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Re: Hectic Eclectic Mafia (15/17)[D2] No escape for deserter

Postby strike wolf on Tue Feb 07, 2012 5:54 pm

Okay you were gone during the weekend. Can you explain your absense during day 1? Because it kind of seems to me you disappeared when actual cases started to be made and the game became serious.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: Hectic Eclectic Mafia (15/17)[D2] No escape for deserter

Postby soundman on Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:06 pm

Victor Sullivan wrote:
jonty125 wrote:I don't think there is a case on Doom but its a nice try from ghostly. I am going to assume Victor has a PR related to cricket unless he's just been a pain in the backside and therefore should be lynched.

Shut the f*ck up jonty! You're out of your element!

...Wait, what? We have to lynch someone Day 3? Tails will have to reschedule. I told that kraut a fucking thousand times I don't post on Shabbos! Shabbos is the Jewish day of rest. That means I don't work, I don't drive a car, I don't fucking ride in a car, I don't handle money, I don't turn on the oven, and I sure as shit DON'T FUCKING POST! SHOMER SHABBOS! Shomer fucking Shabbos.


Ah, after this post and a little google I now know who he is. :)
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Re: Hectic Eclectic Mafia (15/17)[D2] No escape for deserter

Postby ghostly447 on Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:57 pm

I think I found it too. lol.
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Re: Hectic Eclectic Mafia (15/17)[D2] No escape for deserter

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:15 pm

Can't post something at the moment for I have to sleep but in the morning when I get to school I will post something of "actual value" :P
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Re: Hectic Eclectic Mafia (15/17)[D2] No escape for deserter

Postby chapcrap on Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:25 pm

Early Day 2 case already made. I think I like playing with ghostly.

FOS on me? Those are usually reserved more something more than a Day 1 gut feeling. And as strike already said, trying to link us doesn't make sense.

About VS, I'm not sure his character, I'll have to look into it. I will say that I doubt it's a PR. He just likes to act stuff out.

CLEVER, you know that we play mafia during the week too, right? It's fine if you were busy, that happens, but that explanation was pretty weak. I'm gonna have to go with spiesr.
spiesr wrote:
Some7hingCLEVER wrote:Ebwop
Guitar lessons in Monday lol and now it's Tuesday thats why im posting now
Okay, so now post something of actual value...

Wouldn't mind a little value out of la galleta and newguy1 as well. Overall, seems like we have an active bunch. =D> I like that.

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Re: Hectic Eclectic Mafia (15/17)[D2] No escape for deserter

Postby new guy1 on Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:49 pm

chapcrap wrote:Early Day 2 case already made. I think I like playing with ghostly.

FOS on me? Those are usually reserved more something more than a Day 1 gut feeling. And as strike already said, trying to link us doesn't make sense.

About VS, I'm not sure his character, I'll have to look into it. I will say that I doubt it's a PR. He just likes to act stuff out.

CLEVER, you know that we play mafia during the week too, right? It's fine if you were busy, that happens, but that explanation was pretty weak. I'm gonna have to go with spiesr.
spiesr wrote:
Some7hingCLEVER wrote:Ebwop
Guitar lessons in Monday lol and now it's Tuesday thats why im posting now
Okay, so now post something of actual value...

Wouldn't mind a little value out of la galleta and newguy1 as well. Overall, seems like we have an active bunch. =D> I like that.


responding. i suppose i agree that clever isnt very active, and i am also at fault here, but i guess thats not new, right?
as for the case pending on doomyoshi, ghostly made a few good points, but i do not think it is quite lenchworthy... yet.
the case against soundman, or should i say the old case on soundman, i dont think holds water and so i will watch it, but i think it is a dead end for now.
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Re: Hectic Eclectic Mafia (15/17)[D2] No escape for deserter

