is little to no information to aid their hunt for scum (mafia). So, it largely involves pressuring anyone deemed slightly suspicious by voting for him or her (sometimes people are randomly pressured, but that carries risks that an innocent person will be pressured). This may lead a person to claim his or her role and then the rest of the players must decide whether they believe the claim, and would like to pressure someone else, or lynch the person who claimed. A lynch will end the day.

Mafia seems confusing at first, but once we get through the first day and night, it will make more sense.

Thanks for the setup Epitaph.
So, there are 15 players - will we know how many of those are town, mafia, 3rd party before speculation begins?

Re: Gladiators of Noxious Mafia - [set up] - 15/15

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 11:10 am
by Epitaph1
TuffyLess wrote:
Epitaph1 wrote:
Odug wrote:Ok got my role where do you play? Not sure of anything seems pretty complicated like a Kardashian family meal at the restaurant on the island of LOST.

We will play in this thread. Once everyone has confirmed here that they received their role pm, I'll write an opening scene and then everyone is free to post here as much as they like.

The first day is difficult for town as there is little to no information to aid their hunt for scum (mafia). So, it largely involves pressuring anyone deemed slightly suspicious by voting for him or her (sometimes people are randomly pressured, but that carries risks that an innocent person will be pressured). This may lead a person to claim his or her role and then the rest of the players must decide whether they believe the claim, and would like to pressure someone else, or lynch the person who claimed. A lynch will end the day.

Mafia seems confusing at first, but once we get through the first day and night, it will make more sense.

Thanks for the setup Epitaph.
So, there are 15 players - will we know how many of those are town, mafia, 3rd party before speculation begins?

Nope. All you know is that there are 15 players. The speculation may begin once I post the opening scene.

Re: Gladiators of Noxious Mafia - [set up] - 15/15

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 11:41 am
by TheCrown
Role Received. Odug seems too lost here, I think it's an act...

Vote Odug


Re: Gladiators of Noxious Mafia - [set up] - 15/15

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 12:43 pm
by mtamburini
Role recieved

Re: Gladiators of Noxious Mafia - [set up] - 15/15

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 1:02 pm
by WOLFZ71
[list=]Im ready I think [/list]

Re: Gladiators of Noxious Mafia - [set up] - 15/15

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 1:15 pm
by Iron Butterfly
who are you guys?

Re: Gladiators of Noxious Mafia - [set up] - 15/15

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 1:17 pm
by Odug
LOL I walk into the room and people hate me. Is it because I am beautiful ? Don't hate me because I am beautiful. Hate me for my sagacious wit.

Re: Gladiators of Noxious Mafia - [set up] - 15/15

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 2:19 pm
by Gundula
role received !!

Re: Gladiators of Noxious Mafia - [set up] - 15/15

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 2:33 pm
by new guy1
Im not in the game, but I hope you all have fun and come back to play more mafia games in your spare time!

Re: Gladiators of Noxious Mafia - [set up] - 15/15

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 2:51 pm
by Cump Sherman
Role received. Replied via IM at first, hours ago. Tells u how confused I am. Now where was I again?

Re: Gladiators of Noxious Mafia - [set up] - 15/15

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 2:52 pm
by aage
Iron Butterfly wrote:who are you guys?

Epitaph's clan buddies.

This is kind of like visiting the zoo. Have fun, guys.

Re: Gladiators of Noxious Mafia - [set up] - 15/15

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 3:11 pm
by Bantam
Role received and read.

Re: Gladiators of Noxious Mafia - [set up] - 15/15

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 3:37 pm
by crasp
Role recieved

Re: Gladiators of Noxious Mafia - [set up] - 15/15

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 3:48 pm
by Iron Butterfly
aage wrote:
Iron Butterfly wrote:who are you guys?

Epitaph's clan buddies.

This is kind of like visiting the zoo. Have fun, guys.

I hope no one starts throwing their poop through the cage bars at spectators.

good luck guys

Re: Gladiators of Noxious Mafia - [set up] - 15/15

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 4:03 pm
by Cump Sherman