HotShot53 wrote:Did you miss the fact that storr lead the firing of a scum, and was able to cast the firing vote because he fired mets first, thus dropping the number of votes needed for a firing? Although I don't know if I would have fired mets as he did, I can't fault him for it too much since a scum also got fired. Unless Storr is playing the strangest/most risky game ever, I would say he is about as town as we have right now.
Which means your still trying to throw doubt on him being town looks pretty scummy on your part... maybe virus has a point about you. Of course going into last night I was planning to look more at virus, due to his low activity yesterday and history of trying to scummarize when scum. So... my guess is one or the other of you is scum, not sure which though now lol.
Silly me. Here is me thinking 3rd party killed town or scum. just ignore me.
Right now I have storr more town than you. He isn't scum. The only reason i have you town is because of your early vote on colton. Apart from that your play has been lurky, doing just enough to get by.
Something isn't right about last night. Why would scum have a bodyguard if town don't have a night kill. Doesent add up. There must be either 3rd party or town night kill. Where is it, the protection is gone.
As for the scum kill. I think that's what virus is fishing for. They have been blocked. With two dead why would somebody be shouting for night actions to reveal themselves.
Charm i just don't know about.