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ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (10/13) - D3: The Bloody Winter Rose

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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Nebuchadnezer on Sat Oct 12, 2013 9:54 am

Minister Masket wrote:
Iron Butterfly wrote: They have only loyalty to themselves. Their night powers are certainly not for the betterment of any one faction?

Err...that's exactly what my/our night powers are for? Obviously it benefits us by default but if it's useful in helping a faction rise above the rest then it's win-win.

As in the books, the war was a close-run thing until Tywin and Jaime marched on King's Landing.

The only question is, which faction wants us?

Actually, the war was won by the time Tywin marched on King's Landing. Jaime never marched anywhere...he was part of the King's Guard, and killed the king...thus his nickname, "kingslayer." He probably has a Greater Win condition of killing the leader of a faction. I could see his night action being to find and kill the Mad King...therefore, I don't really care about his night actions. Let him be on his merry way finding him.

To continue to have this stalemate only proves that until these third party players pick a side, there will be NO lynch, unless the third parties ARE lynched. However, I don't see the Lannisters picking a side until they see that one side has the upper hand. Meaning, it will come down to which factions get the successful nightkills.

I am disappointed that all we gained was a third party ID today. I guess the reluctance of certain people to even want to get another claim, and how they reacted to certain votes does tell us something of who is with who...

On an administrative note: I will be unable to post starting in a week, and lasting for 10 days beyond that. Please refrain from "pressuring" me while I'm gone. :)
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby strike wolf on Sat Oct 12, 2013 10:27 am

My role is two part. I have a protection ability that I can use every night. It's a bodyguard ability but I would survive the first time someone tries to kill my target. I think it's obvious who I will be using this ability on. I also have 1 kill however I cannot use both abilities on the same night. So as long as Tywin is alive, I will be sticking to the first ability.

"Actually, the war was won by the time Tywin marched on King's Landing." Yes, the war was close until Robert Baratheon killed Rhaegar Targaryen on the Trident (Though some would say it was over after the Battle of the Bells where Targaryen loyalists had a chance to surround and kill an injured Robert Baratheon but failed when Ned Stark arrived before they found him and swept them from the city) after that it was only a matter of time before Kings Landing fell. However it went a lot quicker because the Lannisters got the Mad King to lower his gates and they proceeded to sack the city. It was underhanded but it prevented a very bloody battle to take Kings Landing and the Red Keep. As far as my character killing the king. He was threatening to blow up everyone with Wildfire and take himself with it. What would you have done if you heard his plan?
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby kgb007 on Sat Oct 12, 2013 11:11 am

Reading thru by my phone and so it's a bit difficult but I think IB's motive behind his vote on SW is to determine what his NA is, I would speculate SW has the ability to kill since his nickname is the king slayer no?

I find it curious that MM has posted at least once since it was either Nag or neb that asked at which point they must choose sides and he has ignored that question. With the sun setting I doubt we'll have enough time to pressure for another claim from either jonty or SW and it doesn't look like a lynch is imminent either although I haven't seen a VC recently

Ill unvote vote MM bc I'd like him to answer at which point at he choose sides and the mechanics behind it
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby strike wolf on Sat Oct 12, 2013 2:28 pm

We don't choose a side at any point. We're third party. As long as we are living we can still choose.

If skimmers and wild speculation continue to rule this game than whatever factions most closely resemble town aren't going to last long.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby kgb007 on Sat Oct 12, 2013 2:57 pm

I posted not seeing SWs post right before I posted

I told you playing on the phone isn't ideal, it's pretty obvious we aren't going to get another claim or lynch at this point as activity usually dips on the weekends..
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Iron Butterfly on Sat Oct 12, 2013 3:30 pm

strike wolf wrote:My role is two part. I have a protection ability that I can use every night. It's a bodyguard ability but I would survive the first time someone tries to kill my target. I think it's obvious who I will be using this ability on. I also have 1 kill however I cannot use both abilities on the same night. So as long as Tywin is alive, I will be sticking to the first ability.

"Actually, the war was won by the time Tywin marched on King's Landing." Yes, the war was close until Robert Baratheon killed Rhaegar Targaryen on the Trident (Though some would say it was over after the Battle of the Bells where Targaryen loyalists had a chance to surround and kill an injured Robert Baratheon but failed when Ned Stark arrived before they found him and swept them from the city) after that it was only a matter of time before Kings Landing fell. However it went a lot quicker because the Lannisters got the Mad King to lower his gates and they proceeded to sack the city. It was underhanded but it prevented a very bloody battle to take Kings Landing and the Red Keep. As far as my character killing the king. He was threatening to blow up everyone with Wildfire and take himself with it. What would you have done if you heard his plan?


Not that it matters this close to deadline. More of a sign of peace and mutual understanding. It also seems we go into night with a no lynch.

I thank you with being forthcoming NS as that was my motivation. Having someone half claim is silly. I pretty much expected your NA was something of that nature being the Kings Guard and all.

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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Commander9 on Sun Oct 13, 2013 2:01 am

And that's a no lynch. Apologies, but my weekends tend to have a bit less time...

