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Re: Matrix 6 NEW GAME Day One

Postby Iron Butterfly on Tue Jul 07, 2015 1:34 pm

Deadline is Tomorrow 12noon

VC count yourself...there is literally half a page since day began.

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Re: Matrix 6 NEW GAME Day One

Postby virus90 on Tue Jul 07, 2015 1:52 pm

ok i hoped to see something happening. but since deadline is so close.

i am the cop i investigated epitaph this night, he is mafia.
hoped it wasnt nescesary to claim but since there is litteraly nobody voting/discussing its needed.

i hinted my role in one of my posts. B2, the position of the cop in the matrix. linked by IB.
virus90 wrote:
Epitaph1 wrote:All signs point to 2 mafia.

Who here cracks the easiest under pressure? Maybe that could be the first person to pressure.

LOL, captain obvious reporting for duty, superb! 2 mafia analysis :P
i am afraid the "signs" are more like this so far:
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Re: Matrix 6 NEW GAME Day One

Postby Epitaph1 on Tue Jul 07, 2015 2:13 pm

Nope. I'm the cop. Nice try though. Why do you think I was referring to playing follow the cop? There's no way you can call that a breadcrumb. I'll be shocked if anyone took that b! 2 as a hint at your role.

I investigated Daz last night and he's innocent. That narrowed down the list of suspects to virus + the 4 remaining people on the wagon, which is why I knew that scum had to be on the wagon.

Vote virus

We need 3 more votes pronto to put virus away.

So, if we have a doctor tonight, he/she can protect me and we'll do follow the cop. The problem is if the mafia have a roleblocker, I could get blocked (unless virus is the RB).
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Re: Matrix 6 NEW GAME Day One

Postby Epitaph1 on Tue Jul 07, 2015 2:15 pm

I'm curious to see who on the dakky lynch will turn on virus. A lot of town cred at stake since there are only 2 mafia and losing one will be huge.
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Re: Matrix 6 NEW GAME Day One

Postby virus90 on Tue Jul 07, 2015 2:26 pm

wow the odds of me being mafia and claiming cop pointing out who is scum. and then being counterclaimed by my target who claims also to be the cop.
the risk i would have to take to pull this off while i was under no threat at all, and a vote could easily be swayed by 2 mafia since no one was/is active. :lol: =D>

the idea of the hint is that its not obvious at that point but is indicative at a point where it is needed. if i where mafia i wouldnt know what setup we are in, (neither does the cop) since it could be 2 scenarios always. by exactly marking my position, how clear do you want it to be? even quoted "signs" and did all that in first post basicly.

so up for town to decide; am i so stupid/ballsy/risk taking as to pull this off (for what cause?)
or is it more likely that epitaph is trying for a desperate last attempt.
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Re: Matrix 6 NEW GAME Day One

Postby NoSurvivors on Tue Jul 07, 2015 2:35 pm

unvote for now.. Well that escalated quickly.. I'm at work but I'll reply after.
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Re: Matrix 6 NEW GAME Day One

Postby HotShot53 on Tue Jul 07, 2015 2:56 pm

Sorry for not being active, the weekend was a lot busier than I expected and I've not been keeping up with any of the games on here as much as I'd like to.

Well, I came back at the right time it seems, something interesting has finally happened in the game :)

Epitaph, if you are claiming cop, why did you investigate daz?

I just re-read the thread... Virus was the first to try to get epi to claim yesterday, before epi refused to at L-2 saying there was no good case on him, and enough people thought he defended himself better than dakky and lynched dakky. Others commented that epi is either scum or power role...

Today, virus started off going for epi again, which if he is the true cop would be obvious why now.

So... either virus made a super bold play, and is hoping his scum partner will win the game if they lynch epi (which although he might have suspected was a power role, would have had no reason to suspect was a cop), or virus is telling the truth and epi is making a last-ditch effort to save himself. If scum thought epi was a power role, they would have killed him night 1 though... and I have to agree with virus that it's a pretty big coincidence that epi happens to claim being a cop... and I don't like how he wants to quickly lynch virus and is like "ok, lets see how fast everyone jumps, anyone who doesn't vote virus right away must be scum"

So right now I am leaning towards believing virus and voting epi, but will wait to see if anyone has a better reasoning that would make me reconsider before voting and risking a mislynch here. (And I know the deadline is tomorrow, I will place my vote later tonight or at the latest tomorrow morning)
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Re: Matrix 6 NEW GAME Day One

Postby Epitaph1 on Tue Jul 07, 2015 3:37 pm

Some points:

- There is no doubt in my mind that virus is scum. With a semi-open set up, there is no chance that he could be anything else. If this was closed we could speculate about there being more than one cop but that's just not the situation. So I'm going to vote for the person I'm 100% is scum. I'm surprised virus isn't voting for me for the same reason. . .

