Post 3 It's good to be king. History of the World Part II is a movie. It will kick your ass. That is all.
Well, if you guys really think that a mass claim is a worthwhile pursuit at this point I suppose that I can indulge you. I am a governor. I can imediately end one day without a lynch. I can prove this ability if need be, but I don't see that as likely being a good choice in the imediate future.
Pmchugh's lego sculpture of the Statue of Liberty doesn't seem to look right at all with the standard green bricks.
/ wrote:Well well well, it's that time again, a morning for mourning, or not, I'll give you a break tonight, because I want all of you to see this upcoming new movie! Seriously tell all your friends. I INSIST! You know what, I'll kill you if you don't...
Today's Rules 1. Each player's first, fourth, seventh, tenth, etc. post must include the phrase "PAX ROMANA" 2. Each player's second, fifth, eighth, eleventh, etc. post must include the phrase "The (object/place/event) is here to stay!" 3. Each player's third, sixth, ninth, twelfth, etc. post must include the phrase "It's good to be the King." 4. None of the above phrases may be said in any post that they are not required to be in. 5. All posts must praise the upcoming movie "History of the World: Part II." 6. The last sentence of every post must critique another player's artwork. (Make whatever you want up.)
Now, let's go on to day four, with 6 alive it takes 4 to lynch
Blibbidy, blabbidy...I see the "mod" is running out of original ideas. I didn't think he'd start re-using rules already...ho-hum...
I love the upcoming movie, History of the World: Part II!
jonty125 wrote:"PAX ROMANA", have you heard of that amazing new movie - "History of the World: Part II." Oh, and soundman's impressionistic painting of Pianist Falling Off A Ladder is diabolical.
I'm not sure what Jonty is getting at here, or why he even bothered to post. In a regular game, this would be like posting "hi."
I'm also not so keen about mass claiming at this point. I'd like to know how we avoided a nightkill...everywhere, who did you roleblock? But a massclaim at this point doesn't seem helpful. However, if players want to come forward, feel free. We have a watcher, a roleblocker, and a "useless" role known. That leaves 3 of us unknown. I'm okay with that, as Jonty seems to be the one acting strangest at this point. I would still like to put some pressure on I will. Vote Jonty
(and since the rule didn't state that the player had to be alive...) I think Safariguy's artwork in this game should be titled "How to get killed twice;" it was tragically beautiful.
Post #2 The chaos is here to stay!
I love the upcoming movie, History of the World: Part II!
I didn't get that there was a soft claim of doc from Jonty at all. Unless you think his example was his claim?
Also, I would have liked to see who Everywhere blocked before Soundman claimed...but it seems he's not around.
I also think it's clear that the mod has some pretty dam good powers. However, we all know N1 was a chaos storm where nothing worked. N2 Safariguy could have protected someone and died (although, wouldn't doc still save him...perhaps everyone was roleblocked). Last night could be your best move yet. Perhaps the mod is running out of powers and wants the watcher out of the way.
Everywhere's recent painting is really nothing but a blank canvas, title: Disappearing Act.
Post #3 It's good to be the King.
I love the upcoming movie, History of the World: Part II!
Ya, reading back, I guess I thought that might be a soft claim on doc. I had forgotten that part. Given his admission to NOT being doc, I guess I wrote that off. Other than that, I'm keeping my vote on Jonty. (I'd advocate for a "no lynch" today, and let the random lynch take a better shot than we can seem to come up with...but then you'll all say I'm scum for wanting a "no lynch"...when actually, there is no such thing as a no-lynch in this game.)
Vodean's painting titled "voices from the grave" is a rude depiction of the lack of patience in youth today.
I love the upcoming movie, History of the World: Part II!
Did it ever occur to you "mass claimers" that some of us don't have real power to be used at night? That perhaps claiming renders the player's power useless? I hate the idea, however, it's now between me and Jonty, and if I don't claim, you'll lynch me...which isn't the worst thing in the world, depending on who hammers me...there you go...
PMCs painting of me looks like I exploded all over the canvas.
spiesr wrote:Post 3 It's good to be king. History of the World Part II is a movie. It will kick your ass. That is all.
Well, if you guys really think that a mass claim is a worthwhile pursuit at this point I suppose that I can indulge you. I am a governor. I can imediately end one day without a lynch. I can prove this ability if need be, but I don't see that as likely being a good choice in the imediate future.
Pmchugh's lego sculpture of the Statue of Liberty doesn't seem to look right at all with the standard green bricks.