Anyways, scene coming tomorrow or Monday. Feel free to send me your actions.
But... It was so artistically done.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Commander9 on Mon Oct 14, 2013 3:05 pm

... And even though there were plenty of politics, in the end Rebellion started quite slow. The Mad King brewed in his throne, suspicious of every shadow and every little action, even though all but one Knight of the Kingsguard were by him, right there to protect him. Rhaegar was already assembling an army of the loyalists to fight the Rebels. Yet, rebel's were not idle either - Stannis already gathered a big host in Storm's End while Jon Arryn and Holster Tully made sure to have a full power of the Vale, Riverlands and North behind them before marching down. Apart from a few skirmishes, nothing major had happened, but that would not last. The knights, dragons and kings were placed on the cyvasse board and as soon as the first figure fell, there would be a landslide.


"Uncle, so who was the first one to fall? Why did you pause?"
"Ah, Leliana, the night is nigh and the sky is dark. A man must get his rest just like the girl must get hers."
"But uncle, don't stop now! I want to hear more about Lyanna and Rhaegar and Robert and..."
"Young one, patience is a virtue," laughed the man. "The girl will get plenty more, but she must go to bed now."

Day 1 is over - everyone still lives. Send your actions in the next 72 hours.
But... It was so artistically done.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Nebuchadnezer on Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:42 pm

Reminder that I will be unable to post in the next 2 weeks. Please take that into consideration. (short one-liners might make it, but nothing long nor analytical)
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby strike wolf on Tue Oct 15, 2013 4:27 pm

Nebuchadnezer wrote:Reminder that I will be unable to post in the next 2 weeks. Please take that into consideration. (short one-liners might make it, but nothing long nor analytical)

That's a pretty long absence.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Minister Masket on Tue Oct 15, 2013 6:14 pm

A Lannister always pays his debts my son.

But a Lannister also shouldn't state the obvious. Leave to more....unworthy your brother.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Iron Butterfly on Tue Oct 15, 2013 7:48 pm

Nebuchadnezer wrote:Reminder that I will be unable to post in the next 2 weeks. Please take that into consideration. (short one-liners might make it, but nothing long nor analytical)

two weeks IS a long time. I suggest a replacement. I like neb and his contributions to the games we have played to gether but two weeks is an eternity in this type of format where every voice is needed.

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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Nebuchadnezer on Tue Oct 15, 2013 7:52 pm

Iron Butterfly wrote:
Nebuchadnezer wrote:Reminder that I will be unable to post in the next 2 weeks. Please take that into consideration. (short one-liners might make it, but nothing long nor analytical)

two weeks IS a long time. I suggest a replacement. I like neb and his contributions to the games we have played to gether but two weeks is an eternity in this type of format where every voice is needed.

It'll be closer to 10 days, and I will read up and post as I can.

If you feel you need to replace, just say so.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Commander9 on Thu Oct 17, 2013 4:17 pm

Some actions are still missing. I'd prefer to get them as soon as possible.
But... It was so artistically done.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Commander9 on Fri Oct 18, 2013 12:56 pm

Still missing (?) actions (these people have been sent PMs). If I won't get them by tonight midnight, I'll start writing the scene as if they chose not to use it. Most likely the scene will be either posted late tonight or some time tomorrow.
But... It was so artistically done.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Commander9 on Sat Oct 19, 2013 8:44 pm

"The head of Tywin Lannister slowly went down - it had been a long day. While slowly raising his head up again, he looked at Kevan and just shook his head.
""No Kevan, I don't believe that's such a great idea. I will not destroy the legacy and respected that I've created and just throw it away in a mere second. Ignore the summons and the other letters.""
""Are you sure Tywin? We are in position right now to determine the fate of the rebelion. We can easily join either side and come out of top.""
""Yes Kevan, we can,"" said Tywin with ice cold voice. ""But we may also join the wrong side. There will be no bloodshed until I am sure that our family will not be put in a perilous situation.""
""Yes, of course.""


Rhaegar sent gloomy in the hall - it had been a day with not of things going well for him. He didn't understand what happened with his father and what he was doing, but he knew his responsibilities and duty. He sighed and read the letters again. There had to be a way. There simply had to be a way out of this situation.


Aerys Targaryen sat in his hall and broomed what to do next. There was no one he could trust and no one he could talk to. Yet, there was hope to be had - once all rebel scum will be gone, the order could be restored...
"Your Grace, I have great news!" a messenger burst into the hall. "My sire, Stannis Baratheon has been injured and we believe he may be close to death. That's one less enemy that you'll have."
"It's just one. I need to see them burn. They all SHALL burn."