- Also, I don't think his play was really that bold. The mafia only need what 3 mislynches to win? They already have one and taking a gamble and fakeclaiming can get them a second right off the bat. It draws out a PR that they can take down now for a 2nd mislynch or at worst they take me out tonight. If you kill me today, you have to kill virus tomorrow for sure. But that would be killing the cop now (me) and then giving them 2 chances to get the doctor tonight and tomorrow night (assuming we are in the 2nd row of roles).

- I investigated Daz because he was tripping my scumdar. If you go back and look at his posts from D1, he does a good job laying low and not really saying much. I've played with him a lot and he's pretty hard to nail down as scum because he plays the same way as when he's town.

- One reason I think I was spared last night is because I was already starting to get heat yesterday and I was a good mislynch candidate going into today. So, I'm not really surprised that I've been framed.

- The only reason I'm asking for the votes is because we have less than 24 hours until the deadline, so we don't have a ton of time to dilly dally if we want to get virus.
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Re: Matrix 6 NEW GAME Day One

Postby virus90 on Tue Jul 07, 2015 3:42 pm

thx for the tip epi, i wasnt voting you yet indeed :) thought i had but i only accused you so far.

vote epitaph.
and i know what you are dont worry, shouldnt be a surprise that i investigated epitaph after my posts yesterday.
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Re: Matrix 6 NEW GAME Day One

Postby NoSurvivors on Tue Jul 07, 2015 5:09 pm

I tend to agree with hotshot's summary. If I were scum and in virus' position there is a 0% chance I would pull such a stunt.

vote epi.

If epi by some miracle is town cop then its mars and virus, as the only logical explanation for why virus would jump to claim such a ballsy claim.
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Re: Matrix 6 NEW GAME Day One

Postby Marashu on Tue Jul 07, 2015 5:21 pm

Wow. I get back from work and a whole lot has picked up!

First of all,
Vote Epi

Right now the only thing to do is play this out. If Epi is scum we'll probably lose virus tonight. If Epi is real cop, we get scum tomorrow (but probably lose daz). But right now, the Epi counterclaim seems like a last-ditch effort from scum to me. Also, if virus is real cop, his d2 tunneling of epi makes a lot more sense to me.
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Re: Matrix 6 NEW GAME Day One

Postby NoSurvivors on Tue Jul 07, 2015 7:02 pm

Yeah the tunnelling seemed like a pretty good tell to me too... he pushed epi and he may have succeeded (or may not have) without claiming but i think claiming (if he is town cop) was the right thing to do.
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Re: Matrix 6 NEW GAME Day One

Postby HotShot53 on Wed Jul 08, 2015 7:43 am

Well, I still don't see a logical explanation of why virus would make that play if he were scum... the way it played out only makes sense if virus is the real cop. So I will vote epi, which I believe is a lynch

I hope we have a doc around to save the cop...
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Re: Matrix 6 NEW GAME Day One

Postby Epitaph1 on Wed Jul 08, 2015 7:53 am

That's 4.


Go town!
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Re: Matrix 6 NEW GAME Day One

Postby madmitch on Wed Jul 08, 2015 7:55 am

i hope you guys are right
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Re: Matrix 6 NEW GAME Day One

Postby WingCmdr Ginkapo on Wed Jul 08, 2015 7:57 am

Thats a Lynch

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Re: Matrix 6 NEW GAME Day One

Postby Iron Butterfly on Wed Jul 08, 2015 12:00 pm

Deadline has been reached. With 7 players 4 is needed to lynch not 3. It is 50% of plyer base plus one


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Re: Matrix 6 NEW GAME Day One

Postby virus90 on Wed Jul 08, 2015 12:12 pm

ib there apear to be 4... me, nos, marashu and hotshot.
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Re: Matrix 6 NEW GAME Day One

Postby Iron Butterfly on Wed Jul 08, 2015 12:16 pm


Hotshot was off to the side...don't ask....sorry guys.

Thats a lynch. Double Duh

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Re: Matrix 6 NEW GAME Day One

Postby Epitaph1 on Wed Jul 08, 2015 12:22 pm

How about we call it a no lynch? :D
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Re: Matrix 6 NEW GAME Day One

Postby virus90 on Wed Jul 08, 2015 12:41 pm

nice try scummy boy ;)
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Re: Matrix 6 NEW GAME Day One

Postby Iron Butterfly on Wed Jul 08, 2015 5:23 pm

EPI MAFIA ROLE BLOCKER Has been lynched.

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Re: Matrix 6 NEW GAME Day One

Postby Iron Butterfly on Wed Jul 08, 2015 5:27 pm

Through the use of his super duper time machine the night speeds up to a new day.

NOS Town Doc Has been eliminated. The Zombies from outer space fight on.


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Re: Matrix 6 NEW GAME Day One

Postby dakky21 on Wed Jul 08, 2015 6:18 pm

Go town!!! (whispers from the grave)
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Re: Matrix 6 NEW GAME Day One

Postby NoSurvivors on Wed Jul 08, 2015 8:22 pm

shoot... well good luck town. good kill mafia whoever you are
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