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:04 pm

Screw it ill do it now lol
Ok so for the case on doomyoshi
I have never played with him because this is my first game with him but I have read through ghostlys case on him over and over and there are definitely good points
But I would like more evidence on him before I vote for him

and for not posting much on day one I really am not used to this yet as I just signed up last week so I still am scared I'll say something that will screw up the game but know I am thinking posting even a little is better than not posting at all so I will definitely start posting (but I am constantly looking at the posts)
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Re: Hectic Eclectic Mafia (15/17)[D2] No escape for deserter

Postby DoomYoshi on Tue Feb 07, 2012 10:01 pm

new guy1 wrote:as for the case pending on doomyoshi, ghostly made a few good points, but i do not think it is quite lenchworthy... yet.
the case against soundman, or should i say the old case on soundman, i dont think holds water and so i will watch it, but i think it is a dead end for now.

Which ones are the good points?

Some7hingCLEVER wrote:Screw it ill do it now lol
Ok so for the case on doomyoshi
I have never played with him because this is my first game with him but I have read through ghostlys case on him over and over and there are definitely good points
But I would like more evidence on him before I vote for him

and for not posting much on day one I really am not used to this yet as I just signed up last week so I still am scared I'll say something that will screw up the game but know I am thinking posting even a little is better than not posting at all so I will definitely start posting (but I am constantly looking at the posts)

Once again, which points are the good ones? Not posting to avoid screwing up is something scum can use as a tactic. It is also often used by n00bs though... sigh.
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Re: Hectic Eclectic Mafia (15/17)[D2] No escape for deserter

Postby ghostly447 on Wed Feb 08, 2012 9:11 am

DoomYoshi wrote:Your case is strong enough to warrant a full-blooded reply.

ghostly447 wrote:Well, the strongest case I have is going to be DoomYoshi. To start, he is not posting as much as I saw him posting in the other game I was in with him (where he was one of the most active posters, and a townie).

I am one of the most active posters in this game too. Just check the stats if you don't believe me.

DoomYoshi wrote:
edocsil wrote:Unvote

Perhaps ghostly should be looked at if sound flips scum, but I don't think the lead is a good one ATM.

Although ghostly was the only called out for defending eagle; PCM also did not vote, and was in at least one of the blacklist causing games. I am not saying either is scummy, but strike's hypothesis makes sense. If soundman does end up being scummy, PCM is a stronger candidate to look at then ghostly.

In any case, Unvote. Clearly the air is too foul for joke votes now.

This needs to be seen from a different point of view. It was originally looked over, but I see it as a scum tale. There was no main case, but I feel he was looking too far into this. Talking to the extent that I feel it was “After we lynch soundman, let’s try to lynch ghostly”. Trying to get 2 in 1 go in other words. I am not going to try to tell you what he said, just what I am seeing with it in my opinion.
Actually, the way you are reading it is quite the opposite of what I was saying. At the time, edoc was suggesting that if soundman flipped guilty we should pressure you. I was saying the exact opposite. That if soundman flipped guilty, we shouldn't pressure you, instead should go for pcm.
DoomYoshi wrote:Well, I have been thinking about this a while now. I think pancake is right. It is a rite of passage. Edoc, saf and jonty are also right, the rite of passage needs to be completed.

However, lurking gets under my skin.
vote la galleta

I may switch this to new guy or ghostly depending on how the next day pans out (how they react most likely).

The main deal here was me defending new guy1, and new guy1 being pressured to death by several people till he claimed. Again, I feel he tried to change the subject to make it so that New guy1 would look forever guilty in the eyes of some, and they could still kill la galleta (another 2 in 1).

This doesn't make sense. You need to put it into different words before I can understand and reply.

DoomYoshi wrote:Which cookie are you la galleta? I see multiple cookies in the picture. How am I supposed to know which cookie to talk to? I don't suppose you are related to Pancakemix, eh?

vote new guy

Well, new guy, I understand what you are saying about not understanding the difference between no lynch and no vote. If it were merely a placeholder you would be clear in my eyes. I can understand you won't make that mistake again.

However, as spiesr pointed out, the problem is that you are waiting for someone else to make a case. Admitting that creates a problem. At this point, it is time to claim. I feel we may have gotten lucky here.

