nagerous wrote:Neb - Hider doesn't fit with your comments on Stannis, please elaborate else I won't be unvoting yet..
How would me being a Hider have anything to do with Stannis?
My comments on Stannis are that the scene indicated that he was...what where the words...
Commander9 wrote:"My sire, Stannis Baratheon has been injured and we believe he may be close to death. That's one less enemy that you'll have."
Clearly the scene indicates Stannis is injured and close to death. I believe that someone has attempted a kill on him, and for whatever reason, this kill has been delayed. I also believe that Stannis is part of the Rebels. Thus I deduce that the Rebels will be down one player after tonight, unless help comes to Stannis. However, I'm not sure how Stannis expects to receive any help, when the only person who knows who Stannis is, are Stannis himself, and the person who injured Stannis.
Therefore, after one night of action, I am drawing a conclusion that the Loyalists will be ahead once Stannis finally dies. Now, because of my comments around Stannis being rather anti-Rebel, I can only assume that those voting me are the rebels.
Let’s look at the possible roles again:
Rheagar Targaryen*
Aerys Targaryen*
Stannis Baratheon*
Jon Arryn*
Hoster Tully*
Ned Stark*
Third party
Tywin Lannister*
Jaime Lannister*
Walder Frey*
*Known by claim or in the moderators narration. This leaves only 4 other roles available. I still stand by my original list.
Nebuchadnezer wrote:1. Rheagar Targaryen
2. Robert Baratheon
3. King Aerys II
4. Eddard Stark
5. Jon Arryn
6. Jaime Lannister
7. Mace Tyrell
8. Jon Connington
9. Hoster Tully
10. Grand Master Pycelle
11. Varys
12. Tywin Lannister
13. Some other minor house (Frey, Greyjoy)
(I could see only one character of the small council, so maybe Frey and Greyjoy are both in.)
I see the blue as "rebellion", red as "loyalists", green as "will choose" and orange as "survivor."
Looking at player posts, I would say Spiesr is a Rebel for this:
spiesr wrote:More important right now is the question your alignment. With the fairly obvious Pro-Targaryen sentiments in your post I wonder why you haven't been thrown over the coals already. I suppose that nearly half of the people active sense then being Lannisters might have something to do with it. Presumably the rest are simply too afraid to be the first to make a move. Well enough of that Vote Nebuchadnezer and get this rebellion moving. The dice are cast let the game begin.
Nagerous then supports Spiesr, so he’s most likely Rebel as well.
I would like to note this, from the Mod’s narration.
Commander9 wrote:The knights, dragons and kings were placed on the cyvasse board and as soon as the first figure fell, there would be a landslide.
I may be thinking that there are quite a few players that can choose sides yet…but interesting that a reference is made to a landslide once the first person falls. I do have to pick a side tonight. I would really like to make sure that the side I pick also gets the other “undecided” players to join in…I am in quite the situation. Also, my questions to the mod about my Hider action has not been answered yet. So, I don't know what happens when I pick a side and then Hide behind someone who is on the other side.
Now…where to go from here? I still don’t see the voting lynching anyone today. I would really like another claim, though. Therefore, I will
vote Fircoal, as he is the only one with votes out there. I would stress that I do not want a Fircoal lynch...just a claim.