TheForgivenOne wrote:strike wolf wrote:Hmm..I'm actually going to FOS Jonty for that remark. Cult has always been evil and the mason recruiter has always been the town equivalent to a cult recruiter. Now edoc has been around long enough to consider any town group faction to be called masons. He would not call them cult. Arggh...I had a very clear thought in my head when I started writing this but I can't seem to get it to come out that way. Anyways, my main point is that TFO has confirmed that cult is antagonistic, I am fosing Jonty based on the possible intentional mislead by suggesting possible protagonistic cult.
Just pointing out that I hadn't said they were evil yet when Jonty made that post.
I said we had a cult, he posted his, I said they were an evil dragon worshipers.
However, I haven't encountered a cult that is considered "Good". So maybe he's trying to make it look like I was mentioning a Mason instead of a Cult.
According to this then, assuming the cultists take on the alignment of the dragon they worship, and assuming edoc stuck to the core 3 books, there is a 60% chance the cult is CE and 40% LE. (Red, black and white dragons are all CE; Blue and green are all LE; those are the main evil dragons).