Epitaph1 wrote:DY and Aage claimed enough, but not entirely.
False. What haven't I claimed yet? My stats? Latest dice rolls?
Nice skimming.
Moderator: Community Team
Epitaph1 wrote:DY and Aage claimed enough, but not entirely.
aage wrote: Maybe you're right, but since we receive no handlebars from the mod I think we should get some ourselves.
aage wrote:I'm Elben Songsteel, I'm a neutral good Goliath fighter jailkeeper.
I've been dropping tells on my alignment because my role is pretty weak imo and I find it highly boring to silently use my action every night. I jailed TFO because I did not trust him (and if he wasn't cult, he needed protection), I do now since my block on him did not block the cult recruitment.
I'm voting for Doom for the reasons already stated on day 1, he is not playing as good/neutral which he should, policy lynch if you will. As a claimed lawful he is just drawing attention towards himself and away from the cult leader. You could now call me out on hypocrisy but as I said he is the sole reason we deviated from hunting the cult leader in the first place.
rishaed wrote:After consideration it is a useful role to have, however with the cult leader still in the open it could turn very nasty if either A. Gregwolf was recruited B. Aage gets recruited in the night. We need some form of check to make sure that aage does not get recruited in the night. A busdriver possibly? Either that or we hit the cult recruiter tonight by chance... That would be very fortunate....
Rodion wrote:Seems legit. I had already speculated that TFO had been blocked by town.
Unvote.Epitaph1 wrote:I have a quick question about cults: is it possible for a cult to begin with more than 1 member or the leader to have multiple powers?
I have seen cults starting with 2 members in Team CC Mafia, Unknown (2 cults btw) and Pirates of the Caribbean iirc, but the second member was never a roleblocker.
As far as having multiple powers, they had 1-shot bulletproof in Unknown, but that is a passive ability (they could also opt to kill instead of recruit, but I don't think that counts as they had to pick one or the other, not both).
MoB Deadly wrote:Gut feeling - I don't believe Aage is good/neutral
however - taking feeling out and thinking logically........
The game is still early, I don't think we should lynch him today. I think we should let his future actions decide his fate.
Blocking TFO could be town or mafia, but sides had some suspicions about TFO.
I really don't like how he just transitions to Stubbs, who we put on a silver platter as our most likely lynch target.
We have had a ton of claims on Day 2.
Safari claimed - and killed.
MoB - half claimed
DY - half claimed -
Aage - claimed.
Can we really afford another claim?
I think the logical decision would be to lynch either myself or DoomYoshi unless people didn't want to wait keeping Aage to prove his alignment.
I know this puts me at the top of the list for lynch, but honestly I think this is the best move for town. Going after stubbs I think will just reveal another role for town. But then again, he isn't contributing a whole lot anyway.....
I really don't know... but I think we need to talk about our options before we just jump on another wagon so quickly. I guess I am willing to vote for DY, Aage, or Stubbs, but I am not happy about any of them :-/
strike wolf wrote:Doom/mob. Not really tempting. Pretty much one of them or both of them are going to be killed within the next couple of days anyways. I mean even Mob's "I'm not going to kill him" could be a ploy to get any doctors who might want to protect doom away though I think he's genuine enough about that at the moment. Meanwhile Doom will probably daykill him first chance he gets regardless if the rest of us agree on it being the best course of action or not.
As far as stubbs, I did let that case slide when Skill made the comment about that being his normal game play but I am not against lynching him either.
StorrZerg wrote:i find no joy in this
StubbsKVM wrote:I'm Caikain Pegason, Good/Neutral Human Sorcerer.
The first 4 days, I get to choose a spell that I can prepare to use on any future night.
I have a list of spells I can choose from every day.
So I can prepare a spell during the day, use it during the night. That's how it works.
Epitaph1 wrote:Ok. . . that sounds like a lot.
I'm not sure what to make of that. It sounds too elaborate to make up but it would be nice if there was some way to verify your actions.
Also, I'm kinda surprised that a human sorcerer would be neutral instead of lawful. I'll do a little reading on sorcerers.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
StubbsKVM wrote:I guess I deserved that.
I haven't found the time to catch up yet, but I'll give you my claim regardless.
I'm Caikain Pegason, Good/Neutral Human Sorcerer.
The first 4 days, I get to choose a spell that I can prepare to use on any future night.
I have a list of spells I can choose from every day.
So I can prepare a spell during the day, use it during the night. That's how it works.
