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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby Devante on Thu Feb 15, 2024 12:28 pm

I can't see any justification for picking someone at this point. My lack of players reads is simply because of not playing with you enough and this being my second game. Except for Pix I always just assume he's scum. But otherwise no one is giving me any scum vibes so...


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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby *Pixar* on Thu Feb 15, 2024 12:44 pm

Devante wrote:I can't see any justification for picking someone at this point. My lack of players reads is simply because of not playing with you enough and this being my second game. Except for Pix I always just assume he's scum. But otherwise no one is giving me any scum vibes so...


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Asshole :lol:
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby SoN!c on Thu Feb 15, 2024 1:20 pm

Devante wrote:I can't see any justification for picking someone at this point. My lack of players reads is simply because of not playing with you enough and this being my second game. Except for Pix I always just assume he's scum. But otherwise no one is giving me any scum vibes so...


FB by white wolf

Lol i have the same idea about Pix. :D

I also agree with the no lynch in the end but we could have put a bit more pressure on the silent players? Now it was pretty clear it would turn into a no lynch day from the beginning..

So with that, Day ends saturday in any case and i think we got the most out of it anyways?

FP by :lol:
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby swang918 on Thu Feb 15, 2024 3:25 pm

I was thinking about pressuring the inactives but in this case they are fusi and kingm, and i donā€™t really want to actually lynch either of them today because fusi has gotten bounced early for every game recently, and kingm is new. So any presssure on them from me would be pretty toothless
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby SoN!c on Thu Feb 15, 2024 3:46 pm

Absolutely toothless yes. You could see the "no lynch today" coming from a mile away and with that any attempt to pressure anybody with end of D1 this saturday is a pointless case


Perhaps tomorrow we will get a clue what "Future setting" means. And D1 has learned us that Vot is our best guide so he needs to be protected tonight. I think everybody agrees on that?

Vote no lynch
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby Devante on Thu Feb 15, 2024 3:53 pm

I agree on the Vot part but it would be pretty funny if he ended up being a spirit just taking these dumbass city folk for a stroll through the village to their death, but again the spirit is likely pix. Ok do we vote no lynch to move this party along or just let it get to Saturday in case we can get some more chiming in? If till Saturday just want to make sure we don't get to 7 here
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby SoN!c on Thu Feb 15, 2024 4:05 pm

Devante wrote:I agree on the Vot part but it would be pretty funny if he ended up being a spirit just taking these dumbass city folk for a stroll through the village to their death, but again the spirit is likely pix. Ok do we vote no lynch to move this party along or just let it get to Saturday in case we can get some more chiming in? If till Saturday just want to make sure we don't get to 7 here

Loose his lovewagon is not going anywhere.. It was a 2 horse power thing.. The majority said "no lynch" some time ago already and today did not bring anything.. and I don't think we will get a lot of activity on Friday with saturday being end of D1 anyways. Let's move on and see what clues the night brings.
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby strike wolf on Thu Feb 15, 2024 4:20 pm

Pretty sure thats a majority for No Lynch. Will double check and post scene sometime after I've gotten home after work.

Feel free to continue discussing until I've officially announced the final count.
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby TrafalgarLaw01 on Thu Feb 15, 2024 4:27 pm

Ok some thoughts before the scene just in case.

No mayor reads on anyone but want to say 2 things.

I think pcmugh is townie.

I dont really buy Vot as townie guide or leader just yet. Actually the comment felt quite weird, is like asking to be visited at night. But that might be his playstyle. But last game he had a day power to make town trust him this time nothing yet. I am not saying he is scum but neither town savior.
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby Votanic on Thu Feb 15, 2024 4:56 pm

Loose Canon wrote:Vot; You are on my radar out of respect for your play in the previous game - if it wasn't for that I'd put you as town - but I have to respect you as capable of playing a blinder as scum and also I wonder whether Strike wouldn't be very tempted to see how you fare as scum in this game - I would be if I was Strike and wasn't randomly assigning roles.

Also and this is a bit out there - but I'm thinking your sword play - could it have been a hidden signal/day 1 action so that the scum from the village could identify you as scum ahead of you all getting together to do your worst tonight?

That sword nonsense (as far as I know) is probably going to haunt me the whole game...
...but the truth is I was just trying to get a grasp on this game's strange flavor...and frankly, I still am...
The 'spirits' made me think there was a cult element, but I've been assured that it is not.
Overall, there have been strong hints that it is all pure fluff, and I'm basically going to proceed as if that is the case, unless new evidence emerges.

