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safariguy5 wrote:I think MVP should go to trini. Busdriving the doctor INTO the kill was just terrible luck, and it takes a good amount of moxie to bring it back after that. His lists of probable scum were pretty good. Rodion v. 2.0 could also be considered for MVP, although he wasn't alive very long.
Any comments/questions/suggestions about the game?
aage wrote:Never trust CYOC or pancake.
chapcrap wrote:safariguy5 wrote:I think MVP should go to trini. Busdriving the doctor INTO the kill was just terrible luck, and it takes a good amount of moxie to bring it back after that. His lists of probable scum were pretty good. Rodion v. 2.0 could also be considered for MVP, although he wasn't alive very long.
Any comments/questions/suggestions about the game?
When you say his lists, maybe you mean mine?
Either way, I would have given it to Rodion v2.0
I think that trini played well, but the addition of Rodion back into the game really helped us get a gameplan on how to go after mafia. I would vote for Rodion, but either one is deserving.
Rodion wrote:Saf, try to award 1 medal for Jimfin as well (give me the Clown medal and him the Mayor medal if you know what I'm saying)!
MVP should go to Trini in my opinion.
pancakemix wrote:Pretty much what happened with me was I didn't want to use any of the provided fakeclaims because (as I have very limited knowledge of the film) I was told they weren't any good. It probably killed me in the end. Or maybe it didn't.
What I was REALLY frustrated about was no one actually looked at my case on dazza to see what I was talking about. I explained twice why I quoted drunkmonkey and no one listened. I ended up stonewalling because
1. I didn't want to explain it again, and
2. RL became a bitch.
My Jack counterclaim fell on similar deaf ears. My vote on MeDeFe should have communicated my meaning well enough. All I got were complaints that I wasn't claiming. I did end up coming out and saying it more directly, but at that point I think people had already made up their minds.
It is with that that I'm actually going to retroactively call town out on the reasoning behind my lynch. The former point, I contended (and still contend) that my quote of drunkmonkey was relevant to my case on dazza and that people weren't actually reading my post. The latter point, you may argue, I was being vague, but subtlety is extremely important. In my mind it wasn't SAFE to outright claim Jack, and only one person was willing to tender that option. Being as quiet as possible on an issue can be important at times. There was a lot of discussion of "breadcrumbing" in this game (I dislike that term, but that's another argument). If you see someone doing that, are you going to ask if they're the cop, or are you going to ask a leading question to get a vague response to interpret to know if you can trust that person?
If you're wondering why I'm saying all of this, I'm really interested in this game not degrading into unsmart, variously-pop-culture-themed mush. If someone from the town would like to humor me with a response, Id much enjoy it. If you're going to tell me I should have said all when I was about to get lynched, see reason #2 above.
My goodness, I gave the Godfather the strongest fakename. And really, I think mafia should have realized after the Day 1 VT lynch that not only were there going to be VT's, but there also would be minor character VT's. I tried to tailor the fake names to the relative usefulness of the mafia characters. The goons got characters who would probably be VT's, the roleblocker got a character who could have been a hider or something, and the godfather got one that would have been a pretty good third party survivor role.
aage wrote:Never trust CYOC or pancake.
safariguy5 wrote:Technically, I can't award a medal to someone who was replaced. That would set a precedent for medal hunting and then deadbeating in the game. I know jim has played before, but this being an Official Game, I have to follow the guidelines.
Rodion wrote:safariguy5 wrote:Technically, I can't award a medal to someone who was replaced. That would set a precedent for medal hunting and then deadbeating in the game. I know jim has played before, but this being an Official Game, I have to follow the guidelines.
Does that mean I'm getting 2 medals, then? Or is 1 of the 12 town medals going to be "vacant"?
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
everywhere116 wrote:You da man! Well, not really, because we're colorful ponies, but you get the idea.
strike wolf wrote:Rodion wrote:safariguy5 wrote:Technically, I can't award a medal to someone who was replaced. That would set a precedent for medal hunting and then deadbeating in the game. I know jim has played before, but this being an Official Game, I have to follow the guidelines.
Does that mean I'm getting 2 medals, then? Or is 1 of the 12 town medals going to be "vacant"?
I believe it means one medal will be vacant.
saxitoxin wrote:Your position is more complex than the federal tax code. As soon as I think I understand it, I find another index of cross-references, exceptions and amendments I have to apply.
Timminz wrote:Yo mama is so classless, she could be a Marxist utopia.
Leitz wrote:Well done town! For my first game this was a huge experience and I enjoyed every bit of it! Now that the game is over my case on dazza did seem completely wrong, but hey, that's part of the game I guess.
MVP definitely trinicardinal, I always tend to believe him and our lists mostly matched but his persistence was admirable!
betiko wrote:ok a little post game analysis!
First of all, I definitely want to give the MVP to trini. sorry trini if I've been harsh with you sometimes, was just in my role.
I really thought trini was a harmless player during the first half, and scum mates wanted to lynch him and i always thought there were better targets. then on day 3 we were almost sure trini was the bus; and thought that strike was a watcher so we decided to go for strike, also because when he gets you he doesn't let you go like a pitbull biting.
I have to say that the turning point of the game came with jimfinn. He is the one that made the town win. He proposed the massclaim when no one was going on that direction, and from then on a player like trini from his position and his knowledge could make the correct list of scums. Day 4 was actually horrible; we managed to get this far, but with so many claims already done, we had nowhere to hide!
I think that this whole jimfinn/trini thing made us panic. The worse thing is that in his counter claim, mob said the truth about the bus driver being blocked; cause we were sure on night 3 that medefe and trini were the bus and the power role and we blocked trini.
the problem is that the town didn't beleive we could've not blocked the cop!
Also I counter claimed epi because i thought that we needed to start making some collateral damage at that point; trini's list was christal clear and had to bring some doubts.. I wanted to kind of make a town look shady; being chap as I thought is gameplay was quite weird all game, so i decided to clear him.
Unfortunately came rodion 2.0, who brought the whole "epi, protect me". From then, the game was clearly lost. the original plan as to get rid of me on day 5 and to make epi win brownie points. We had to kill rodion, there was no other choice cause we knew he would investigate epi.
Unfortunately, the great thing would've been to have PCM claim and me counter claim on him; and claim VT! I think we would've won by doing that, cause killing the cop wouldn't ve been a priority, PCM being godfather. Also, the claim done by epi had the problem of being a power role that would be easily verified to be false.
Mob was too nervous in his claim, and did a mistake by linking me and PCM to him.
I did the mistake to think an inventor always had the same inventions and didn't know they were flavoured...
Basically, all 4 mafia did a mistake on day 4 in my opinion because we were not ready for the mass claim. Also, it was very complicated because leitz new about medefe; so there was no way to start acusing medefe.
will write mùore later!
aage wrote:Never trust CYOC or pancake.
pancakemix wrote:Seeing all our names on a list didn't make me panic. MoB's counterclaim (more the way he went about it) was more likely to induce panic.
Betiko, are you suggesting I also claim Igor? Because that would have ended comically.
pancakemix wrote:Seeing all our names on a list didn't make me panic. MoB's counterclaim (more the way he went about it) was more likely to induce panic.
Betiko, are you suggesting I also claim Igor? Because that would have ended comically.
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