May have gotten lucky? It led to a mason claim. After seeing the previous evidence, the only thing that goes through my mind is that he led the pressure on 1, switched to another, and before either of those, tried to connect me to a player who had just gotten here because I defended someone because I thought it was public abuse on a 13 year old kid.

Something about the way new guy was defending himself suggested to me that he was scum. As it turns out, we didn't get lucky. Also, I didn't try to pin defending eagle on you. I specifically agreed with strike's opinion that since you didn't know better, you had no idea what eagle was doing. I was saying that pcm was the worse one for defending him, since he was in at least one game that eagle ruined. Now I must make the next point perfectly clear, so I will switch colors again:

I don't think either you or pcm are scummy. I was just applying edoc's logic to show that IF we go for whoever was defending eagle, it makes more sense to go for pcm. I am not saying that we SHOULD go for whoever was defending eagle.

I think he is trying to manipulate things to the point that we are too busy lynching 3-4 townies, so he and his fellow mafia can finish off 1-2 every night (I assume the second kill was an SK, but I do not know).

Also, on top of this, I couldn’t gather anything, but I have a strange feeling about CLEVER who hasn’t posted in FOREVER. And I also have a strange feeling about Chapcrap (if Chap flips mafia, I don’t think it would be a completely secure plan to go after StrikeWolf, but MAYBE keep it in mind. Not really a strong lead there). I don’t have anything to go against them with quite yet, but there is something there, I just have a feeling. Lol.

So, out of this. Vote Doomyoshi
FOS ChapCrap

I am not sure what to make of your strange feelings.Usually chap is pretty obvious as mafia (see FF7) so I think I would pick up on it if he was. Also, clever hasn't posted enough for me to tell either way. Perhaps he could get a pr0d?

DoomYoshi wrote:
spiesr wrote:
DoomYoshi wrote:
ghostly447 wrote:Thank you for the post back, doomyoshi, I will look further into it. I have no intention to drop the case if I can get anything else.
So, even with another case you won't drop it? Lyncher much?
In my opinion, it looks like he was trying to say that he will bring the case back if he finds any more potential evidence for it.

Oh yes, I see that now lol. My bad.

So lets see, someone told me that my point of view was not correct. But lets think for a moment. I thought I made it very clear, and I am sure that had no one came in and said "It looks like he is trying to say...More potential evidence for it" I feel it is safe to say you would have persued that case. Though I am not going to try to say what you should be thinking. But TO ME it looks like you were once again trying to pin a case on someone, and see how far the community would take it for you.

Now, I am going to once again bring up that you are one of the most active. You kept the FF7 game active until you were night killed. I do not see your tremendously large posts full of evidence here. It seems you are trying to give 1 little post and see if we will take the bait to me.

My opinions, but sometimes it needs to be seen from another point of view.
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Re: Hectic Eclectic Mafia (15/17)[D2] No escape for deserter

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Wed Feb 08, 2012 10:14 am

DoomYoshi wrote:Once again, which points are the good ones? Not posting to avoid screwing up is something scum can use as a tactic. It is also often used by n00bs though... sigh.

1.that you are more active in other games when you were town
ghostly447 wrote:
DoomYoshi wrote:
edocsil wrote:Unvote

Perhaps ghostly should be looked at if sound flips scum, but I don't think the lead is a good one ATM.

Although ghostly was the only called out for defending eagle; PCM also did not vote, and was in at least one of the blacklist causing games. I am not saying either is scummy, but strike's hypothesis makes sense. If soundman does end up being scummy, PCM is a stronger candidate to look at then ghostly.

In any case, Unvote. Clearly the air is too foul for joke votes now.