TrafalgarLaw01 wrote:I dont really buy Vot as townie guide or leader just yet. Actually the comment felt quite weird, is like asking to be visited at night. But that might be his playstyle. But last game he had a day power to make town trust him this time nothing yet. I am not saying he is scum but neither town savior.

I'm not claiming mayor, savior, any power role... I just prefer to play in an engaged, analytical way and sometimes that gets read as bossy... but of course, the facts are what should always really call the shots.

I' also prefer to strongly discount any scumfeels/townfeels. I've already seen waay too much tunnelling in the wrong direction in other games to ever trust baseless reads. As alway.s real evidence and deduction is gold... but in the absence of that, even totally random can often play out better that any 'psychic/psychological vibes'.
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby Votanic on Thu Feb 15, 2024 5:14 pm

Also, I'll just sty at 'unvote'. The day will end soon enough.

Keep in mind, while no lynch on Day is acceptable, it won't be on Day 2, even if we don't have any more evidence.
Sooner or later, quasi-random lynches become an unfortunate game necessity. Don't like it? Go play Chess.

Actually, I'm hoping the Night Scene is served with one or more juicy clues lying next to the corpse... or better yet, no corpse. :P
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby SoN!c on Thu Feb 15, 2024 5:19 pm

Votanic wrote:Also, I'll just sty at 'unvote'. The day will end soon enough.

Keep in mind, while no lynch on Day is acceptable, it won't be on Day 2, even if we don't have any more evidence.
Sooner or later, quasi-random lynches become an unfortunate game necessity. Don't like it? Go play Chess.

Actually, I'm hoping the Night Scene is served with one or more juicy clues lying next to the corpse... or better yet, no corpse. :P

No corpse?? That would mean no kill and this a conversion game (or conversion elements) after all? Like 'evil spirit possession'? On the phone here but i wanna know this before the end scene
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby TrafalgarLaw01 on Thu Feb 15, 2024 5:19 pm

Votanic wrote:
TrafalgarLaw01 wrote:I dont really buy Vot as townie guide or leader just yet. Actually the comment felt quite weird, is like asking to be visited at night. But that might be his playstyle. But last game he had a day power to make town trust him this time nothing yet. I am not saying he is scum but neither town savior.

I'm not claiming mayor, savior, any power role... I just prefer to play in an engaged, analytical way and sometimes that gets read as bossy... but of course, the facts are what should always really call the shots.

I was not saying you were softclaiming any power, but rather u saying town should stick around you.

I am very analytical myself. So with no proofs saying you are this kind of town "whatever u want to call it" that town should follow. I don't buy it just yet.

As I said I dont think the mass claiming city/villager was a good idea but I'm will maybe explain that day 2 as i dont want to give scum ideas for their night target.
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby pmchugh on Thu Feb 15, 2024 7:27 pm

Loose Canon wrote:Pmchugh how many mafia games have you played here? This is my 4th. 2nd one I like you now argued heavily for d1 lynch but got argued against it. It seems the more experienced players hate D1 lynches as a general rule and even view it as scummy if you argue strongly for it. How many games have you played here before?

I would say more than 50 but less than 100. Although I haven't played here since like 2012 or something crazy. In the old days on this website we lynched day 1 every game. I guess I don't mind if we end up with no target but if you start with the assumption of no lynch day 1 then everyone feels safe and the game plays badly.
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby DirtyDishSoap on Thu Feb 15, 2024 9:29 pm

God a bad case of morning sword. Imma go stab a maid.
Dukasaur wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:taking medical advice from this creature; a morbidly obese man who is 100% convinced he willed himself into becoming a woman.

Your obsession with mrswdk is really sad.

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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby DirtyDishSoap on Thu Feb 15, 2024 9:29 pm

EBWOP - Got a bad case.
Dukasaur wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:taking medical advice from this creature; a morbidly obese man who is 100% convinced he willed himself into becoming a woman.

Your obsession with mrswdk is really sad.

ConfederateSS wrote:Just because people are idiots... Doesn't make them wrong.
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby strike wolf on Fri Feb 16, 2024 12:18 am

[quote="strike wolf"]Vote Count

Votanic (1)-Fusi
DDS (1)-Swang
Loose Canon
Fusibaseball (1)-Loose Canon

No Lynch (7)-DDS, Ewebasher, Kingm, Charle, Pixar, Devante Son!c

With 13 alive It takes 7 to lynch

majority reached.