These spells have a pretty big variety, and the day 4 spells are more powerful then the day 1 spells.
I think it'll help scum more then town if I claim the spells I've currently prepared, so I won't.
I will claim my spells after I've used them.
Rodion wrote:StubbsKVM wrote:I'm Caikain Pegason, Good/Neutral Human Sorcerer.
The first 4 days, I get to choose a spell that I can prepare to use on any future night.
I have a list of spells I can choose from every day.
So I can prepare a spell during the day, use it during the night. That's how it works.
I thought wizards had to prepare spells while sorcerers didn't?
aage wrote:I'm having a hard time believing the role. You're basically saying you're a super-JOAT, as you get to pick your own abilities from a list.
I don't trust it.
aage wrote: Maybe you're right, but since we receive no handlebars from the mod I think we should get some ourselves.
rishaed wrote:aage wrote:I'm having a hard time believing the role. You're basically saying you're a super-JOAT, as you get to pick your own abilities from a list.
I don't trust it.
On one hand it'd be quite hard to make up all the roles inside of it. On the other hand....He's probably a top pick on the recruiting list if he doesn't get lynched and he's telling the truth
..... Others have posted D&D flavour that seems contrary, and I find it to be wrong because it's so powerful, but yet you claimed neutral alignment and not chaotic/lawful. Remember that Edoc said that the more powerful roles would go to the ones that are either lawful/chaotic. I think he's lying about alignment at least, if not about his role. My vote stands.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
strike wolf wrote:rishaed wrote:aage wrote:I'm having a hard time believing the role. You're basically saying you're a super-JOAT, as you get to pick your own abilities from a list.
I don't trust it.
On one hand it'd be quite hard to make up all the roles inside of it. On the other hand....He's probably a top pick on the recruiting list if he doesn't get lynched and he's telling the truth
Statements like these keep popping up in this thread. He's top pick on recruiting blah blah blah. That's one thing if it's the day after he's claimed but there's no legitimate argument for assuming future recruitment for lynching today. If we assume that than we should all lynch ourselves right now because we're all potential future recruits. Not to mention we're not actively lynching possibly recruited people while the cult leader is still out there. At least we shouldn't be. Kind of like "You have a brain aneurism that's causing your nose to bleed. So we stuffed up your nose with tissue paper to stop the bleeding"..... Others have posted D&D flavour that seems contrary, and I find it to be wrong because it's so powerful, but yet you claimed neutral alignment and not chaotic/lawful. Remember that Edoc said that the more powerful roles would go to the ones that are either lawful/chaotic. I think he's lying about alignment at least, if not about his role. My vote stands.
I don't have any particular problems with this post. If I nitpicked I could say that we lynched Jonty under similar suspicions but that would misleading as while Jonty wasn't scum he was lying about his role. I am leaning towards voting him right now but I will wait for the moment to see his response to these statements.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
StubbsKVM wrote:I guess I deserved that.
I haven't found the time to catch up yet, but I'll give you my claim regardless.
I'm Caikain Pegason, Good/Neutral Human Sorcerer.
The first 4 days, I get to choose a spell that I can prepare to use on any future night.
I have a list of spells I can choose from every day.
So I can prepare a spell during the day, use it during the night. That's how it works.
These spells have a pretty big variety, and the day 4 spells are more powerful then the day 1 spells.
I think it'll help scum more then town if I claim the spells I've currently prepared, so I won't.
I will claim my spells after I've used them.
Nebuchadnezer wrote:Aage is a giant that is good/neutral. I don't recall that a lot of giants would be good. Also, his giant does not fit with the other neutral characters.
Despite their relationship to Giants, the two races share a great deal of enmity. Giants often make slaves of Goliaths, on the grounds that Goliaths are tougher than humans, and the Giants do not need to travel as far away from their mountain homes to find them. This is presumably one of the factors which drove Goliaths underground.
a sorcerer need not prepare his spells in advance.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
strike wolf wrote:I'm pretty sure we were questioning both.
Rodion wrote:I find Stubbs' claim fishy as well, but there is no need to actively "hammer" him. As things are, he'll be killed come the deadline. On the off chance he is town, I'd like him to have the time to make one more post that deeper explains his role and actions or lack thereof.
dazza2008 wrote:I can't see why we are going for him. It seems his alignment is in question(I don't understand why though) not his role. I thought the main priority here was to hunt out the cult recruiter.
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