You are
Vanilla townie
You are the Nostromo's navigator and one of only two females aboard the ship. You are fairly timid in nature, becoming nervous when you were told you would be a member of the group boarding the derelict ship. Now with the alien on board the ship, you find yourself one of the people trapped with no knowledge or special survival skills to aid you.
You win if the alien has been purged from the Nostromo.
You are
Vanilla townie
The assistant engineer on the Nostromo, you are close friends with Parker. Feeling underpaid you often angle for the higher pay. Especially now that an extraterrestrial lifeform has boarded, you feel you deserve more pay.
You win when the alien has been purged from the Nostromo.
Iron Butterfly:
You are
Town governor
You're the laid back captain of the Nostromo. Easy going and likeable however you also know how to get the job done and when things are on the line you are the ultimate authority.
You have the ability to stop any lynch other than your own.
You win when the Alien has been purged from the Nostromo.
You are
Vanilla townie
Not much to say about you. You are the executive officer aboard the Nostromo. You are also generally well-liked and respected among the crew.
You have no special abilities.
You win when the Alien is purged from the Nostromo.
You are
Ellen Ripley-
Town Cop
You are the warrant officer aboard the Nostromo. You aren't as familiar with the crew as some of the other members and your decision to try to prevent the reconnaissance team from reboarding has not earned you many friends. However, you have a strong will to survive and a good instinct for things that look off.
You have the ability to investigate anyone in the game. they will show up as
Guilty or
Innocent You win when the Alien has been purged from the Nostromo.
You are
Town bodyguard
You are the chief engineer aboard the Nostromo. You are uncertain about the mission to investigate the alien signal but reluctantly go along under the understanding that there is a bonus waiting for you if you do. Despite fears you are not one to run away from a fight when it means protecting the crew.
You can choose to protect anyone during the night at the cost of your own life.
You win when the Alien has been purged from the Nostromo.
You are
Alien supporter
Posing as the science officer aboard the ship, you are really a robot programmed to make sure that the alien was brought back to the Weyland-Yutani corporation. At the expense of the crew if necessary.
Your only goal in the game is to keep the Xenomorph (Nagerous) alive. He does not know about you and you may not communicate with him at any point.
You are the
Ovomorph (AKA Face Hugger)-Parasite/Serial Killer

retrieved from the derelict alien space craft, you are lurking aboard the Nostromo waiting for a victim to claim so that you can evolve into your adult form.
At any point during the first day, you may choose one person to attach yourself to. After the first night phase, you will become the Xenomorph (Alien) and be able to kill one person each night.
You win when the crew of the Nostromo have been eliminated.
Day 1: Nagerous attaches to Ironbutterfly.
Night 1: Safariguy investigates Nagerous
Nagerous Kills safariguy.
Notes: admittedly in the end I played a little loose with balance. on one hand, the alien could have won easily (it's day 1 kill in this case Iron Butterfly) would have put most flavor speculation out the window as he could have literally been claiming anybody depending on who he chose if he had made it out of day 1 without being forced to claim. Nag's PM was supposed to mention that the person would be killed day 1 and end of night phase was when he would be fulll grown (I originally had it so that the Alien's Night 1 attack migth fail but abandoned that idea).
@everywhere: watch the movie it's good.