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Heroes Mafia - LSU lynched TOWN AND FIRCOAL WIN!!!!!!!

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Postby nagerous on Sun Dec 09, 2007 5:10 pm

You also missed your death.
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Postby kwanton on Sun Dec 09, 2007 5:10 pm

wicked wrote:WTF? I missed a whole day??


That makes kwan rofl.
Click the Esoog!
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Postby wicked on Sun Dec 09, 2007 5:13 pm

yep got that now. :lol:

hey nag, you missed how to make a sig. :lol:
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Postby nagerous on Sun Dec 09, 2007 5:15 pm

nah you told me the other one was too big and I've been too lazy/busy to get another one. If I made it a proper link the pic would be too big again.
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Postby freezie on Sun Dec 09, 2007 6:32 pm

:shock: Well, the proofs are there: I am not needed...
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Postby Koesen on Sun Dec 09, 2007 9:54 pm

Ok, no Sylar but still gold :)
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Postby The1exile on Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:17 pm

Think bizarro.
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Postby nagerous on Wed Dec 12, 2007 7:19 am

It was an eventful night in New York. Mohinder Suresh continued his quest for finding out people with magical powers, telling them of his whereabouts and warning them. However, when he knocked on the door he was greeted by a strange looking fellow. Mohinder however, was impressed the magical powers displayed by the man.


However, suddenly Mohinder became aware that all was not what it seems and this man was evil. However, before he could react, he was pinned to the roof and killed, whilst his killer Sylar laughed maniacally.

Mandalorian2298 - Mohinder Suresh (Locator) has been killed!


Meanwhile, Peter Petrelli was up in the night shifting uneasily. He heard noises, he was become increasingly paranoid that someone was out to get him. He heard his door creak and threw a punch straight away at the intruder. Hiro Nakamura was sent flying into the corner, he had been killed when all he had done was try to come and protect Peter. Were Peter's powers becoming too much to control?

Kwanton - Hiro Nakamura (Doctor/Time-Stopper) has been killed!


The remaining heroes were feeling sombre, the threat of Sylar had not yet been stopped. Suddenly, out of the blue appeared AnarkistsDream. "Hi guys" he said inconspicuously.

AnarkistsDream has joined the game!

6 alive, 4 to lynch..
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Postby mandalorian2298 on Wed Dec 12, 2007 7:22 am

To quote dr Elliot from 'Scrubs': "Freck! Freck! Freckity-freck!" :evil:
Mishuk gotal'u meshuroke, pako kyore.


Talapus wrote:I'm far more pissed that mandy and his thought process were right from the get go....damn you mandy.
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Postby kwanton on Wed Dec 12, 2007 9:46 am

U guys suck.

That is all.
Click the Esoog!
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Postby jnd94 on Wed Dec 12, 2007 9:50 am

MANDY!! YOU LOCATED SYLER!!! :shock: Too late....
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Postby Anarkistsdream on Wed Dec 12, 2007 11:36 am

OK, hey all. Nice to meet you.

Uhmmm, I would just like to say, "Why isn't LSU posting?" Either he is Sylar and has completely submarined, or he is realluy busy with life.

See, if he had a night action, then that would mean he is still paying attention yet not voting or talking.

For the night to have gone by without him saying anything, voting, or anything else, he is letting other people take the blame for him.

I know he took a night action because Nagerous told me that he was waiting for my night action, and mine alone. This was during the quick night. LSU is Sylar


Vote: LSU
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Postby Koesen on Wed Dec 12, 2007 11:57 am


I must apologize... I killed Kwanton, because I was almost completely sure he was a killer.

My reasoning was this: in night one, there was one kill (ga7) and one attempt to kill (me). Therefore, there should be two killers, one of whom is dead already.

I believed Mandy to be town, and indeed he was. He cleared jnd and Freezie. Fircoal made a sensible claim that, unless I misunderstood, was confirmed by jnd.

The only others to survive night one, were Kwanton and Wicked. Wicked died as a cop, so logic dictated to me that Kwanton had to be a killer. Except that he wasn't...

Mea culpa! I thought I'd win this game by killing him, and instead I f*cked up big time.

