by Epitaph1 on Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:43 am
Some thoughts
Setup: I tried to limit the number of VTs so that people could have interesting roles. However, to do this required me to beef up the mafia a little more. In hindsight, I shouldn't have given the mafia a hitman in addition to the roleblocker, because the roleblocker is a devastating role. However, the hitman's abilities were never needed since the mafia didn't target anyone who was protected by the doctor or bodyguard.
Gameplay: I was cracking up at the roleplaying with the donuts and the hockey game. When TNC had their first mafia game, some of us did the same thing. While it's fun, the roleplaying is a major distraction to the town's investigation. At one point, Crown said he saw someone at night and the response was "don't tell my wife!"
As the game progressed, people started to get the hang much better. D1 is always tough no matter how seasoned the players are. So, for this to be the first game of mafia for so many people, D1 was extra confusing. I hope it didn't turn off too many people who died early and I urge all the players to try at least one more game.
Overall: I hope everyone enjoyed the game. I was rooting for the SK because it is such a hard role to win as (the win condition is to be the last person standing). I hope everyone continues to play in the clan forum and the main forum. I would love to play with some of you guys.
A big THANK YOU to Iron Butterfly for filling in and helping out.
StorrZerg wrote:i find no joy in this