ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (10/13) - D3: The Bloody Winter Rose
Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 3:39 pm
by Commander9
Hear ye, hear ye,
I’d like to welcome you to the A Song of Ice and Fire mafia, hosted by Aage and Commander9. Be warnst, however, as thou shall venture into the realm of unknown and scary. The original story for ASoIaF was written by George R.R. Martin, but as our series will continue, it shall be impacted by the events in the games, so we may enter the realm of fan-fiction. There will be no good guys or bad guys – only players and pawns, so this *WILL* not be a traditional mafia game. Thou must realize – if thou will decide to play the Game of Thrones, thou will win… Or die. There is no middle ground. The knowledge of the series is not necessary, but it is highly welcomed. Thus, without a further due, welcome to the world of Ice and Fire, betrayals and deaths, backstabbing and rivalries, dragons and Others, old grudges and new wars. THIS IS THE WORLD OF ICE AND FIRE.
And as you may now, winter is coming.
Re: A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) - Prologue (0/1
Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 3:40 pm
by Commander9
Welcome to A Song of Ice and Fire Mafia - The prologue chapter. Please read rules carefully (especially #1) and abide to them.
Rules: 1.That odd guy with a 9 in his name and who likes to command is always right. Same goes for the aage, he's mental. Do not try and argue with us. Since we are both modding, send all of your actions/questions/concerns to both of us - otherwise it may not be counted. However,we are human and we can make mistakes (I know, shocking, right?). If that happens, we will try and fix any mistake we may have made.
2. Do not edit/delete previous posts. Whatever you say goes into historical record.
3. Do not quote any PM's you receive from the moderator or another player. You may say your name, role, associated abilities. Do *not* claim your victory conditions. This is a serious offence and could earn you a mod-kill, and/or a blacklist from future games.
4. The game will not be discussed outside this thread, unless your role specifically says you can.
5. All ‘votes’ and ‘unvotes’ must be in coloured. If they are not, they will not be tallied. (I.E. Vote: Commander9). You must first unvote and then vote to change your vote from someone.
6. Lynching requires a majority of the town vote, once the majority has been reached any unvotes will not be counted. The majority is half the player's alive +1.
7. You may vote ‘no lynch’ to end the day without a death.
8. Days are going to continue for around 2 weeks or until someone is lynched. Subject to change.
9. Night usually lasts from 48 to 72 hours or until all actions are in. Subject to change.
10. Once your death scene has been posted, it's over for you. You can no longer post anything related to the game. Whining is alright, **Voices from beyond the grave** are alright, as long as nothing of substance is revealed. This means you can post something like "Damn you mafia!" or "Oh well. Go town!" but you cannot post and add to the discussion. This is a serious offence.
11. Be attentive and active in the game. You will be replaced if you don't post. If something prevents you to participate for a long period of time, announce it here or via PM. Help everyone's enjoyment of the game by being active and sending your actions promptly.
12. You cannot talk at night. You can do joke votes like "zzzzzz" if you want but don't let it get out of hand.
13. If you have any questions or doubts, send a private message to me and ask for help. It would be much worse to remain unsure about your role, mafia rules, whatever than to ask the moderator and then understand
14. This is a role-playing game and I fully expect you to play your role. Have fun to everyone.
Rule 16. THERE IS NO RULE 15. Nor 17.
18. ????????????
19. PROFIT!!!!!!
34. No exceptions.
Scoring system is this: a) Once one player achieves a greater or greatest victory (assuming it's not just survival and it's not fulfilled at the start), the game ends and the victories are counted. b) Victory points are assigned according to the difficulty of achieving them (often exclusionary with one another): - Greatest victory gives 3 points - Greater victory gives 1.5 point - Lesser victory gives a point - Partial victory gives 0.75 point - Some bonus points may be given for additional conditions c) The game is over once someone reaches either a greater or the greatest victory assuming it wasn't satisfied at the beginning. d) The total tally will go on through the series with winner having most points after the series end. The table will be kept and up at all times.
Frequently asked questions:
Will this be official? Are there any prizes?
At the moment it is unknown, but it's likely that there will be announced winners and mafia prizes for the winners of the whole series. Basically, check this space.
Will all of the games in the series have the same concepts and gameplay?
