Read the details below and post in this thread to hunt some scum now!

This is an introduction to Mafia for the clan "Gladiators of Noxious." It is a simple set up to give the players a feel for the mechanics, strategy, and fun of the game.
All roles can be found here: & ... s-72597749 (both links should connect to some recreation of the same flash program)
Some helpful links about gameplay and terminology can be found here:
Rules and Terms of Mafia
Mafia And You
Player List
1. TheCrown
3. crasp
10. Mithridaties
13. Bantam
14. Iron Butterfly
5. Odug - Reviver - killed N1.
12. Frank Martel - Vanilla Townie - killed N1.
6. WOLFZ71 - Vanilla Townie - lynched D2.
4. Cump Sherman - Town Doctor - killed N2.
2. mtamburini - Town Bodyguard - killed N2.
11. SiriusCowKing - Vanilla Townie - lynched D3.
7. Akamiro - Mafia Godfather - killed N3.
15. DB4Christ - Town Cop - killed N3.
8. Mike1962 - Mafia Hitman - lynched D4.
9. TuffyLess - Backup Cop - killed N4.