This needs to be seen from a different point of view. It was originally looked over, but I see it as a scum tale. There was no main case, but I feel he was looking too far into this. Talking to the extent that I feel it was “After we lynch soundman, let’s try to lynch ghostly”. Trying to get 2 in 1 go in other words. I am not going to try to tell you what he said, just what I am seeing with it in my opinion.(end quote)

i looked at this last night and thought i had saw something but looking at it today with awake eyes i realize that i dont see anything in this
so the points i thought were good end up being faulty
but like i said if i saw more evidence then i could look into that but i really dont see anything with awake eyes
i know this sounds like skimming but i deffinitaly read through the entire thing and feel like i was looking for something to be there

also i would like everyone to look at this these are how many posts since day two has started
MoB Deadly=2
Some7hingCLEVER=4(this will be my fifth)
Sir pancakemix=1
Victor Sullivan=2
new guy1=1
strike wolf=6
la galleta=0
so i see that other people have posted alot less than me and if you want me to go beyond day two i can
i suggest prods on la galleta and dazza(he is modding another game so i can see how he might be distracted)
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Re: Hectic Eclectic Mafia (15/17)[D2] No escape for deserter

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Wed Feb 08, 2012 10:17 am

my point is that any one of these guys could have had cases placed on them
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Re: Hectic Eclectic Mafia (15/17)[D2] No escape for deserter

Postby jonty125 on Wed Feb 08, 2012 10:42 am

soundman wrote:
Victor Sullivan wrote:
jonty125 wrote:I don't think there is a case on Doom but its a nice try from ghostly. I am going to assume Victor has a PR related to cricket unless he's just been a pain in the backside and therefore should be lynched.

Shut the f*ck up jonty! You're out of your element!

...Wait, what? We have to lynch someone Day 3? Tails will have to reschedule. I told that kraut a fucking thousand times I don't post on Shabbos! Shabbos is the Jewish day of rest. That means I don't work, I don't drive a car, I don't fucking ride in a car, I don't handle money, I don't turn on the oven, and I sure as shit DON'T FUCKING POST! SHOMER SHABBOS! Shomer fucking Shabbos.


Ah, after this post and a little google I now know who he is. :)

Jewish cricketer :-s would you care to spill the beans
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Re: Hectic Eclectic Mafia (15/17)[D2] No escape for deserter

Postby DoomYoshi on Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:05 pm

ghostly447 wrote:
So lets see, someone told me that my point of view was not correct. But lets think for a moment. I thought I made it very clear, and I am sure that had no one came in and said "It looks like he is trying to say...More potential evidence for it" I feel it is safe to say you would have persued that case.

If it was made very clear, I wouldn't have misunderstood. So what is your problem now? That I might pursue a case? If that is a crime, I would hate to see your list of scum tells. Clearly, I didnt vote you and I was waiting for a better explanation of what you meant.

Though I am not going to try to say what you should be thinking. But TO ME it looks like you were once again trying to pin a case on someone, and see how far the community would take it

Once again, I am pretty sure that is the point of the game and not a scum tell. If you insist that it is scummy, I don't know how to counter.

Now, I am going to once again bring up that you are one of the most active. You kept the FF7 game active until you were night killed. I do not see your tremendously large posts full of evidence here.

I am usually a fairly concise player. I only needed large posts against William because he was a troll and immune to logic.

It seems you are trying to give 1 little post and see if we will take the bait to me.

My opinions, but sometimes it needs to be seen from another point of view.

In the first part of the post, you seem bothered by the fact that I might pursue a case. In the second part, you are bothered that I am not presenting enough evidence, and hence, not pursuing enough case. There is an inherent contradiction in your argument.
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Re: Hectic Eclectic Mafia (15/17)[D2] No escape for deserter

Postby DoomYoshi on Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:07 pm

jonty125 wrote:
soundman wrote:
Victor Sullivan wrote:
jonty125 wrote:I don't think there is a case on Doom but its a nice try from ghostly. I am going to assume Victor has a PR related to cricket unless he's just been a pain in the backside and therefore should be lynched.

Shut the f*ck up jonty! You're out of your element!

