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Soundman's First Mafia [End] Arsonist Wins!!

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Re: Soundman's First Mafia [5/14] Night Six

Postby crazymilkshake5 on Sat Jan 21, 2012 10:59 pm

*voice from the gave*
first off, lol
secondly, i think its random general
thirdly, lol
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Re: Soundman's First Mafia [5/14] Night Six

Postby MoB Deadly on Sun Jan 22, 2012 4:06 pm

wasnt random. he chose general
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Re: Soundman's First Mafia [5/14] Night Six

Postby soundman on Mon Jan 23, 2012 1:49 pm

And so the townspeople once again gathered in the square, hoping for an end to this nightmare.

Day Seven Start!
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Re: Soundman's First Mafia [5/14] Night Six

Postby thehippo8 on Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:38 pm

soundman wrote:And so the townspeople once again gathered in the square, hoping for an end to this nightmare.

Day Seven Start!

Umm, is that it? Are we going to get a clue as to what happened??
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Re: Soundman's First Mafia [5/14] Day Seven

Postby MoB Deadly on Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:47 pm

How did you survive the night hippo? You could be naive or something but still. Who did you investigate last night and what did you get?
I think we should mass claim at this point, to figure things out? Maybe some more detail on how you and zimmah are connected? we need to work with any info we have. How is the mafia getting blocked at night?
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Re: Soundman's First Mafia [5/14] Day Seven

Postby thehippo8 on Mon Jan 23, 2012 5:42 pm

MoB Deadly wrote:How did you survive the night hippo? You could be naive or something but still. Who did you investigate last night and what did you get?
I think we should mass claim at this point, to figure things out? Maybe some more detail on how you and zimmah are connected? we need to work with any info we have. How is the mafia getting blocked at night?

Frankly Zimmah, beats me! All I can suggest is that the last Mafia must be ineffectual or I must have been protected. All I can do is go through from the beginning again. Unless I am insane or their is a false result somehow, Rodion comes back as innocent. Yes, I am the cop.
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Re: Soundman's First Mafia [5/14] Day Seven

Postby MoB Deadly on Mon Jan 23, 2012 5:50 pm

You said before u investigated rodion, why did u investigate him again?

Zimmah, can you enlighten us on how you two are connected?
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Re: Soundman's First Mafia [5/14] Day Seven

Postby thehippo8 on Mon Jan 23, 2012 5:52 pm

MoB Deadly wrote:You said before u investigated rodion, why did u investigate him again?

Zimmah, can you enlighten us on how you two are connected?

Because I've investigated everyone and all I can do is see if I get a different result (in case I was busdriven).
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Re: Soundman's First Mafia [5/14] Day Seven

Postby Rodion on Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:00 pm

Hippo, I don't think you've been protected. We had both a doctor and a paramedic die. The only other reasonable "protective" role I can think of being in this game while not unbalancing it is a JOAT and, by now, it is more than reasonable to expect he has already wasted all his actions (he usually has 3 or 4 and this was night 6).

Did you ever get a guilty result?
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Re: Soundman's First Mafia [5/14] Day Seven

Postby thehippo8 on Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:01 pm

Rodion wrote:Hippo, I don't think you've been protected. We had both a doctor and a paramedic die. The only other reasonable "protective" role I can think of being in this game while not unbalancing it is a JOAT and, by now, it is more than reasonable to expect he has already wasted all his actions (he usually has 3 or 4 and this was night 6).

Did you ever get a guilty result?

Not a single one ... only ever got innocent results!
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Re: Soundman's First Mafia [5/14] Day Seven

Postby Rodion on Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:03 pm

Me twice (2), MoB (3), Chap (4) and zimmah (5) once?

That leaves one result in the open. I take it that was someone who has already died and flipped town?
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Re: Soundman's First Mafia [5/14] Day Seven

Postby thehippo8 on Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:10 pm

Rodion wrote:Me twice (2), MoB (3), Chap (4) and zimmah (5) once?

That leaves one result in the open. I take it that was someone who has already died and flipped town?

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Re: Soundman's First Mafia [5/14] Day Seven

Postby MoB Deadly on Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:25 pm

And we killed the godfather already, so we dont have to worry about a mafia coming up inno. Maybe he is naive? idk?

2 night in a row, no night kills? should we massclaim? I dunno what to do in endgames. unless anyone has extra info?
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Re: Soundman's First Mafia [5/14] Day Seven

Postby thehippo8 on Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:31 pm

MoB Deadly wrote:And we killed the godfather already, so we dont have to worry about a mafia coming up inno. Maybe he is naive? idk?

2 night in a row, no night kills? should we massclaim? I dunno what to do in endgames. unless anyone has extra info?

