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StorrZerg wrote:so? doesn't mean i got a response yet
virus90 wrote:@ streaker: and mtam was gone 2 right? when is he coming back? and ucabear? modkilled? replaced? still here?
virus90 wrote:@ streaker: and mtam was gone 2 right? when is he coming back? and ucabear? modkilled? replaced? still here?
so i think we can conclude that there is one fraction we are fighting against, i can imagine 1 kill blocked or saved but 2 improbable, theoreticly possible, but improbable. Unless storr is like a day vig faction on his own who has to kill everyone, but no indication that that is the case. btw for that matter storr is it a one shot power or multiple?
as for who to pursue day 2, i still think its crasp. But ill wait if someone has some nights results or anything more solid then my gut feeling.
crasp wrote:virus90 wrote:@ streaker: and mtam was gone 2 right? when is he coming back? and ucabear? modkilled? replaced? still here?
so i think we can conclude that there is one fraction we are fighting against, i can imagine 1 kill blocked or saved but 2 improbable, theoreticly possible, but improbable. Unless storr is like a day vig faction on his own who has to kill everyone, but no indication that that is the case. btw for that matter storr is it a one shot power or multiple?
as for who to pursue day 2, i still think its crasp. But ill wait if someone has some nights results or anything more solid then my gut feeling.
Thats some gut feeling. Storr killed a town player or did you miss that bit. Until he is cleared by a copthe fos should still be on him. Whoever gave him the flash drive has took a huge gamble. My guess is some kind of blackmail file on the ceo or similar that stops you from being fired. Never came across a day serial killer so hoping he is town.
As for you virus. Like to explain your gut feeling.
StorrZerg wrote:Welp SO plenty of people to hear from.
I got an investigation use last night, it was one of the following, cop/track/watch. Ill be announcing what i got probably in 3 days, till then going to pressure people for reactions.
StorrZerg wrote:any details i should be looking at? how come you never responded to my direct reasons to why i thought she was town?
StorrZerg wrote:one thing that stands out in favor for her, is she backed off dd5 when he soft claimed (something "important" ) and pushed on colton. If she kept on dd5, he was at more votes, could have stayed at more votes. Her timing to switch to colton didn't exactly feel like a bus, considering the timing. (DD5 regardless has lots of talking to do today)
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