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Postby pancakemix on Sat Jul 07, 2007 3:52 pm

Unless I can see visible proof of reasoning it's a random vote.
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aage wrote:Never trust CYOC or pancake.
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Postby Neutrino on Sat Jul 07, 2007 6:39 pm

LSU's reasons seem a bit specious, so I'm going to stay out of this one.

His entire argument seems to revolve around "Freezie said so"

I'm not defending them, (I voted for Fircoal, remember) but LSU's argument is so bad it's almost scummy :-k
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Postby derfderf34 on Sat Jul 07, 2007 6:47 pm

i think that is also scummy that fircoal and pancake started to post even more when in the hot seat

vote pancake

fos fircoal
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Postby LSU Tiger Josh on Sat Jul 07, 2007 6:53 pm

freezie wrote:His def will be faked. He IS scum. 100% sure.

I wouldn't be surprised if he turned out beeing the infamous Joker.

This tells me that there is a reason Freezie said this or else he is risking himself getting lynched the next day. If it's scummy believing someone that says they are 100% sure about someone then I'm guilty. As a matter of fact though FOS Neutrino for evidently not seeing that Freezie is 100% sure of it.
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Postby pancakemix on Sat Jul 07, 2007 7:24 pm

LSU Tiger Josh wrote:
freezie wrote:His def will be faked. He IS scum. 100% sure.

I wouldn't be surprised if he turned out beeing the infamous Joker.

This tells me that there is a reason Freezie said this or else he is risking himself getting lynched the next day. If it's scummy believing someone that says they are 100% sure about someone then I'm guilty. As a matter of fact though FOS Neutrino for evidently not seeing that Freezie is 100% sure of it.

That's not a reason that's a feeling. Freezie has zero logic in feeling that way, has a flawed argument, and derf, I have been busy lately, note that I haven't posted much in any mafia games and why wouldn't I talk at lynch -2?
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aage wrote:Never trust CYOC or pancake.
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Postby Fircoal on Sat Jul 07, 2007 7:44 pm

pancakemix wrote:
LSU Tiger Josh wrote:
freezie wrote:His def will be faked. He IS scum. 100% sure.

I wouldn't be surprised if he turned out beeing the infamous Joker.

This tells me that there is a reason Freezie said this or else he is risking himself getting lynched the next day. If it's scummy believing someone that says they are 100% sure about someone then I'm guilty. As a matter of fact though FOS Neutrino for evidently not seeing that Freezie is 100% sure of it.

That's not a reason that's a feeling. Freezie has zero logic in feeling that way, has a flawed argument, and derf, I have been busy lately, note that I haven't posted much in any mafia games and why wouldn't I talk at lynch -2?

QFT, Derf why do you think we're talking. We are trying to save ourselfs. :roll:
Vote: Mandy
Eddie35: hi everyone
Serbia: YOU IDIOT! What is THAT supposed to be? Are you even TRYING to play this game?! Kill the idiot NOW please!
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Postby Serbia on Sat Jul 07, 2007 8:57 pm



Strange, right? Not to me. I've been suspicious of him for a bit now, even yesterday when we both were trying to lynch... oh whoever it is we lynched, who turned out town (like he said). Now, he's working with Freezie, real quick like, saying "I trust him". That may be well and fine, but I no longer trust LSU. Regardless of his pro- claim. So, that's my vote.
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may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
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Postby Neutrino on Sat Jul 07, 2007 9:10 pm

LSU Tiger Josh wrote:
freezie wrote:His def will be faked. He IS scum. 100% sure.

I wouldn't be surprised if he turned out beeing the infamous Joker.

This tells me that there is a reason Freezie said this or else he is risking himself getting lynched the next day. If it's scummy believing someone that says they are 100% sure about someone then I'm guilty. As a matter of fact though FOS Neutrino for evidently not seeing that Freezie is 100% sure of it.

This is what i'm talking about. All "Freezie said so" and no actual reasons.

