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Streaker's Second Mafia - Endgame - Employees win!

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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby StorrZerg on Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:51 pm

HotShot53 wrote:
StorrZerg wrote:twon stop playing bad... i know the mafia probably afk and don't give a f*ck, but no reason for you to be like this gesh

seriously who has double vote justa claim and be town

Why would the double voter just come out and claim without reason? Any more than the cop/doctor etc would?

because its possible they are close to a confirmed town, since they used their vote on mafia. Considering at the time, if the double voter was mafia, and voted mafia... you see how crazy that sounds?

Secondly, compared to doc/cop voter has proved their power. Cop claims with information.

now all in all that doesn't matter so much, but in reality you should take a stance on someone hotshot
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby Army of GOD on Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:53 am

sorry about the lack of response. Was really busy the last few days with the blizzard and being sick. I'll give everything a read and post a reaction later today
mrswdk is a ho
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby mtamburini on Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:59 am

Anyone around want to talk school is boring today
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby StorrZerg on Wed Jan 28, 2015 11:40 am

you could start by addressing the case against you, the case on legion, or prompting discussion on anything
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby crasp on Wed Jan 28, 2015 11:49 am

I am around.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby mtamburini on Wed Jan 28, 2015 1:09 pm

StorrZerg wrote:you could start by addressing the case against you, the case on legion, or prompting discussion on anything

There is no case against me, DD was far more summier then colton was and then I went on vacation. Colton flipped mafia so Im under suspicion for wanting to lynch someone who is believed to be more scummier.

The way that this conversation is going is everyone does not want to look into DD as he is some confirmed town after colton flipped which is a load of shit as they can both be mafia.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby mtamburini on Wed Jan 28, 2015 1:10 pm

crasp wrote:I am around.

What do you think of charm as you have also played with her in previous games.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby StorrZerg on Wed Jan 28, 2015 1:27 pm

What do you think of legionnare
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby crasp on Wed Jan 28, 2015 1:38 pm

mtamburini wrote:
crasp wrote:I am around.

What do you think of charm as you have also played with her in previous games.

i have charm as town. i know somebody said her vote on Colton could be a ruse but if it is then she has upped her game big style. Still possible as I was slightly pressuring her and she knows where i look for scum but I doubt it.
I am more with storr on legion just now. He is a lurker when scum but not usually as much as this. he is either very busy or very scum.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby virus90 on Wed Jan 28, 2015 4:41 pm

will be here tomorrow after my exam.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby StorrZerg on Wed Jan 28, 2015 5:01 pm

lol another person i forgot was in this game
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby dd515087 on Wed Jan 28, 2015 8:32 pm

mtamburini wrote:
StorrZerg wrote:you could start by addressing the case against you, the case on legion, or prompting discussion on anything

There is no case against me, DD was far more summier then colton was and then I went on vacation. Colton flipped mafia so Im under suspicion for wanting to lynch someone who is believed to be more scummier.

The way that this conversation is going is everyone does not want to look into DD as he is some confirmed town after colton flipped which is a load of shit as they can both be mafia.

Nah dude I'm confirmed town. Mtam and IB could be mafia together. The only people who I think are townie are charm and Sttorr... virus could be too
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby StorrZerg on Wed Jan 28, 2015 9:08 pm

Like hell you are lol
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby HotShot53 on Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:27 pm

dd515087 wrote:
mtamburini wrote:
StorrZerg wrote:you could start by addressing the case against you, the case on legion, or prompting discussion on anything

There is no case against me, DD was far more summier then colton was and then I went on vacation. Colton flipped mafia so Im under suspicion for wanting to lynch someone who is believed to be more scummier.

The way that this conversation is going is everyone does not want to look into DD as he is some confirmed town after colton flipped which is a load of shit as they can both be mafia.

Nah dude I'm confirmed town. Mtam and IB could be mafia together. The only people who I think are townie are charm and Sttorr... virus could be too

Umm... what exactly has virus said or done that makes you put him on the town side? He is closer to the scum side for me, due to his scummarizing...
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby Iron Butterfly on Wed Jan 28, 2015 11:57 pm

mtamburini wrote:
StorrZerg wrote:you could start by addressing the case against you, the case on legion, or prompting discussion on anything

There is no case against me, DD was far more summier then colton was and then I went on vacation. Colton flipped mafia so Im under suspicion for wanting to lynch someone who is believed to be more scummier.

The way that this conversation is going is everyone does not want to look into DD as he is some confirmed town after colton flipped which is a load of shit as they can both be mafia.

