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Streaker's Second Mafia - Endgame - Employees win!

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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby StorrZerg on Fri Jan 23, 2015 12:17 am

Also cause you don't want me lynched, even though i claimed vig. Previous games would dictate you would want a lynch, and that "vig" is an acceptable lynch.
The only reason you can change that behavior imo, is if you think i'm town, which i don't think you have made any indication thinking im town, or townie enough to not be lynched over my claim.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby StorrZerg on Fri Jan 23, 2015 12:20 am

Unvote coltom

So you dont wanna be the hammer i will. someoen can vote
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby Metsfanmax on Fri Jan 23, 2015 12:25 am

StorrZerg wrote:i want you dead cause your defending the lynch of someone when we have no chance of lynching anyone else. Because you want a no lynch.

No, right now I want a dd lynch. I could just as easily accuse you of supporting a no lynch because you didn't join me. In fact, you had your vote on a candidate that obviously wasn't going to get lynched until I asked you and virus to do something. (I am guilty of the same thing, but at least I'm not getting on a high horse about it.) The only thing I have done to earn this attention is the fact that I happen to be around near the deadline and actually contributing to the thread. The other people who aren't here and aren't posting can just as easily be accused of "wanting a no lynch," you are just taking this out on me because it's convenient.

I want colton dead for using the word "evidence" Since, i personally have no idea how "mafia kill people" so him using the word "evidence" is super sketchy

Did you even read my explanation?

Also cause you don't want me lynched

Did you even read my posts? I never said that I didn't want you lynched, and I made some pretty negative comments about your gameplay earlier in the day. I also suggested that your trigger happiness is going to be pretty bad for town since you're pretty damn likely to hit a townie tonight.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby StorrZerg on Fri Jan 23, 2015 12:48 am

you can't really accuse me of wanting a no lynch since a lynch on colton is very viable.
When i had voted virus, colton only had 2 votes. So you can't really use that as a reason either.

Secondly you said you want a lynch on dd5. Dd5 has "claimed" he softed hard at a role. So either you could explain why his soft is bad, and why he is scummy, instead you haven't. Since i assume thats a large reason why people are "backing off him"

Regarding "evidence" i used that word, there is no indication from flavor that i can find that indicates that as a reason.

ANd again, i prove my point. In our strike wolf mafia game, you made really compelling case for why vig was a good lynch based on role. your not this game
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby Metsfanmax on Fri Jan 23, 2015 1:11 am

When i had voted virus, colton only had 2 votes. So you can't really use that as a reason either.

You were threatening to lynch dd if he didn't claim. Then you claimed when people started voting for you, and we never actually got dd's claim.

Secondly you said you want a lynch on dd5. Dd5 has "claimed" he softed hard at a role. So either you could explain why his soft is bad, and why he is scummy, instead you haven't. Since i assume thats a large reason why people are "backing off him"

I've got no idea why people are doing that. The only thing dd has posted that has a chance of hinting at a softclaim is his stuttering remark. I have no idea how to interpret it, so his "softclaim" means zero to me.

Regarding "evidence" i used that word, there is no indication from flavor that i can find that indicates that as a reason.

You did not use the word evidence. You hinted at a similar concept related to what could be found on a person's computer.

ANd again, i prove my point. In our strike wolf mafia game, you made really compelling case for why vig was a good lynch based on role. your not this game

Here is what I posted in that game:

Now, regarding virus. Suppose we don't lynch him. Statistically, if we ask him to use his one-shot vig, he's going to hit town and then we've traded a power role for a known VT, which mafia will then not target any longer, making him useless to us except as a vote. The problem is, if he is mafia, mafia will just direct their NK to someone and virus will claim it was his one shot, and then he's "confirmed" as town which is a bad situation for us to be in. Alternatively, if he waits and really is town, then mafia will likely just kill him now anyway.

Now, suppose we do lynch him. If he flips mafia, great. If he flips town, then we've got a problem because we'll lose a second townie at night. One minor redemption is that we could always analyze the votes today for mafia.

This makes this a tough proposition; there's potentially bad results for town in either case. I feel that lynching virus is slightly better on balance because the prospect of having him confirmed as town when he's really not is a very scary one in the long term. I think this is just the price you pay for a claim like he's given. If he's town, it sucks for him, but we have to worry about what's best for the town. So, vote virus

That sentiment has been echoed in the comments I made so far today. There are many differences between that game and this one such that you are not presently at the top of my lynch list, but that does not mean I have suddenly changed perspectives on the issue.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby StorrZerg on Fri Jan 23, 2015 1:15 am

StorrZerg wrote:so flavor. Im the IT guy, basically i know everyone's dirty little secrets. cause yall be terrible with computers. (well not yet, but i can get that information, and thats how i can kill someone/fire them)
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby Metsfanmax on Fri Jan 23, 2015 1:16 am

I know that I have recently been called into question for my reading comprehension ability but I don't see the word "evidence" in that post.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby StorrZerg on Fri Jan 23, 2015 1:31 am

nah your right, but i still think my points valid, since my points valid, that we have no reason to believe people are fired due to "evidence/information" due to the fact that im the vig and i would know. I just gave my view on the ability with a little extra flavor.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby StorrZerg on Fri Jan 23, 2015 1:33 am

FIRE Metsfanmax
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby Streaker on Fri Jan 23, 2015 1:42 am

Something got messed up in these posts...

Metsfanmax is Fired. He was the HR Manager (Jailkeeper)

11 alive, 6 to lynch.
Last edited by Streaker on Fri Jan 23, 2015 7:58 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby StorrZerg on Fri Jan 23, 2015 1:44 am

well im going to hell

vote colton
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby Streaker on Fri Jan 23, 2015 1:45 am

StorrZerg wrote:well im going to hell

vote colton

That's 6 for colton24, and a FIRE! Day 1 ends now. Post coming up shortly.

crasp wrote:Would maybe check streaker caculator before I started looking for a double voter. :lol:
Is there a double voter in the game Streak?