The talk of spirits from the villager elder had sent murmers through the group. Some scoffed at the notion of gods and spirits. One even outright laughed at how they thought anyone in the city might be some kind of deity. Others felt a steady growing fear as they wondered if they ever should have left the city. A few more still simply showed curiosity asking the elder what he knew about the spirits.

They set out to leave, the villagers offering them weapons to carry with them. Some choosing Swords, others bows and polearms. One even picked up a bunch of guns and a weird backpack vacuum looking thing but soon realized there was no ammo for any of it.

On the trail, they started noticing odd occurences. One person insisting that someone had rifled through their back pack. Another claiming that they scared something away from their stash of food. A fight nearly broke out as one of the Alabasians accused a villager of messing with their tent. The villager lashing back about the poor quality of their gear that wouldn't stand up to an animal attack.

From there accusations flew every way but as night fell, the only consensus that could be reached was that it was too early to be at each other's necks. So with a sense of approaching dread, they set camp for the night and waited for morning.

D1 ends with No Lynch. It is now N1. You have 72 hours to send in your actions.
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (N1) 13/13

Postby strike wolf on Mon Feb 19, 2024 2:48 pm

Day 2: A Cleansing

The First Night in the woods outside the village was one of excitement and fear for the Alabastians. The stars were almost fully blocked out by the thick canopy of leaves and the moon, half full and spilling, shone through the leaves casting patterns across the ground. Some of the group were eager to set camp and withdraw but others remained restless.

Pal Corno waited patiently to the side. When the coast was clear, he Madde his way over to a nearby tent. It was dark and he could hear others stirring but he left them to their own devices as he made his way to a nearby tent. The occupant had left their water bottle outside and he grabbed it, unscrewed the top and poured something in before rescrewing the top.

He made his way back to his tent but on the way, he ran into another one of their group. He tried to stay calm, sure that the stranger hadn't seen him, "hey. Kind of late to be out, isn't it? I guess we're both too anxious to sleep?"

The person ran towards Pal and almost too quick to react had knocked him to the ground.

As morning light filtered in, the villagers and Alabasians woke up and looked around. At first, all seemed well but then there was a shout and everyone turned to where a body was lying face down on the ground.

Turning him over, a bottle fell out of his pocket and cracked open on the ground with a foul smelling aroma. Everyone cleared out of the area and one of the braver ones approached, cloth over the face and IDed Pal Corno as one who had came with their group from the city.

Loose Canon-Serial Killer Pal Corno-Investigation Proof Poisoner has been killed.

The group dug a shallow hole and dumped Pal into it before continuing on. Brushing themselves off, they grabbed their stuff, took healthy sips of water and headed back out into the forest,

[b]It is Now Day 2. With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch. Deadline set for next Monday
Last edited by strike wolf on Mon Feb 19, 2024 8:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D2) 12/13

Postby TrafalgarLaw01 on Mon Feb 19, 2024 3:10 pm

Lmao. Is Loose alway a third party. Assuming that was a third party or was thatbscum. But scum is often red afaik. will read the descriprition again. But a serial killer dead is good news imo

If Loose is always 3p the pixar must he scum :lol: .
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D2) 12/13

Postby SoN!c on Mon Feb 19, 2024 3:34 pm

TrafalgarLaw01 wrote:Lmao. Is Loose alway a third party. Assuming that was a third party or was thatbscum. But scum is often red afaik. will read the descriprition again. But a serial killer dead is good news imo

If Loose is always 3p the pixar must he scum :lol: .

"serial killer Pal Corno-Investigation Proof Poisoner" wow

So Loose tried to poison somebody but the target defended himself? That's what the mod story says.. He got detected in the act and got killed for it.

But after rereading it for the third time it looks like the one who saw him poisoning the bottle was not the owner of the drinkbottle? "on the way, he ran into another one of their group" So his target was defended i presume? Just trying to match the story with what happened (Loose getting himself killed while he targetted somebody to be poisoned).

So as we are looking for spirits, could the target have been "charged" by a spirit? Like the power Shiela_Eel had in The Tick game if i remember correctly? That power would go well with the spirits theme
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D2) 12/13

Postby pmchugh on Mon Feb 19, 2024 4:07 pm

SoN!c wrote:
TrafalgarLaw01 wrote:Lmao. Is Loose alway a third party. Assuming that was a third party or was thatbscum. But scum is often red afaik. will read the descriprition again. But a serial killer dead is good news imo

If Loose is always 3p the pixar must he scum :lol: .