Day 2 has begun. With 13 alive, it takes 8 to lynch.
But... It was so artistically done.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby The Weird One on Sat Oct 19, 2013 8:54 pm

So...Delayed kill, I'm guessing. Either that or following the story and setting up for the Battle of the Bells. Not sure how to interpret it, to be honest.
sheepofdumb wrote:I'm not scum, just a threat to the town. There's a difference, thank you very much.

ga7 wrote: I'll keep my vote where it should be but just in case Vote Strike Wolf AND f*ck FLAMINGOS f*ck THEM HARD
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Minister Masket on Sun Oct 20, 2013 7:23 am

I took a bit of a gamble in hoping no-one would be moronic enough to try to off Strike or I, and it looks like I lucked out. Thanks are in order!
Suppose we should start off by looking a little more closely at the recent inactives.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby The Weird One on Sun Oct 20, 2013 12:38 pm

Minister Masket wrote:I took a bit of a gamble in hoping no-one would be moronic enough to try to off Strike or I, and it looks like I lucked out. Thanks are in order!
Suppose we should start off by looking a little more closely at the recent inactives.

That's quite a long list to look at...
sheepofdumb wrote:I'm not scum, just a threat to the town. There's a difference, thank you very much.

ga7 wrote: I'll keep my vote where it should be but just in case Vote Strike Wolf AND f*ck FLAMINGOS f*ck THEM HARD
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Iron Butterfly on Sun Oct 20, 2013 5:39 pm

Minister Masket wrote:I took a bit of a gamble in hoping no-one would be moronic enough to try to off Strike or I, and it looks like I lucked out. Thanks are in order!
Suppose we should start off by looking a little more closely at the recent inactives.

Its been several days for night.

What I am curious about is this delayed death. What would be the purpose of saying he may die or is close to death vs out right death?

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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby spiesr on Sun Oct 20, 2013 6:46 pm

Iron Butterfly wrote:What I am curious about is this delayed death. What would be the purpose of saying he may die or is close to death vs out right death?
Well delayed kills are typically meant as either a "weaker" kill, since the target sticks around longer, or as a means to dodge tracks watches and whatnot. Mentioning it in the scene would negate the latter though. At this point don't know if we can really be sure it is delayed kill. I guess we will see if somebody drops over dead, until then we probably can't be sure what is going on.

A question for MM about this post:
Minister Masket wrote:
Commander9 wrote:
Minister Masket wrote:
Flow520 wrote:So how many groups/alignments are in this game?
Obviously at least two. However, from what I read from the GoT wiki, the story seems quite complex with many different groups/alignments.

Too bloody right mate. Understatement of the century right here.
I've read all the books so am happy to help out if anyone wants an info dump on the source.

On this subject in particular, we probably have King's Court, the Starks and Daenerys as 3 factions, with maybe a couple from the Wall lobbed in there too. Mafia's likely headed up by Cersei or her son Joffrey (AKA: evil git)

As Wolf has mentioned, the scenario is indeed based on Robert's Rebellion, so Joffrey himself is not born. As far as anything/everything else... Well, I think you have enough clues and ideas around you to figure a thing or two. did Wolf know that this was based on Robert's Rebellion?
And I just went over the opening scene again, IE: more like a factions game than a traditional mafia. Fair doos!

13 characters guesses are:
1) Robert
2) Ned Stark
3) Cersei Lannister
4) Mad King whatshisface
5) His son whatshisface
6) Tywin Lannister
7) Another Lannister - likely Jamie.
8) Dorne bloke
9) Martell bloke
10) Some guy from the Wall.
11) Ned's sister whatsherface
12) Stannis
13) An Other (I wish)

Okay....maybe I read the books months ago and maybe some of the names escape me. =L
You're the head of the Lannister faction and in this post where you speculated about characters in this game you mentioned Cersei Lannister as a possibility. Since you subsequently claimed to know the members of your house my question is is Cersei a player in the game which you are hiding from us or where you trying to inflate your faction's appearance of strength or what?
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby nagerous on Sun Oct 20, 2013 7:36 pm

Anyone else not notice his post, where he said Mafia was probably Lannisters, when he didn't realise this was a prologue based story.

Suspicious to say the least and quite possibly a slip up.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Minister Masket on Mon Oct 21, 2013 6:05 am

nagerous wrote:Anyone else not notice his post, where he said Mafia was probably Lannisters, when he didn't realise this was a prologue based story.
Suspicious to say the least and quite possibly a slip up.

Well there's the important bit right there. A slip-up sure, but not a suspicious one.
Also I said Cersei Lannister, not all Lannisters. Apart from Joffrey, arguably she's the most diabolical in the family.

Which leads nicely onto spisr's question. No, Jaime is the only other Lannister I know of.
If I recall correctly, Cersei doesn't do anything during the rebellion except marry Robert at the end, so I'm almost 100% certain she won't be a role here.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Iron Butterfly on Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:05 am

Makes sense to me.

The history is confusing to me as I have never read the books. I am familiar with the show, which I realize is after these events.

Spiesr's question seems to question that perhaps the Lannister's intent is not quite what has been explained? I for one believe their claim makes perfect sense.

Though I must say that Spies'rs question was a perfectly legitimate one to ask.

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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby strike wolf on Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:25 am ... _Rebellion

That Wiki page is a fairly accurate assessment of what happened. Some details may be excluded but everything major seems to be included.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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