Well it seems a good thing to double check my counting, but do you honestly expect me to answer that question?
Last edited by Streaker on Fri Jan 23, 2015 7:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby Metsfanmax on Fri Jan 23, 2015 1:50 am

Have fun y'all.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Night 1 start (10/12)

Postby Streaker on Fri Jan 23, 2015 2:08 am

Where the F did my post go? Damn this.

Not gonna make that entire thing again...

It was a long day at the office. It felt longer then most days. Everyone went home for the night, after a tiring day full of accusation, speculation, and threats. Empty threats, some thought. Alas, at the very end of the day, as the last person in the office, he came through. First firing an Employee, then hammering an Employer.

His final words of the day:
well im going to hell

Colton 24 is Fired. He was the Director's Assistant (Secret Bodyguard).

It is now Night 1. You have 72 hours, until Monday 26th January 02.00 CC time to get your night actions in. All actions sent in after this time will not be counted.

Night talk is allowed btw. Just no voting.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Night 1 (10/12)

Postby StorrZerg on Fri Jan 23, 2015 3:09 am

Cool night talking is allowed. All right.

So whom ever placed the hidden vote on colton, probably town.

virus90, dd515087, legionnare, UCAbears, Mtamburini should be looked in tomorrow.

Not quite sure what "secret" bodyguard is/does. Pending w/e the hell it means, probably is a big indication that there is a SK in the game. As you are all aware I'm actually the day vig, and i miss shot on mets.

So dd5 will have explaining to to tomorrow. well see what comes around for that. Mets was on to him, and was his preferred lynch.

Virus i think is also an excellent person to look at, i think he made an opportune push on someone with little time left. (crasp) He indicates that there is plenty of time, but the push was made on the 20th, and it was clear he wasn't pushing that hard. (reminder we had 2 day extension, so he started to push 1 day in advance of deadline.) Also the reluctance of his unvote, after noticing the second vote. Cause honestly at that point, its doubtful there is a second hidden vote.

mtamb could be mafia for always fighting, and never actually holding a discussion, but thats might be his stubborn town play.. well see

legionnare might shoot him tomorrow well see.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby crasp on Fri Jan 23, 2015 6:25 am

StorrZerg wrote:FIRE Metsfanmax

Why is mets not dead.
Metsfanmax wrote:Have fun y'all.

He certainly thought he was.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Night 1 (10/12)

Postby Iron Butterfly on Fri Jan 23, 2015 7:24 am

I have to concur. This is day one.Sometimes its the small things that gets people lynched.

At this point of the game on day one Colton is more helpful to town lynched. If he flips Town it tells us the double voter is mafia. If he flips mafia it would put a magnifying glass on those who wanted a no lynch. My vote stays.

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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby Streaker on Fri Jan 23, 2015 7:59 am

crasp wrote:
StorrZerg wrote:FIRE Metsfanmax

Why is mets not dead.
Metsfanmax wrote:Have fun y'all.

He certainly thought he was.

Please reread entire page.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby crasp on Fri Jan 23, 2015 8:39 am

Streaker wrote:
crasp wrote:
StorrZerg wrote:FIRE Metsfanmax

Why is mets not dead.
Metsfanmax wrote:Have fun y'all.

He certainly thought he was.

Please reread entire page.

Got it. Apologies.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Night 1 (10/12)

Postby Iron Butterfly on Fri Jan 23, 2015 9:24 am

lol what a trip.My last post I was clueless (skimmed) thinking we were still arguing about lynch or no lynch.

Vigging the jail keeper not good. Stupid move actually Storr. Proof that just because one believes something does not make it true. I do not give a one IS a crap shoot.

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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Night 1 (10/12)

Postby charm on Fri Jan 23, 2015 10:10 am

Woo hoo! 1 down, 2-3 to go!!

That seemed like a jerking reaction to take out Mets like that Zerg - but then taking out Colton convinced me you were the Vig. It will be good to be working with an IT Guy - something I do everyday IRL.
Hopefully, you make it through the night.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Night 1 (10/12)

Postby crasp on Fri Jan 23, 2015 11:47 am

Nearest I can find to secret bodyguard is an elite bodyguard which is a town role. It also kills the player trying to kill the person they are protecting.
As this is a mafia role it would suggest there is another way to kill mafia other than lynching in this game which i think points to a serial killer. Probably find out tomorrow. Because we didnt see the role pm we dont if it was active during the day or if it was a protect and kill role.
From that vote I would safely say charm, IB, and storr are not scum.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Night 1 (10/12)

Postby charm on Fri Jan 23, 2015 12:31 pm

I'm not scum!!
I'm sweet as licorice!
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Night 1 (10/12)

Postby Streaker on Fri Jan 23, 2015 12:33 pm

Mod Note: Please consider the Secret bodyguard role as a Normal Bodyguard role. The 'Secret' had a reason, but should have been kept to the player himself to avoid confusion.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Night 1 (10/12)

Postby StorrZerg on Fri Jan 23, 2015 12:41 pm

Iron Butterfly wrote:lol what a trip.My last post I was clueless (skimmed) thinking we were still arguing about lynch or no lynch.

Vigging the jail keeper not good. Stupid move actually Storr. Proof that just because one believes something does not make it true. I do not give a one IS a crap shoot.

shit happens, got greedy for a double mafia kill day 1. should have tried harder to convince mets to vote. (at very least threaten to shoot him if he didn't vote)
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