Post 6 It's good to be the king. History of the World Part II is a movie. It will kick speisrs ass. That is all.
This sounds like a mod power to me, all the other roles have been pretty standard. I think you have been the most suspicious anyway. vote speisr
jonty I am a watcher, and I claimed this ages ago and you didn't think to cc me? unvote vote jonty
Everyones elses art work is so good I meant plagarise it.
2009-08-12 03:35:31 - Squirrels Hat: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! 2009-08-12 03:44:25 - Mr. Squirrel: Do you think my hat will attack me?
PAX ROMANA. I hear that History of the World: Part II is going to be great!
Jonty, you've been all over the place. Plus, you're clearly lying. If you were a tracker, you wouldn't have gotten a result last night, as you were roleblocked by me. And since the deadline is looming, Unvote vote jonty.
Neb, I like your silver recreation of Bird in Space, it's very flashy.
"Disease, suffering, hardship...that is what war is all about."-Captain Kirk, from "A Taste of Armageddon"
Post #4 PAX ROMANA All must praise History of thw World Part II.
I unfortunately do no have time to make a detailed post. I will however being joining the Jonty Bandwagon for reasons stated by Everywhere and pmchugh. Also Jonty, can't you get the mod to resend your night 1 result?
Everywhere's self portrait might be generic, but it has a certian quality to it.
The World’s best mod here. You know, I think like spiesr need to be replaced, like right now, he totally blah blah something something, gone. Spiesr has been replaced by a life sized wooden replica of me! He is now the second best player here. Oh wait, am I forgetting something? Drat! I can't let you see my face! Whoops, the replica is on fire, NOOOOO! That.....was my best friend.
Wooden replica Town governor replacing spiesr has been killed!
Now what did I come here for..?Right! Vote count
jonty: 1 vote; Nebuchadnezer, pmchugh, everywhere with 6 alive it takes 4 to lynch deadline Friday
No wait, uhh something's off about that, I think yeah, there are 5 alive and 3 to lynch...
jonty125 town tracker has been lynched! So busy looking for where people had gone, you never realized they were at your back with a noose.
One more thing before I cry myself to sleep... laughing
pmchugh wrote:
spiesr wrote:Post #2 The League of Nations is here to stay. Just like that time, in that movie, History of the World Part II. I appologise for my inactivity, I am out of town this week and the hotel WI-FI doesn't seem to be getting along with my computer. At this point in time, I feel that the burden of proof kind of needs to fall on pmchugh to sort of explain why we should be trusting him anymore. And then he is making statements and going back and altering the context of them later like he did here.
pmchugh wrote:Also jonty soft-claimed doc a few days ago, just sayin'.
pmchugh wrote:To be fair, jonty didn't really soft claim. He was just against mass claim and then said this:
jonty125 wrote:I'm not saying I should be given amnesty, but if they claim something like doc, then they should be not lynched and someone else should. FOS jgordon for skimming.
You can't have it both ways. Either you honestly thought that Jonty was soft claiming, or you were purposefully trying to make it seem like he was even though you didn't think he did.
Jonty's self portriat seems to suggest that he may be color-blind...
Post #4 The bullet is here to stay! That history of the work part II is fantabydosey.
I said it to gauge reactions, I even waited for jonty to post replied. Also I am really interested in why neb said he had an idea of his role as I presumed he meant doc as well. The burden of proof is always on the accuser, not the accused.
Jonty's self portriat seems to suggest that he may be color-blind...
Poor PMC, you remembered to count, but forgot the order. Pmchugh town watcher has been modkilled! Ah, a watcher with bad eyesight, I would make a joke, but it really is sad.
Night Four Begins, Three of us left, who's betting on surviving until tommorow? I am!
Holy shit...that was NOT how it was supposed to work out. I am most pissed at PMC...How could you screw up!!!!
Okay, so I'm left with a claimed Roleblocker, and a claimed doctor. We can still do There has to be a reason we are not endgamed. One reason is that either the doc or the roleblocker are an actual role left.
The only chance town has is this:
Everywhere roleblocks Soundman. Soundman docs me.
Why should the one town left believe me? Because one of you are not what you say. I've made it quite clear i don't have a night action. Now, you'll have to take a leap of faith and trust me on this one. Depending on the townie's action, he can either be hero or zero. Please trust me.
I have a feeling that Everywhere is the mod, therefore Soundman should protect me, as he can't protect himself. If by chance Soundman is mod, then everywhere has to block him to stop his kill. Based on these actions, we will know who is mod tomorrow, and actually able to make an easy lynch tomorrow...well, unless Everywhere kills Soundman...then we are at endgame? So frustrating...I needed you alive PMC!!! I needed you watching me, to make this grand finale work out...grrr...
