Characters will be from all 4 seasons and mafia will have good fakeclaims.
The setup depends on a number from random.org
1. 5 VT's, 2 mafia
2. 4 VT's, 1 doc, 2 mafia
3. 4 VT's, 1 cop, 2 mafia
4. 3 VT's, 1 doc and 1 cop, 2 mafia
Mafia rules borrowed from various mods
- 1. This game is moderated by me (jonty125), I am the law. Whatever I say goes. If I make a mistake I’ll do my best to fix it. All roles will be given out randomly.
2. Do not quote any PMs you receive from the Mod. The only things you may post (loosely paraphrasing) are your roles (and anything associated with them), and alignment, during the active game. Once the game has concluded, feel free to post the rest of your personal information. You may not post your win condition, how many words are in your role PM, or any other kind of way to get around not quoting PMs.
3. If you forget your role, or you delete it, that is your own fault. I suggest not doing either.
4. All ‘votes’ and ‘unvotes’ must be in bold and in red. If they are not, they will not be tallied. (I.E. Vote: Guybrush Threepwood) If you vote two or more times consecutively without an unvote in between them, then the first vote will be the one that gets tallied.
5. Lynching requires a majority of the town vote, and once the majority has been reached any and all unvotes will not be counted.
6. Once your death scene has been posted, you are dead. You can no longer post anything revealing or of substance. Whining is alright, Voices from beyond the graveare alright, as long as nothing of substance is revealed.
7. You may vote ‘no lynch’ to end the day without a death.
8. The game will not be discussed outside this thread, unless your role specifically says you may do so.
9. Do not edit/delete previous posts. Whatever you say goes into historical record.
10. Joking in the thread is fine, but don’t let it get carried away and take over as spam.
11. Be attentive and active in the game. If I see you are not posting at all, I will prod all those who are inactive. If there is no timely response, you will be replaced.
12. Each game ‘day’ will not have a deadline unless activity decreases. I will remind everyone if the deadline is near, and to look toward voting. If no majority is reached at the end of the deadline if made, a ‘no lynch’ will be forced, sending the game into the night phase.
13. Similarly, each game ‘night’ will not last more than THREE 24 hour days. I will remind all those who have night choices when the deadline is near. If at the end of the stated day (I will say whether night will be 2 or 3 24 hour days) I have not received your night choice, you will have lost your choice action (I.E. for mafia, there would be a ‘no kill’, etc).
14. If you have any questions about whether you should or shouldn’t do something, or just need some clarification, feel free to PM me.
And of course
15. Have Fun!
Special thanks safariguy5, from whom I borrowed (stole) most of these rules.
1.edocsil Morgause (Mafia Member) has won
2.Conzocool replaced by chapcrap Gaius (Town Doc) has lost
5.shieldgenerator7 Lancelot (Vanilla Townie) has lost
6.wildwilliam Morgana (Mafia Member) has won
1. Iron Butterfly
3.usAir Merlin (Town Cop) Died Night 1
7.Victor Sullivan Prince Arthur (Vanilla Townie) Lynched Day 2
4.DoomYoshi Uther (Vanilla Townie) Died Night 2
Town will be green
Mafia will be red
3rd party (not in this game) would be orange