I would disagree *grin* mighty scum hunter.He and DD were considered scummy partially because they were awol BUT Colton got my vote because he said nothing and was flippant about day one.It was only joke day or some such nonsense. Also just because it was confirmed by the mod that he had not opened his pm by no means ruled out his role was mafia.

You say DD was scummier but I do not see it. That does not mean he could not be scum.

This game is frustrating because everyone is sitting around with their thumb up their ass while Storr leads a non discussion.

This whole "Im bored" at school does nothing to progress the game or help Town.

For now AOG will get the benefit of the doubt as he is jumping into the game and playing ketchup. However Bear added nothing and its not like their is a ton of information.

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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby Streaker on Thu Jan 29, 2015 1:17 am

Mod note:

I suppose you guys shouldn't be expecting AoG to pop up anytime soon... He just got himself an 'indefenite' ban for point dumping. Will look for solution, but at this point I'm tempted to modkill him.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby StorrZerg on Thu Jan 29, 2015 11:48 am

please start placing votes people..
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby legionnare on Thu Jan 29, 2015 11:52 am

I apologise for my absence, it's been a shitty week, to summarise: f*ck family and f*ck work.

Anyway I'm back and reading up on what I've missed, expect a fair few posts over the next few hours.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby StorrZerg on Thu Jan 29, 2015 2:25 pm

let's go virus and legionnare
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby legionnare on Thu Jan 29, 2015 7:03 pm

OK my opinions by player in no particular order:
Inactive - 4 posts none of note, either scum or uninterested

Some townie posts early D1 asking Storr why he was down to kill DD and why he has IB down as town, plus stating he would rather go after those posting just enough to get by rather than those that are purely inactive. - so far leaning town

Agreed with his earlier post that one of either DD or Storr are scum. Wishes to pursue Crasp. - Gut leans scum, posts lean town.

Usual back and forth between himself and Storr, I agree with his opinion on DD. Seems fixated on charm? - Neutral

Iron Butterfly
Called it right on Colton despite Colton's claim. Unwilling to put more pressure on DD despite others wishing to. - Neutral

Has made some good posts, most notably her list post, I agree with some of her list but not all. Seems to think DD is town based on his sparse posts. Stuck to her guns regards to Colton. Suspicion on Crasp and myself. - Gut says town.

Good questioning of Storr on his read of IB. Generally town posts from my exp of playing with him. - Town

"Forgot" he had got his role PM, he is an experienced player and should know to post confirm once PM read, it takes seconds why the delay? Calls Storr strong town then flips once Storr slips. Votes Storr twice? Says he has hinted at his role already but don't see anything in his posts that relates to a claim. Claims he is confirmed town but no such thing has happened. - Scum

Flip-flopping on his votes, slips that he has killing role kills town in order to hammer scum, generally his posts are all over the place compared to his usual concise arguments on hunting a particular person. - Scum
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby legionnare on Thu Jan 29, 2015 7:08 pm

UCAbear - inactive - no veiw
Crasp - Town
IB - Neutral
Charm - Townish
Virus - Undecided
HotShot - Town
Mtam - Neutral
DD - Scum
Storr - Scum


So far I would like to see pressure on Storr and DD, DD didn't claim yesterday despite the pressure and Storr killed a town to hang a scum, possible he was eliminating a weak scum in order to gain town cred.

vote DD
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby StorrZerg on Thu Jan 29, 2015 7:26 pm

k im shooting legion today
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby StorrZerg on Thu Jan 29, 2015 7:29 pm

in short, made no attempt to interact with anyone, nor did he respond to the case against him.

So yes, i will be shooting legion, i await a claim.

doesn't actually know why i shot mets.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby crasp on Thu Jan 29, 2015 7:56 pm

Hey Streaker when you gave storr that day kill you might have added a pair of jack boots and an Iron Cross. :lol: I think he is right though. legion needs to claim.
As far as storr goes if we have a cop thats where i would go tonight. He isnt a godfather so a check will confirm either way.Dont have him scum but 3rd party is still lingering. nothing personal storr but you have rolled me over so many times.
vote Legion
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby HotShot53 on Thu Jan 29, 2015 8:30 pm

I can't imagine a SK type 3rd party having to make his kills in the open... which is why I am leaning towards storr being town rather than 3rd party.

That, plus his pushing a lynch on a scum... and somehow legion has him as one of his main scum reads? I was already suspicious of crasp for doing that earlier this day... legion has crasp as town, although crasp voted for legion, so could be scum buddies or might not, not sure.

But yeah, I don't like his list post at all, so I will vote legion and agree you should claim to see what you say before storr shoots you.
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