Does anybody know who Mandy visited?
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Postby jnd94 on Wed Dec 12, 2007 12:29 pm

Syler, obviously.

And if your reasoning is right, then there are only 2 logical culprits left.

LSU and AD.

LSU is a submariner, and AD just joined, so we don't have any evidence on either.
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Postby Koesen on Wed Dec 12, 2007 12:35 pm

Well, yeah, I know that it's most likely Sylar. What I meant was: does anybody know which player he visited? I think he said his investigations didn't give him mason abilities with the people he targeted? Although there was some kind of communication between you?

I didn't know anything about AD's arrival until this morning, and I assume Mandy didn't either. That means he probably investigated LSU.

The only problem with that theory is that LSU wasn't around in night one, when there were two kills.

Unless of course he was around and his arrival wasn't officially announced until Day Two.

Vote LSU
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Postby Koesen on Wed Dec 12, 2007 12:36 pm

By the way, can you, jnd, confirm that you know for a fact that Fircoal is who he says he is?
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Postby Koesen on Wed Dec 12, 2007 12:45 pm

I have just been informed by his Modness that I am not allowed to vote today.

I don't know why, unless it's punishment for being an idiot.


Just so people won't mistakenly count my vote for LSU.
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Postby jnd94 on Wed Dec 12, 2007 12:50 pm

In my role, it confirmed Fircoal's role. Although I'm not sure of his alignment, I think LSU is the safe choice.

vote Lsu
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Postby LSU Tiger Josh on Wed Dec 12, 2007 1:04 pm

I just haven't been around as right now we're coming up to midterms for school. I've been pretty short and brief in all of my games since I've been trying to create my tests for them and get my grades turned in as our deadline for turning in the tests is today.
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Postby Fircoal on Wed Dec 12, 2007 1:26 pm

Vote: LSU I believe what AD and Sylar say. I think only those two are left as the possible scum. I know me and Jnd are town. And I think Koesen is probably town too.
Vote: Mandy
Eddie35: hi everyone
Serbia: YOU IDIOT! What is THAT supposed to be? Are you even TRYING to play this game?! Kill the idiot NOW please!
Skoffin wrote: So um.. er... I'll be honest, I don't know what the f*ck to do from here. Goddamnit chu.
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Postby nagerous on Wed Dec 12, 2007 1:30 pm

Vote Count

lsu (3) - anarkists, jnd, fir

4 to lynch.
Last edited by nagerous on Wed Dec 12, 2007 10:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Koesen on Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:07 pm

That first vote should be AD's. I'd vote if I were allowed to.

Since this day may be over soon and since I may not live through the night, let me share what I think I know, for you to use once my death confirms who I am:

Mandy was town. He confirmed jnd and Freezie as being town too. Jnd confirms Fircoal, so unless somebody is betraying us, these are all town. As am I. Which in fact has been confirmed by Kwanton's regrettable death. It says it was Peter Petrelli. That's me, and I explained why I did what I did.

The remaining two are LSU and AD.

LSU was introduced on Day Two, but I now believe he was active in night one already. I believe him to be Sylar.

LSU claimed he joined late because he had reserved a spot early on with nagerous, and nagerous apparently forgot about that. When LSU reminded him, he was written into the game.

AD's arrival, however, strongly suggests that late arrivals are a game mechanism. Not an effort of nagerous to correct mistakes.

I don't know what that makes AD, but I recommend we kill LSU today and see what happens.
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Postby Koesen on Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:11 pm

Anarkistsdream wrote: I know he took a night action because Nagerous told me that he was waiting for my night action, and mine alone. This was during the quick night. Vote: LSU

For clarity's sake: what you mind telling us what your night action is?

I hope we're not dealing with some weird situation where every day we get something new, and Sylar's identity switches to him, or something.
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Postby nagerous on Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:37 pm

Suddenly, a shot is fired. Everyone looks up and notice that LSU is bleeding from the torso. Severely wounded, the game continues.
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Postby Koesen on Wed Dec 12, 2007 3:09 pm

Just in case anybody wonders, that wasn't me. I support the attempt, though. I wonder if LSU had two lives as well.
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