sorry wanted to post yesterday (As i promised) but got involved in celebrating the end of the exam.
so a lot happened suddenly.
First of all i think these people are town(aligned);
Storr, for killing colton, and general leading discussion pressuring where needed. Also a good analysis on charm. the only downside is that im not sure to take him to the end of the game, cause of possible 3th party, but since i am sure we still have mafia, else a bodyguard role seems strange, thats not a matter at hand right now.
Charm, cause of the sceptical attitude towards coltons claim, which helped keeping the votes there.
then i have some people who i have as town but due to things said and done today my mind is asking questions about some parts.
dd i am leaning town because of his "claim" but then he said he did nothing usefull tonight, i dont really understand what that means so it makes me wonder a bit. besides i think its a bit over confident to say "im confirmed town", i think i got the hint and some people did, but its save to say not all did, and i would say confirmed only at the point where you do your job right.
IB day 1i had a pro town feeling aswell, but for of now i dont understand why he wants legion to stay alive, legion is a valid target in my opinion for a lynch, so why the need to save him. I dont think your a cop, cause of reasons, and cause why would a cop out to save town, thats not a good play, unless like 3 town die if legion gets killed but lets put that bit on the ridiculous pile. So same goes for the doc, outing would be pretty dumb cause it would probably get you killed, so doc is not logical either. So the only thing i can think of is some kind of masoned with role or lovers, which might be possible but i dont understand it yet. The other side of the coin is that mafia would probably not be so desperate to save there buddies either. Question remains why the need to save legion.
legionnaire: due to IB's response im now lost on legionnaire. think it was valid to push him but i am now totally lost on the matter. in fact i would have joined the push on him, might have even hammered for the following: he totally turned my words around and i can not relate at all to why he thinks dd or storr is scum.
virus90 wrote: think we can agree that not both storr and dd are scum, or its a brilliantly acted discussion.
legionnare wrote:virus
Agreed with his earlier post that one of either DD or Storr are scum. Wishes to pursue Crasp. - Gut leans scum, posts lean town.
that leaves 4 possible targets. leaving legionair out of it for now.
Crasp, mtam, AoG/UCB, hotshot
First of all
hotshot, least suspicious of these 4 since he voted colton, stayed on him, and is also suspicious of crasp,
but not a spectacular towny feeling or anything, cause of bit sheepish: voted, colton, voted legion, unvoted legion, first has me as probably scum, then thinks i might be right about crasp as possible scum. on top of that lots of posts as why storr is town and not scum, but i think consensus has been reached about that alreadt so not really relevant or helping much in the scum hunt. So in general i dont have a solid town feeling, but out of these not my main candidate for lynching.
i think
aog/ucb is probably gonna get modkilled anyway so no need to be worrying to much about that now. if he is replaced he is a good target far a daylynch, but why waste a lynch today, if he might be killed tonight.
leaves me with 2,
mtam, basicly only some reactions to others, has been away for some days but especially because of that now is the time to shine, and convince through decent posts that you are town, but so far its not doing that at all. cannot say much more content wise on his post, cause of the lack of it really. so major scum candidate. think some pressure on him would be good.
in my opinion his day 1 play was not solid at all hence my initial suspicion. And in my opinion it hasnt picked up much yet. he did vote for colton which gives him town creds. But besides from that he didnt gain much creds in my opinion. starts day 2 by pointing out that storr should still be fossed
crasp wrote:Storr killed a town player or did you miss that bit. Until he is cleared by a cop the fos should still be on him.
then says storr is more town then hotshot, then says storr should be checked by a cop and his last post he says 90% storr is town.
crasp wrote:Unvote Legion
I am going to take a chance here that Legion and IB are town. I am pretty sure about storr as well. 90% sure storr isnt scum.i am going to vote with them.
so almost every post is about storr being town yes or no, in which it shifts more and more to going storr=protown. besides this he mentions that charm is town somewhere in a post, and he joins the wagon on legionaire. and in his last posts jumps of immediatly without hesitation. and in my opinion even worse: says:
crasp wrote:I am going to take a chance here that Legion and IB are town. I am pretty sure about storr as well. 90% sure storr isnt scum.i am going to vote with them.
so he even admits that he is going to sheep.
it all just strikes me and its not getting much better as the day goes on, so to conclude this monster post:
vote crasp