...Wait, what? We have to lynch someone Day 3? Tails will have to reschedule. I told that kraut a fucking thousand times I don't post on Shabbos! Shabbos is the Jewish day of rest. That means I don't work, I don't drive a car, I don't fucking ride in a car, I don't handle money, I don't turn on the oven, and I sure as shit DON'T FUCKING POST! SHOMER SHABBOS! Shomer fucking Shabbos.


Ah, after this post and a little google I now know who he is. :)

Jewish cricketer :-s would you care to spill the beans

Jesus Christ! This has gone on too long. Look at tails signature. The answer is in his signature.
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Re: Hectic Eclectic Mafia (15/17)[D2] No escape for deserter

Postby chapcrap on Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:11 pm

CLEVER, it doesn't seem to me like Doom was saying let's lynch soundman and then ghostly. He said that if soundman were scum, then look at PCM before ghostly. I think you're reading it wrong.

Also, the case on you was not just based on the fact that you hadn't posted on Day 2. It's that you were highly inactive on Day 1 and it spilled into Day 2 and you had been seen active in other areas of the site (according to strike). That is known as submarining or scummarining. You're back now and appear to be posting regularly, but we still have to decide whether or not to paint you as scummy or as new. As of now, I'm willing to give you the benefit of doubt.

jonty, VS is acting like a character from the Big Lebowski

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Re: Hectic Eclectic Mafia (15/17)[D2] No escape for deserter

Postby jonty125 on Wed Feb 08, 2012 2:43 pm

Worked it out, and in case anyone else what VS' name its Walter Sobchak
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Re: Hectic Eclectic Mafia (15/17)[D2] No escape for deserter

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Wed Feb 08, 2012 4:32 pm

chapcrap wrote:CLEVER, it doesn't seem to me like Doom was saying let's lynch soundman and then ghostly. He said that if soundman were scum, then look at PCM before ghostly. I think you're reading it wrong.

Also, the case on you was not just based on the fact that you hadn't posted on Day 2. It's that you were highly inactive on Day 1 and it spilled into Day 2 and you had been seen active in other areas of the site (according to strike). That is known as submarining or scummarining. You're back now and appear to be posting regularly, but we still have to decide whether or not to paint you as scummy or as new. As of now, I'm willing to give you the benefit of doubt.

jonty, VS is acting like a character from the Big Lebowski

FASTPOSTED twice by Doom

ok I see what your saying
And ya I understand what your saying about being quite in day one I thought it was joke voting and I didn't know what to do in that case but I am doing my best to post regularly (even in the bathroom at school lol) but I really like mafia games and am used to it now I guess
and will definitely post more
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Re: Hectic Eclectic Mafia (15/17)[D2] No escape for deserter

Postby safariguy5 on Wed Feb 08, 2012 6:53 pm

Ok, I take issue with Some7's post tally from day 2. To say that you've posted 4-5 times is just not accurate if you take into account that like 3 of them were fluff posts regarding you being busy over the weekend. You're deliberately trying to make yourself seem active when everyone can clearly see you haven't really posted much of value. Simply quoting and agreeing with a case doesn't count as contributing.

I'm with Yoshi here, I think you're misinterpreting the wording of his post, I didn't detect anything scummy on the first read and I don't now.

vote Something7
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Re: Hectic Eclectic Mafia (15/17)[D2] No escape for deserter

Postby TA1LGUNN3R on Wed Feb 08, 2012 7:33 pm

Vote Count

MoB Deadly:
Some7hingCLEVER: 1 (Saf)
Victor Sullivan:
new guy1:
strike wolf:
Doom Yoshi: 1 (ghostly)
la galleta:

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch

I will prod la galleta and dazza after work tonight, although last time I checked la galleta's profile, he hadn't logged on since Saturday.

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Re: Hectic Eclectic Mafia (15/17)[D2] No escape for deserter

Postby strike wolf on Wed Feb 08, 2012 8:07 pm

I am a bit concerned about Ghostly as well he seems determined to stick to his flawed opinion about Doomyoshi going after him even after it's been pointed out to him more than once that Yoshi was saying Pancake was the more viable target of the two if Soundman came up guilty.