"serial killer Pal Corno-Investigation Proof Poisoner" wow

So Loose tried to poison somebody but the target defended himself? That's what the mod story says.. He got detected in the act and got killed for it.

But after rereading it for the third time it looks like the one who saw him poisoning the bottle was not the owner of the drinkbottle? "on the way, he ran into another one of their group" So his target was defended i presume? Just trying to match the story with what happened (Loose getting himself killed while he targetted somebody to be poisoned).

So as we are looking for spirits, could the target have been "charged" by a spirit? Like the power Shiela_Eel had in The Tick game if i remember correctly? That power would go well with the spirits theme

I guess poisoner usually means that the will die the day after, although that mechanic seems a bit sucky for a serial killer who already has a very hard win condition, poor Loose to die on N1 with that hand :lol:

So I guess we are expecting 2 kills tomorrow night? Hopefully loose hit mafia but I think from the text it sounds unlikely.

I don't know about spirits, because that sounded very human in the text, not that it matters.
2009-08-12 03:35:31 - Squirrels Hat: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby pmchugh on Mon Feb 19, 2024 4:19 pm

*Pixar* wrote:
Loose Canon wrote:Pixar give us all a reason not to lynch you. VOTE PIXAR

I am villager, is that good enough? :P

Anyways I am up for no lynch today, although seems like most do not have any sort of power role from what I'm reading, so would not be as crucial as the wolf game.

Vote No Lynch

Looking at Loose posts, this interaction is interesting. Pixar says barely anything, then 27 minutes after being voted jumps in responds with a potential soft claim. Like, I understand its day 1 and people might not have much to say but that seems pretty panicky from a lurker Vote pixar

I also find looses posts about Vot interesting as potential kill motives, but hard to tell whether I should be more or less suspicious of him now. I feel like he takes care of himself though, in that he is very unlikely to make it to the end of the game as town.
2009-08-12 03:35:31 - Squirrels Hat: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D2) 12/13

Postby SoN!c on Mon Feb 19, 2024 4:50 pm

Didnt think about the delayed poison kill so been reading the N1 mod story and the D1 daybreak story again.
So 2 things: the city group has problems with the village group and who-ever killed Loose was a city dweller. That clears Pixar from being the Loose killer.
But it's unclear who Loose his target was tho. A villager or a city dweller, but yes, the story says the poison was put in the bottle..

"The occupant had left their water bottle outside and he (Loose) grabbed it, unscrewed the top and poured something in before eschewing the top."

Later we find out that the stuff he poured into was poison (as Loose his body was turned over a poison bottle cracked open).

Then the story ends with "Brushing themselves off, they grabbed their stuff, took healthy sips of water and headed back out into the forest,"

So Loose his target is gonna die tonight then.
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D2) 12/13

Postby fusibaseball on Mon Feb 19, 2024 5:31 pm

Wow...LC 3rd party again. If I'm not mistaken that's 3 for 3 times and every time he's bitten the bullet early. Very unlucky.

Usually I sort of glaze over the flavor text provided by the mods but I've read strike's post a few times and there's a surprising amount of info.

The poisoner role is here:
As such I will be using this list for possible roles:

At first I assumed whoever's water LC had poisoned would now be automatically killed during Night 2. But the text reads "everyone took sips of healthy water" and LC's bottle leaked a foul-smelling liquid. Why would the killer retained a poisoned liquid?

The serial killer's first name is Pal. He is not a "pal" of another serial killer, as in friend. It's just his first name.

Separately, is there legitimacy to this villager vs city-dweller bit? Pal had come with the group from the city, so is the going assumption that city-dwellers are scum and 3rd party while villagers are town-aligned? Is an "Alabasian" a city dweller?
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D2) 12/13

Postby fusibaseball on Mon Feb 19, 2024 5:37 pm

SoN!c wrote:So as we are looking for spirits, could the target have been "charged" by a spirit? Like the power Shiela_Eel had in The Tick game if i remember correctly? That power would go well with the spirits theme

I was Shiela Eel in this game you're referring to. The role was mafia-aligned, Electrifier: This was basically a glorified Arsonist and we never got it off the ground as I was killed by DDS a serial killer I believe.

I don't see any relation to this setup. Nothing in the text indicates to me an arsonist-type affect as I think the poison is not in play and the player either self-defended or was defended by a different player.
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