I guess town chooses to believe me or not, but that's what I suggest. Take it or leave it...however, could you just get your actions in so that we can get this over with.
I agree that this game isn't over and the good guys will probably come out on top, but I can't help but notice that your plan leaves you a free shot at either sound or me. So why should I believe you over the claimed doc?
"Disease, suffering, hardship...that is what war is all about."-Captain Kirk, from "A Taste of Armageddon"
everywhere116 wrote:I agree that this game isn't over and the good guys will probably come out on top, but I can't help but notice that your plan leaves you a free shot at either sound or me. So why should I believe you over the claimed doc?
I wish I had a great answer for you. I have nothing but the fact that I've been rather active, and willing to make my opinions known. I haven't hid behind vague posts. I think I've been far more active than either you or Soundman. In a game that's been a hot mess from the beginning, it's hard to really say why you should believe me over Soundman. Hell, I'm not even sure you are the one I should be making my case to? Both of your claims seem rather good. I actually think that doctor is a better claim, as the "mod" would give that type of role in order to laugh at town for not being able to save anyone. However, just as good an argument could be made for why roleblocker would be the role the "mod" would give out.
All I know is, one of you are the "mod." Both of you seemed to quietly get through this game without much suspicion being cast on either of you...I can't say for sure which one of you it is, but you've played this game perfectly.
I love the upcoming movie, History of the World: Part II!
Did it ever occur to you "mass claimers" that some of us don't have real power to be used at night? That perhaps claiming renders the player's power useless? I hate the idea, however, it's now between me and Jonty, and if I don't claim, you'll lynch me...which isn't the worst thing in the world, depending on who hammers me...there you go...
PMCs painting of me looks like I exploded all over the canvas.
Sorry, Soundman, my claim was in this post...But, just so you know...I am the town bomb. I have no night action. I needed PMC alive, because I thought that I would be meat tonight, and PMC could watch me to see who took me out.
everywhere116 wrote:If you are a bomb, wouldn't you kill your attacker if you were killed during the night?
Perhaps...but does it really matter? If you're the mod, you kill Soundman, because he can't doc himself. If you're not the mod, then you roleblock Soundman and actually win the game for us. This game actually comes down to you. There is really nothing that Soundman or I can do if you are the mod. I thought we might have a chance if I lived until day, but I need all of us to live until tomorrow.
I hate being a turtle on its back...
everywhere116 wrote:If you are a bomb, wouldn't you kill your attacker if you were killed during the night?
Perhaps...but does it really matter? If you're the mod, you kill Soundman, because he can't doc himself. If you're not the mod, then you roleblock Soundman and actually win the game for us. This game actually comes down to you. There is really nothing that Soundman or I can do if you are the mod. I thought we might have a chance if I lived until day, but I need all of us to live until tomorrow.
I hate being a turtle on its back...
Indeed. It's frustrating.
Could you imagine what it must be like? To be the sole defender for good and justice? To be the only one to stand against the armies of evil and the tyranny of the majority? Could you imagine having to fight, to live on regardless of what the world must think of you, and not only to survive, but to thrive, and to come out on top, waving the banner of goodness and justice as a paragon for the world to follow?
This is the UNSC AI Felona, Serial Number one-one-six-dash-eight-four-seven-two. I am a monument to all your sins.
"Disease, suffering, hardship...that is what war is all about."-Captain Kirk, from "A Taste of Armageddon"
Kudos to / for an awesome game. I especially loved his sarcastic "mod" posts! Well done, boy, well done. To the town who couldn't keep the rules of posting...very disappointing. A pathetic display of attention to detail. Nothing personal...I'm just sad...
Ah, time to die, you never stood a chance, probability would say otherwise, but this time it was destiny.
First the doc, Soundman town doctor has been killed! You did well to make it this far, but did you really think you could save these people? I appreciate that you used your last breath trying to protect me though; it makes me feel so giddy I didn't need to walk to you to do this!
Now you Nebuchadnezer, tsk tsk, lying to the one who made your role? How dumb do you think I am? I may have lost the names, but at this point it didn't matter, I won't lynch you.... Ever! Have fun in my next "game"! Nebuchadnezer Vengeful Townie has been endgamed!
Leaving only me, and the cries of my captive audience, this world has been rightfully reclaimed by me. We need no rules, because there is only one class.