No - the gameplay and functionality will vary from one game to another. There will be the regular mafia games (that have somewhat clear town and mafia), faction v faction games and various other types that you may or may not expect. The only thing you can be sure of that there will be bloodbaths, backstabs, deaths... Did I mention bloodbaths?
Are you the main mod? Is it okay if I just send the questions and actions to just you?
No, both me and aage are co-mods, so what goes to one also has to go the other. If you don't send the action to both, it may not be counted. If you have questions or concerns, PM us. If you are unhappy about something, leave it until after the game is over and then bring it up.
The claiming in this game works just like in every other one, right?
No. Well, not quite - you are allowed to claim just like you would do so in a regular game: you can paraphrase your role, abilities, alignments, etc. as long as you do not quote. However, there is one major change - you may not directly state your victory conditions. If you are not sure what you can claim, PM me (Commander9) and aage.
The Weird One
strike wolf
Iron Butterfly
minister masket
Foxglove (replaced Iliad)
Re: A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) - Prologue (0/1
Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 3:40 pm
by Commander9
Currently alive and confirmed (10):
Fircoal strike wolf safariguy5 kgb007 flow520 minister masket Iliad (replaced by Foxglove) Nebuchadnezer spiesr jonty125
Dead Iron Butterfly - Mace Tyrell, Loyalist Roleblocker has been lynched on day 2. Nagerous - Eddard Stark, Rebel Vengeful has been killed on night 2. TWO - Lyanna Stark, Beloved Princess / Lover died by ??? on D3.
Re: A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) - Prologue (0/1
Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 3:41 pm
by The Weird One
If signup thread: in, if you'll take me. If not signup thread, say so and I shall delete my post so as to not clutter.
Re: A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) - Prologue (0/1
Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 3:50 pm
by Fircoal
Re: A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) - Prologue (0/1
Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:10 pm
by safariguy5
My friend keeps telling me I should be the Hound, whoever that is. I'll play. (Note my lack of knowledge of this theme)
Re: A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) - Prologue (0/1
Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:27 pm
by strike wolf
The Hound is a tough misunderstood knight....oh sorry hes not a knight. Hes giant and a pretty good sword as well as a lance.
Im in. Ill be the Imp.
Re: A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) - Prologue (0/1
Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:43 pm
by Nebuchadnezer
Oh, man, such a great theme! I'm already stretching myself thin, though...
The Hound is not a knight...he's known for his brutality in fighting as much as his wolf helmet he wears. Also known for being the lapdog of the boy king and doing his bidding...however cruel it is.
Imp would make an interesting would Little Finger...or anyone on the small council for that matter.
I think I'd pick Sir Barristan Selmy.
Put me as reserve.
Re: A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) - Prologue (4/1
Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 10:04 am
by kgb007
this is looks fun, count me in
Re: A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) - Prologue (5/1
Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:49 pm
by Iron Butterfly
im in
Re: A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) - Prologue (5/1
Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:46 pm
by Flow520
As long as one post a day is sufficient, In please.
Re: A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) - Prologue (7/1
Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 2:37 pm
by jonty125
Re: A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) - Prologue (7/1
Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 7:38 pm
by Minister Masket
Winter is Coming.
In plesh.
Re: A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) - Prologue (7/1
Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 8:15 pm
by nagerous
in as long I am not little shit joffrey
Re: A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) - Prologue (7/1
Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 8:35 pm
by strike wolf
nagerous wrote:in as long I am not little shit joffrey
Used to watch the show and didn't think Joffrey could be any worse...than I read the book. Though that's not fair, there are a lot of characters who come off differently in the book. Basically any character who seems even just a little spoiled in the show is 10x more spoiled in the books. Anyone who is just a little bit sadistic is 10x more so in the books. So what you have is Joffrey who is both and...yeah...
Re: A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) - Prologue (7/1
Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 8:48 pm
by nagerous
Well I am 250 pages in to GoT right now and tv series/book are very very similar, not finding too many differences so far.... stil thinking Ramsay Bolton might be the ultimate villain , worst than Joffrey! Anyone care to raise?
Re: A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) - Prologue (7/1
Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 8:57 pm
by strike wolf
nagerous wrote:Well I am 250 pages in to GoT right now and tv series/book are very very similar, not finding too many differences so far.... stil thinking Ramsay Bolton might be the ultimate villain , worst than Joffrey! Anyone care to raise?
