Points to ponder...Maxleod wrote:The wolves didn't target Vot or EW.
Instead the bailiff, Rags, was NK'd, and wasn't replaced.
Could it mean that none of the vagabonds are Scum?
If the Big Bad Wolf power role exists, it would likely be used the first night (In mafia as in life: 'Don't wait for tomorrow, it might not come')
So there might have been a second target (me?) that was somehow saved.
SoN!c wrote:So to answer: no, it's not the case here. No breadcrumbs.. But only for a very simple reason: im just a town villager. Otherwise i probably would have done so by now.

Hiding your secret abilities behind a a vanilla veil is a classic Mafia play.... and is by no means a scum-tell..
...but I wonder if there are any completely Vanilla Town roles in this game? WOMH has enough roles that everybody could have received some special role.
Speaking about confession, i think repeating the succes of day 1 confession was based on picking a powervote. I think we should repeat that process. Everything else just seems 3/13 blind bets hitting a wolf at this point.
Getting a known powerful role to confess is a valid strategy, and might be worth repeating. Though of course, there are now other dynamics to consider as well.
fusibaseball wrote:Definitely Town:
1) Vot (obvious)
2) DDS (doesn't make sense to me that a scum player would have 2 votes on himself after Night 1)
3) Yours truly
I'm surprised in your vote of complete confidence in DDS (Unless you
know something I don't?...)
The Scandal Monger (?) situation is odd, but in the card game it is just a broadcast rumor based only on that player's suspicion... However, unless the wolves have a second secret power (strike did not), the Scandal Monger is Town (or Third Party...) In the card game, a rumor can be broadcast
every night, so we might get more of these...
(Also, I'm not sure that fusi is Town either, though overall he appears very 'townish'.)
Last Post I reviewed the players, this time I'll list and analyze the possible roles for WOMH.Huge Caveat: I don't know which roles have been included in our game, nor how they might have been modified...Werewolves (See also White Wolf, Wolf-child, and Wolf-hound)
Simple Werewolves - in WOMH they collectively choose a kill each night, presumably their power is much the same here.
Big Bad Wolf - in WOMH can kill a second time each night
until a werewolf is killed. This seems too powerful for our game, if he is included I would imagine he would be able to use this extra power once. (IDEA: Could a wolf Bonesetter, possibly have renewed a special wolf ability? Maybe not...)
Accursed Wolf-father - In WOMH he can do make a villager a werewolf only once, presumably that would be the same here. Thank God, we won't have to find out.
Villagers (In WOMH, the Sheriff is a Villager, but here I've listed him with the Public Roles)
Simple Villager= a Vanilla Townie. Entirely possible, but I'm not sure if anymody is completely Vanilla in this game.
Villager-Villager = a
Confirmed Vanilla Townie. Nobody has been mod-confirmed as such yet, so this is doubtful.
Seer - Basically the equivalent of a Mafia Cop (knows alignment only) or Detective (knows specific role).
A very likely role.Cupid - At the beginning of the game, Cupid links two players fates together. The live and die together, and act somewhat like a two-person Third Party.
The whole scenario is somewhat doubtful in our game, but certainly possible.
Witch - Once pergam cna raise the a werewolf-killed dead and once per game can perform a vigilante-style night kill. There a lot of ways this role could be modified. It seem somewhat likely that this role exists, though perhaps quite different form the card game version. Could even be split into two roles a 'white witch' and a 'black witch'...
Hunter - At the time of his own death, gets to kill a player of his choosing. A
possible role, perhaps in a modified or limited form.
Young Girl In the card game, this is somewhatlike the detective role, but with the added possibility that the little Girl could be caught by the wolves... There are many ways to modify and play this, so perhaps some form of the Little Girl is in our game...
Defender - Basically the equivalent of a Mafia Doctor, with all sorts of possible modifications. A very likely role.
Elder - Has one free save from being killed by the wolves. They have to try to kill him twice. He can die immediately from other means such as lynching or vigging. If he does die the town loses all their powers for the rest of the game!! A role having a one-kill immunity is likely in our game, but the part about everyone losing their powers is very unlikely, though maybe a weaker modified form of that could exist.
Scapegoat - If there is a tie, the scapegoat dies instead of the intended lynchee... I doubt this role would occur as itis in the card game, but perhaps a modified form could exist.
Village Idiot - If about to be lynched, the Idiot gets his Towniness mod-confirmed. The Villagers don't get to lynch anyone else that day, and the Idiot can no longer vote. A role like this is possible, perhaps somewhat modified. Of course, it is also a role that any desperate lynchees could try to bluff about...
2 Sisters Two Townies get to talk and plan together at Night. Actually quite a powerful set of roles if played well...
Perhaps too powerful for our game...3 Brothers Three Townies get to talk and plan together at Night. Like the above but even more powerful...
Fox - Sort-of a blurry form of detection. The fox picks three players and the mod will only tell him if there is a wolf or not in that group. This role might be possible, perhaps as a once-per-game power.
Bear tamer - Another detection role. It would have to be modified quite a bit to work in our game... but somewaht possible.
Stuttering Judge - A Town role that will allo a second day lynching once per game! A very powerful role, if used well, but it is possible in our game.
Knight with the Rusty Sword - If killed by a werewolf, his rusty sword will infect one of the killing wolves, killing that wolf
on the following night. This role woud be a serious danger to wolves, if it exists, but it might be possible, perhaps in a modified form.
AmbiguousThief - A role that would simply allow a character to choose from several otherwise unchosen roles. It seems doubtful he would be in our game.
Devoted servant - A role that would allow a player to
secretly take the role of a player who died... Interesting. It would be difficult to manage but not impossible. Unlikely but maybe...
Actor - A role that would allow a player to have several different power roles each of which he could play for one night. There would be many ways to modify this. An interesting idea and certainly possible...
Wild Child - Interesting. He starts off Town but turns Wolf if his Town role-model is killed...
Possible in our game.Wolf Hound - A player that gets to choose at the start of the game whether he wants ot be Wolf or Town. That would give the player unilateral power to mess up the game balance... so doubtful in our game.
Loners (likely Third Parties...)
Piper - Something like a classic third-party cult role. It is quite doubtful that he would be in our game.
Predjudiced Manipulator - A third party role that has his own personal kill list for his own win. It seems doubtful that he would be in our game.
Angel - A third party roles that wins if he gets himself lynched... In the card game it needs to happen on the first round/day, but maybe not here.
I doubt such a role would be included in our game, but maybe.White Wolf - Interesting a werewolf-hating werewolf, that can kill werewolves. In the card game he can do it every other night... maybe only once here.
I seriously doubt he would be included in our game, but maybe.Others (These require buildings or scenarios in the card game,
but not necessarily in our game)
Pyromaniac - We know he existed because he was Ragian's secret role. I find it very interesting that the Bailiff was also the Pyromaniac... If those two roles were separately distributed, then that is a remarkable coincidence.
Scandalmonger - - Good evidence that he exists in our game in a way similar to his role in the card game. PHe posts a rumor and casts two anonymous lynch votes. The question is can he do his once or every night like he can in WOMH?
Gypsy - A power role that can speak to dead, eliminated players. This would be interesting if included,
It seems possible.Town Crier - A role that can announce events, thereby causing them to happen. He is almost like an independent player-mod. It seems doubtful he would be in our game.
Public Roles (I won't go over these again, because 1) they are already public, and 2) this post is already huge)
School Marm
Sheriff (elected, not chosen by the Bailiff)
Baker (not included in our game)