If I were to say I was 100% sure that Freezie was scum and provided absolutly no reasons for this would you vote for him?

If being 100% sure of something was a reason for lynching, then it would be nigh impossible for the town to win a game, since the scum would just claim 100% sureity on random townies and watch them be lynched with absolutely no reasoning.

Vote: LSU

FOS: Derfderf
FOS: Freezie

Your arguments are too badly thought out for words.
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Postby Neutrino on Sat Jul 07, 2007 9:11 pm

Oh yea, Unvote

Vote: LSU
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Postby LSU Tiger Josh on Sun Jul 08, 2007 1:44 am

Nice to see the scum come out of the woodwork. Evidently some ignorant townies and scum can't read clues as to why not much more was said. Pancake was investigated and found to be scum hence the 100% sure comment. In regards to scum claiming "100% sure on someone they would do that once and then be discovered and lynched the next day. Townies would win by the sheer numbers if the game was set up in a normal way.

Neutrino is 2nd on my list of scum trail behind pancake followed by Serbia. Fircoal I have my doubts about actually being scum. Vigilante if one still exists feel free to shoot neutrino tonight as odds are he is scum.
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Postby LSU Tiger Josh on Sun Jul 08, 2007 1:47 am

So Pancake are you the Joker, Hatter, or another just anti gotham character that was investigated and found to be scum. Town if I die tonight Neutrino is a nice target to go after unless told otherwise.
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Postby Neutrino on Sun Jul 08, 2007 3:52 am

LSU Tiger Josh wrote:Nice to see the scum come out of the woodwork. Evidently some ignorant townies and scum can't read clues as to why not much more was said. Pancake was investigated and found to be scum hence the 100% sure comment.

Where? I assume you are speaking of Mandy's cop-claim and not some odd Freezie-implied-that-he-was-also-a-cop-and-had-investigated-pancake type thing. Actually, I just re-read and, even though I remembered that he did, Mandy never accused Pancake. Unless I missed something, your entire argument rests on Freezie-implied-that-he-was-also-a-cop-and-had-investigated-pancake.

And that, really, is no cause for a lynch.

There is nothing to suggest that A) There are any cops left or B) That this hypothetical cop is willing to commit suicide when there is already a good target (Fircoal).
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Postby Talapus on Sun Jul 08, 2007 5:37 am

Patrol Log
By: Renee Montoya

Throughout the day, inmates everywhere argued and fought with one another. I tried breaking up a few of the fights, but just gave up as the day wore on. What was the point? All the accusations and wild speculations were getting everyone no where. With no new leads as the day wore on, it looked as though we could be in for another long night.

Ever since the two strange images of the masked and cloaked individual were captured last night by the cameras, everyone has been on the lookout for him. I’ve been all over this asylum, and didn’t even catch a glimpse of this elusive individual until I was about ready to call it a night. I almost hadn’t noticed it, movement out of the corner of my eye. But there he was, this strange phantom looking figure gliding down the south corridor.

I quickly began to follow the suspicious looking character when he began to glide faster. I was sprinting now just to keep up and see where he’d go. But as he came around the last corner in the southern wing, two inmates ambushed him and tackled him to the ground. Before the phantom to respond, one of the inmates began bashing at his head with a rock, while the other inmate tried lighting his robes on fire. I was going to draw my weapon and try to break up the fight, but three more inmates appeared and joined in the beating. At that point, I was in fear of my own safety, so I sunk into the shadows and watched the gruesome scene.

In less then a minute, the inmates had beaten the strange character unconscious and successfully lit him on fire. With one final savage blow to the head, it was obvious he would never wake again.

XenCobra - Andrea Beaumont/The Phantasm – Pro-Gotham/Revenge Vigilante(Tried to kill one certain character, once/if she succeeded, she’d become a regular townie)

I waited a few minutes for the inmates to disperse and then, using a fire extinguisher, put out the flames that were engulfing the body of the Phantasm. I tried to find some evidence of who this person was hunting, but all I found was a singed photo of The Joker in her back pocket. We will now never know her true intentions.