The first 1 1/2 (I'm a little over half way through the second book and they just introduced a very smelly character as to not give up spoilers) So far they stick fairly similar though there are some notable changes to the 2nd book with some of the characters in it not having popped up until the 3rd season (so far one book=roughly one season). The main difference is in the execution mostly. In the books, it feels like you can understand more of a person's motivations (at least from the perspective of the person in that chapter) than in the show. I don't know if the Bastard Bolton is the ultimate villain (his father is pretty underhanded too and so are at least half of the Lannisters (the exception being Tyrion who is about as close to a hero as you get outside of the Stark family tree) not to mention The Others/White Walkers (I personally think White Walkers is a cooler sounding name but apparently only the Wildlings call them that in the books) who are this huge threat that I'm not sure how they'll deal with them yet) but he makes the name fit. Bastard.
Re: A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) - Prologue (7/1
Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 10:30 pm
by Nebuchadnezer
strike wolf wrote:
nagerous wrote:Well I am 250 pages in to GoT right now and tv series/book are very very similar, not finding too many differences so far.... stil thinking Ramsay Bolton might be the ultimate villain , worst than Joffrey! Anyone care to raise?
The first 1 1/2 (I'm a little over half way through the second book and they just introduced a very smelly character as to not give up spoilers) So far they stick fairly similar though there are some notable changes to the 2nd book with some of the characters in it not having popped up until the 3rd season (so far one book=roughly one season). The main difference is in the execution mostly. In the books, it feels like you can understand more of a person's motivations (at least from the perspective of the person in that chapter) than in the show. I don't know if the Bastard Bolton is the ultimate villain (his father is pretty underhanded too and so are at least half of the Lannisters (the exception being Tyrion who is about as close to a hero as you get outside of the Stark family tree) not to mention The Others/White Walkers (I personally think White Walkers is a cooler sounding name but apparently only the Wildlings call them that in the books) who are this huge threat that I'm not sure how they'll deal with them yet) but he makes the name fit. Bastard.
I've read all the books...I remember warning one of my friends when the series started on HBO that he shouldn't get attached to any characters...keep that in mind. I do like the books, because they mimic reality. People act in their own self-interest. People back-stab. Being "nice" gets you killed. Great series. I just wonder what happens when HBO catches up to the last book and still wants to go on. Does he just write the show first, then books? That seems wrong...
Re: A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) - Prologue (7/1
Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 10:53 pm
by strike wolf
I believe HBO has in the past delayed some seasons for shows for various reasons (I think Sopranos was delayed a couple of times.)
Re: A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) - Prologue (7/1
Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 4:58 am
by Minister Masket
The books are great. Read them all in the space of about 5 months. ^^ So far only seen the first season but was impressed how closely they stuck to the book. Some scenes were weirdly long though.
Re: A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) - Prologue (7/1
Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:15 am
by aage
nagerous wrote:Well I am 250 pages in to GoT right now and tv series/book are very very similar, not finding too many differences so far.... stil thinking Ramsay Bolton might be the ultimate villain , worst than Joffrey! Anyone care to raise?
Ramsay is certainly the most evil, but the "best" (=most cunning and ambitious) villains in the books are
Anyways, I bought the books this february during my semester and finished reading all 5 in around 2 and half months. Absolutely love the books and the show's very solid too. As you'll read on the books, you'll notice more deviations and differences, but I think that D&D make a super solid job with what they have to work with. All in all, one of my favourite overall series. Also, there's going to be an announcement about scoring and possibly a FAQ up and it will be updated in 2nd post. Lastly, the 1st game is nearly ready - just need to make sure that balance works. The setting is actually Robert's Rebellion and the outcome will play a part in all later chapters.
P.S. apologies for not having more frequent updates, but it's test week at uni... So... Yeah...
Re: A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) - Prologue (9/1
Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:06 am
by aage
Commander9 wrote:Doran? Hell no.
Fire and blood, my friend.
Re: A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) - Prologue (9/1
Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:09 am
by Commander9
aage wrote:
Commander9 wrote:Doran? Hell no.
Fire and blood, my friend.
Just another side that has a very good reason to be upset with Lannisters. Just because they support Targaryans (Fire and Blood) doesn't make them villains, although Daenerys is close to being one now in my mind.