Given no night kills I see no reason not to mass claim. Someone will lie and then we can go back through the thread and see what consensus we can come to. Otherwise it's just a stab in the dark!
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Re: Soundman's First Mafia [5/14] Day Seven

Postby chapcrap on Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:43 pm

I'm just a stupid VT. I think that there must be one mafia left who is a busdriver or hippo is mafia and lying.

Personally, I think that it is either Rodion or zimmah who is the scum and I would start with zimmah (I don't know why edoc didn't kill him instead of General) and if he is town, lynch Rodion tomorrow. unvote vote zimmah
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Re: Soundman's First Mafia [5/14] Day Seven

Postby MoB Deadly on Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:45 pm

I am a VT as well. I played badly this game I thought I was going to get lynched since like day 2 lol. I was happy that Hippo could "clear" me, but I guess he could be naive, so I am no longer cleared.
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Re: Soundman's First Mafia [5/14] Day Seven

Postby MoB Deadly on Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:46 pm

Im gonna hold off voting until we get the connection to zimmah clear, and I want his input
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Re: Soundman's First Mafia [5/14] Day Seven

Postby thehippo8 on Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:33 pm

MoB Deadly wrote:Im gonna hold off voting until we get the connection to zimmah clear, and I want his input

Sounds fair ... mind you Rodion hasn't claimed yet. I know I've cleared him twice but is there to be a claim anyway?
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Re: Soundman's First Mafia [5/14] Day Seven

Postby MoB Deadly on Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:15 am

Yeah I agree with a mass claim at this point. unless someone can provide new info without claiming.
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Re: Soundman's First Mafia [5/14] Day Seven

Postby zimmah on Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:42 am

ok i'll spill the milk.

i believe hippo is the cop before he revealed my true role (by giving hints about it) very early in the game. so he must have some investigation powers to do that.

my true role is 3rd party silencer. i'm a survivor basically who can silence anyone at night. that player can only post 4 times the next day, and it cannot be a vote.

i have chosen to silence noone the last 2 nights as i think free speech is important in this stage of the game. the night before that i silenced myself and before that i just semi-randomly picked targets.

i hope i don't get lynched or killed, i'm not a threat to anyone and i just need to survive this game, whichever side wins.

i did not claim this earlier because i was afraid that people would lynch me as being either anti-town or non-town. and as a survivor i don't want that.

Day 2
thehippo8 wrote:Where there's candles and cake and clowns you'll find Zimmah!

thehippo8 wrote:And enjoy all your parties, the first, second or even the third!!

so he was hinting at me being 3rd party on day 2. which leads me to believe he investigated me on night 1.
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Re: Soundman's First Mafia [5/14] Day Seven

Postby zimmah on Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:45 am

btw the someone that suggested hippo could be naive, that would not tell him i was 3rd party. so i guess that's not an option. he could be a mafia cop. those are rare, but still....
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Re: Soundman's First Mafia [5/14] Day Seven

Postby thehippo8 on Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:53 am

zimmah wrote:btw the someone that suggested hippo could be naive, that would not tell him i was 3rd party. so i guess that's not an option. he could be a mafia cop. those are rare, but still....

I was loving you up to that point. Mafia cop, lol, not on your nelly!! Interesting concept though, given that the mafia all know each other then a Mafia cop would have very limited use IMHO. But no, I'm a real town cop! The frustrating thing is that someone obviously has the power to give back false innocent reading when investigated.

So now we are left with Rodion. Hmm, gonna speak up or are we going to have to apply pressure?
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Re: Soundman's First Mafia [5/14] Day Seven

Postby zimmah on Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:13 am

i am just stating it as a possibility. i'm not implying it's true.

i think the most likely is that one of your targets was either investigation-proof or busdriven or made innocent (by a lawyer or so)
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Re: Soundman's First Mafia [5/14] Day Seven

Postby MoB Deadly on Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:12 am

2 nights with no kills? 3rd party anti town with no kill seems very probable. Since the game hasn't been won we have to assume you are anti town at this point.

vote zimmah
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Re: Soundman's First Mafia [5/14] Day Seven

Postby Rodion on Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:16 am

I'm a VT.

So, we have 3 VT claims, a cop claim that found a 3rd-party and several innocents and a 3rd-party claim (silencer).

I'll confess that coming into D7 I was inclined to hang Chap. However, with a claim of survivor, we are left with 2 scenarios:
a) Zimmah is lying and he is mafia
b) Zimmah is telling the truth, which means this is MYLO (if we mislynch today, mafia will not have a majority of the votes tomorrow)

I am not sure why nobody has been dying the last days, but the survivor claim surely is the sketchier. It is even more weird if you consider Sniper had already claimed survivor and Zimmah didn't even vote him (2 survivors in Soundman's first mafia, really?).

Vote zimmah.

If the game is not over by D8, let's hope Hippo hits the jackpot (even though I doubt he'll get anything other than innocent at this point in the game)!
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