Now, I must head back to the security station. Night has fully engulfed the asylum once again I no longer feel safe out here in the open. I just hope I’ll see morning!

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Postby Neutrino on Sun Jul 08, 2007 5:56 am

Was that modkilling because he wasn't posting, or was there something I missed?
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Postby n8freeman on Sun Jul 08, 2007 9:29 am

Neutrino wrote:Was that modkilling because he wasn't posting, or was there something I missed?

talapus said something about a deadline i believe
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Postby LSU Tiger Josh on Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:27 am

Deadline hadn't been reached yet though.
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Postby LSU Tiger Josh on Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:30 am

We have 11 hours left to lynch the scum pancake mix while Neutrino looks scummier by the post.
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Postby Koesen on Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:53 am

Talapus says it's night. That means no lynch, though I don't know why.
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Postby LSU Tiger Josh on Sun Jul 08, 2007 11:13 am

Talapus wrote:Vote Count:

(2)Fircoal – nuetrino, Serbia
(4)pancakemix - freezie, LSU Tiger Josh, n8freeman, Koesen

With 11 players it takes 6 to lynch. Day 6 ends in 30 hours...time to lynch somebody! That means 1am PST on Sunday. Also, today is my birthday And I'm going away to celebrate. So feel free to lynch somebody in my absense, I just won't be able to post the death scene until I return. Happy Hunting :twisted:

I would like to protest this decision as we were told 30 hours and it hasn't been 30 hours yet. Pancake has not been lynched yet even though he is only one vote away.
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Postby LSU Tiger Josh on Sun Jul 08, 2007 11:33 am

Talapus when you set a "deadline" you should actually stick to it instead of just randomly moving it up without the lynch being done especially when it is of a scum. I realize that you want it balanced and since I ratted out the remaining scum you are tryign to give them a chance, but it's not right to do that.
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Postby Koesen on Sun Jul 08, 2007 12:25 pm

Perhaps the daytime assassination of XenCobra triggered the night phase?

Maybe XenCobra tried to kill the Joker, but the Joker was protected by a mafia doctor, and the failure cause XenCobra to die?

Just guessing...
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Postby Fircoal on Sun Jul 08, 2007 1:53 pm

LSU Tiger Josh wrote:Talapus when you set a "deadline" you should actually stick to it instead of just randomly moving it up without the lynch being done especially when it is of a scum. I realize that you want it balanced and since I ratted out the remaining scum you are tryign to give them a chance, but it's not right to do that.

HE didn't. He just was too stupid to change the 30 hours, to however many were left. IF you looked at the ending date. IT was still the same. :lol: LOL
Vote: Mandy
Eddie35: hi everyone
Serbia: YOU IDIOT! What is THAT supposed to be? Are you even TRYING to play this game?! Kill the idiot NOW please!
Skoffin wrote: So um.. er... I'll be honest, I don't know what the f*ck to do from here. Goddamnit chu.
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Postby LSU Tiger Josh on Sun Jul 08, 2007 1:55 pm

well crap. that really helps the scumball pancake.
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Postby Neutrino on Wed Jul 11, 2007 6:24 am

Bump. What's taking so long?
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Postby Talapus on Wed Jul 11, 2007 7:30 am

Arkam Asylum Night Log
Employee: Dr. Jennings – Night Time Psychiatrist

The Asylum has grown very quiet over the last several hours. A few of the guards think it’s because the inmates have finally found a way out of the asylum, but I think it’s because there are so few left alive up here. The smell of rotting flesh is in the air all over Arkham. Even though all the bodies have been moved to the far end cells in the south wing, their odor emanates through out all the hallways here. It really makes no difference anymore either way. Another night like this one and there will be no one left alive.