I will definitely agree with Some7 on one thing in particular I would like to hear from dazza and La Galleta.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: Hectic Eclectic Mafia (15/17)[D2] No escape for deserter

Postby ghostly447 on Wed Feb 08, 2012 8:51 pm

safariguy5 wrote:Ok, I take issue with Some7's post tally from day 2. To say that you've posted 4-5 times is just not accurate if you take into account that like 3 of them were fluff posts regarding you being busy over the weekend. You're deliberately trying to make yourself seem active when everyone can clearly see you haven't really posted much of value. Simply quoting and agreeing with a case doesn't count as contributing.

I'm with Yoshi here, I think you're misinterpreting the wording of his post, I didn't detect anything scummy on the first read and I don't now.

vote Something7

Mmk Safari. I will take note of this one. Last time I checked, CLEVER was under the radar until I FOS'ed him and then everyone started pursuing him. Not going to say he isnt scum, just going to say doomyoshi might be throwing a noobie under the bus.

For now, I will continue the pressure on CLEVER though. May as well since he did add a lot of fluff. Good argument by safariguy in my mind.

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Re: Hectic Eclectic Mafia (15/17)[D2] No escape for deserter

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Wed Feb 08, 2012 10:42 pm

safariguy5 wrote:Ok, I take issue with Some7's post tally from day 2. To say that you've posted 4-5 times is just not accurate if you take into account that like 3 of them were fluff posts regarding you being busy over the weekend. You're deliberately trying to make yourself seem active when everyone can clearly see you haven't really posted much of value. Simply quoting and agreeing with a case doesn't count as contributing.

I'm with Yoshi here, I think you're misinterpreting the wording of his post, I didn't detect anything scummy on the first read and I don't now.

vote Something7

Ok I see that but still that would mean I have posted more than 4 or 5 people and obviously am showing activity and interest
And I feel like this is the main reason im being questioned so just wondering why I was chosen out of these people
If im missing something here please say something but right now im seeing flaws in this case
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Re: Hectic Eclectic Mafia (15/17)[D2] No escape for deserter

Postby new guy1 on Wed Feb 08, 2012 10:51 pm

they've said it. you were not active day one. im not counting myself out, but that is the point they are bringing up,
Also, the case on you was not just based on the fact that you hadn't posted on Day 2. It's that you were highly inactive on Day 1 and it spilled into Day 2 and you had been seen active in other areas of the site (according to strike).

from chapcrap.
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Re: Hectic Eclectic Mafia (15/17)[D2] No escape for deserter

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Wed Feb 08, 2012 11:04 pm

safariguy5 wrote:Ok, I take issue with Some7's post tally from day 2. To say that you've posted 4-5 times is just not accurate if you take into account that like 3 of them were fluff posts regarding you being busy over the weekend. You're deliberately trying to make yourself seem active when everyone can clearly see you haven't really posted much of value. Simply quoting and agreeing with a case doesn't count as contributing.

I'm with Yoshi here, I think you're misinterpreting the wording of his post, I didn't detect anything scummy on the first read and I don't now.

vote Something7

And the thing about misinterpretation I already said that I didn't see anything scummy so I think ur misreading what I said
Some7hingCLEVER wrote:[
i looked at this last night and thought i had saw something but looking at it today with awake eyes i realize that i dont see anything in this
so the points i thought were good end up being faulty
but like i said if i saw more evidence then i could look into that but i really dont see anything with awake eyes
i know this sounds like skimming but i deffinitaly read through the entire thing and feel like i was looking for something to be there
And to new guy about my inactivity on day 1 I thought I'd already explained this that I thought it was joke voting and being new didn't know how to handle it I don't know how else u want me to say it
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Re: Hectic Eclectic Mafia (15/17)[D2] No escape for deserter

Postby ghostly447 on Wed Feb 08, 2012 11:10 pm

I forgot to unvote. Now vote CLEVER
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Cadet ghostly447
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