Event 1 – Two security guards were making their rounds earlier this morning, when they stumbled and slipped on some muddy substance in the hallway. Having no idea how it got there, they tried to follow the trail of it and see where it came from. As they continued to follow the trail, it brought them to just outside the asylums laundry facilities. They said the there were puddles of muddy water in the hallway and under the door.

They both entered the laundry room with the guns drawn and the flashlights on. However, once inside, they didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary. Upon looking around the room more for clues though, they came across one of the large soaking pools and noticed muddy water all over the ground around it. Before they could get on the deck above it though to check it out, someone entered through the main doors behind them. Both guards quickly hid and waited to see who came in.


The camera caught this picture of the Joker entering the laundry room obviously still angry about something. The guards were going to move in and try to apprehend him, but he started talking.

“I bet you thought that was pretty funny didn’t you? Trying to drag me into that pool with you and now look at me, I’m all wet! Oh well, bath times over muddy, time to get out.”

A few seconds of silence fell over the room before the guards heard some insane laughter.

“Hahahahahaha! I guess that water was a bit much for you wasn’t it. Well, at least let me help you out!” And with that, the Joker pulled the lever for the drain on the side of the pool. “Bwahahahahahaha……So long mud boy. Hahahaha”

Kernal_Kronic – Matt Hagen A.K.A. “Clayface” – (Unknown) – Was murdered by the Joker.

And with that, the Joker left the laundry room. Both the guards considered going after him, but with the murder of another inmate, they thought better of it. I just hope for all our sakes the Joker gets caught soon.

Event 2 – One of the orderlies was approached by an inmate earlier who was wearing a strange costume. The orderly recognized the strange character as the Gray Ghost and listened to what he had to say. Apparently, the Ghost had been trying to track down a supposed threat within the Asylum and his flashlight had died. He asked the orderly if he would accompany him and the orderly agreed.

For the last day or so, the Gray Ghost had been on the trail of a supposed cult here within our own asylum. Apparently he had already had some luck with eliminating one of the members a night or so back, but until recently, was unable to find the accomplice.

The Gray Ghost and the orderly entered into the basement. With all the old cells and storage areas down here, it was a labyrinth and the perfect hiding place for any inmate. After winding there way through the hallways for 20 minutes, they came to a stop. The Gray Ghost told the orderly to stay in the small cell off to the right and wait for his return. With no other flashlight, he really didn’t have an option.

As the Gray Ghost walked farther down the hallway, the orderly stuck his head out to see where he was going. But just 30 feet away, an employee leaped out at the Gray Ghost and they both flew into the wall. A struggle quickly ensued until the Ghost was able to pull something from behind the employees ear; it resembled a card of some sort. Once it was removed, the employee fell unconscious to the floor and the Gray Ghost quickly got back up. But before he could pick the flashlight back up and resume his search, a strange figure wearing a hat appeared from around the corner.


“Well played old man! But now, it's time to die.” And with that, the strange looking man lobbed some type of explosive at the Gray Ghost. Without even a moments hesitation, the Ghost leaped straight at the bomb and the Mad Hatter. Letting out a small yelp in surprise, the Hatter turned to run. But, it was too late!

The Gray Ghost caught the bomb in mid air and then collided with the Hatter. Both figures and the bomb tumbled violently to the ground and rolled up against the wall.


The concussion from the blast shook all the walls around the orderly. After a minute or so, the orderly got up and went to retrieve the flashlight. Once he had it, he glanced over at the aftermath of the explosion. It was obvious, neither inmate survived the blast.

neutrino - Jervis Tetch A.K.A. “Mad Hatter” – Anti-Gotham/Evil Genius (Responsible for night 4)/Cult Recruiter


n8freeman - Simon Trent A.K.A. “The Grey Ghost” - Pro-Gotham/Arkham Inmate(Cult Hunter) – Died in the explosion

With so few of us left, I hope someone will survive to tell the world what evil has transpired here at Arkham. God help us all!

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