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Power Role Draft Mafia - Town Wins!

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Re: Power Role Draft Mafia - Town Wins!

Postby drunkmonkey on Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:14 pm

Question for alt: Did you know Dj was the cop (based on the lists you had), or was that a lucky coincidence? My gut kept saying you were mafia, but claiming Dj's role before he did weighed it in your favor. The fact that Dj happened to investigate the guy mafia killed worked in your favor too. Every one of his truths looked like a textbook scum lie. That's not to discredit your play any - I couldn't find any slip-ups in your posts either.
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Re: Power Role Draft Mafia - Town Wins!

Postby alt1978 on Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:15 pm

First of all...I apologize to Dj for calling you a liar. I realized after pmc made the move towards the joat/vig that my days were i was in damage control mode.

I enjoyed the game immensely. Losing shield day one killed us. Had ghostly been lynched day one and the ninja making the kill night one...shield probably would have been investigated and come up clean. Like edoc was going to be a tough road to go...there were so many ways for us to get caught...but it was a hell of a time and I would be down for playing again.

PMC gets my nod for mvp...pulling the heat off of the ghostly case and turning it on to the joat was devastating. If ghostly had hung would have likely been down to 7 on 3. still rough...but maybe with some luck it could have turned out competitive.

Soundman pulling the trigger and taking vig also ranks up there really high. Nice shot taking me out sir...well played.

Dj...sorry again for making you waste so much time defending yourself.

Well played town!
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Re: Power Role Draft Mafia - Town Wins!

Postby ghostly447 on Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:17 pm

This made for a fun game, and I agree with SG7 Vote Clever for MVP and getting his noob shoes the hell off ;).

If there was a suggestion, I would probably go with the following.

Rodion gives a list of 15 roles to choose from (all possible town/mafia either way). Players send in a PM of 5 roles of their choice. If all of their roles are already taken, they are a VT. Maybe confusing, but I believe Rodion is a good Mod and cold pull it off. Would make it more even in my opinion, and the mafia could more easily fake claim (most players would have a lot of similar roles up top, leaving lots of roles open).

Awesome hosting as always though Rodion! Looking forward to the possible tournament and your next game :).

As for Clever. He started with a rough game, almost leading to he and I both getting lynched. For that, I am semi split between PMC and him.
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Re: Power Role Draft Mafia - Town Wins!

Postby alt1978 on Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:20 pm

drunkmonkey wrote:Question for alt: Did you know Dj was the cop (based on the lists you had), or was that a lucky coincidence? My gut kept saying you were mafia, but claiming Dj's role before he did weighed it in your favor. The fact that Dj happened to investigate the guy mafia killed worked in your favor too. Every one of his truths looked like a textbook scum lie. That's not to discredit your play any - I couldn't find any slip-ups in your posts either.

I had no clue DJ was list was worthless since i got first pick. Nag's list was the same as mine. SG7's didn't tell anything useful nor did edoc's.

It was just shit luck that dj was thinking was that I was I may as well try to take down the cop in the process since that was the mafia's next top target (closely followed by busdriver...who i also guessed right on). When DJ counterclaimed...i kicked it into high gear because i realized i may have a chance to survive to fight another day. (I really did think i could doc protect myself). When DJ investigated a dead player...well...that was just a day I should have bought a lottery ticket instead of playing mafia on cc. was a lot of fun and i can see how you can get hooked on these games.
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Re: Power Role Draft Mafia - Town Wins!

Postby shieldgenerator7 on Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:23 pm

I'm kind of disappointed that this game will likely stop on page 63-64. There's not much chance of it getting to page 70... unless we spam it :D

Anyone else up for spamming it? (after all post-game comments are made, of course)
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Re: Power Role Draft Mafia - Town Wins!

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:07 pm

well the fact that people are even THINKING of me being mvp is an honor

i would have to say pmc for mvp he was good throughout the entire game. i only shaped up at the end and yes i did catch the last two mafia but then again pmc was good throughout the game and saved two towns so in my eyes
VOTE PMC FOR MVP (that kinda rhymes lol)
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Re: Power Role Draft Mafia - Town Wins!

Postby edocsil on Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:46 pm

Rodion wrote:How can we balance this?

Link from the actual and supposedly balanced mafia scum setup: ... ower_Redux

Make everything limited use, make power less in the game, allow for VTs. It makes fakes possible.

Commander9 wrote:Trust Edoc, as I know he's VERY good.

zimmah wrote:Mind like a brick.
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Re: Power Role Draft Mafia - Town Wins!

Postby soundman on Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:21 am

Nice job everyone! It was fun!
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Re: Power Role Draft Mafia - Town Wins!

Postby dazza2008 on Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:34 am

Good game all =D>

I think Clever would be MVP if I was picking. Awesome tracking mate =D> Lots of good play though. Soundman done great and spiesr and pmc.

I am running a game with the exact same setup in my clan forum. I'll let you know how it goes. So far the Town Vig. has been lynched. He lied and said he was not the Vig. for some odd reason that I can't work out :lol:
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Re: Power Role Draft Mafia - Town Wins!

Postby pmchugh on Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:05 am

Awesome awesome game rodion =D>

It was a shame town were just too dam good :lol: I think it is hard to pick a town MVP, it is after all a team game :mrgreen:

Having said that clever was excellent with his night actions, especially last night. I picked drunk instead, I considered the whole bomb CC thing but the way the mod phrased his scene made me opt for drunk. Major kudos for picking that one out clever, if you had played a little better day 1 then there would be no doubt.

Also props to freezie for catching shield, ghostly for surviving the pressure and being correct on nag (even if he blocked my investigation :() and speisr was quality as always.

I can't understand why mafia picked framer at all. Busdriver can act as a framer and much more. Framer is probably one of the last roles I would have picked as mafia.

Finally, f*ck you for killing me nag! :evil:
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Re: Power Role Draft Mafia - Town Wins!

Postby nagerous on Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:52 am

shieldgenerator7 wrote:Nag, why PMC? Why didn't you out the obvious claimed tracker? Makes no sense :? (was it because you thought he'd be watched?)

Shooting for the watcher.
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Re: Power Role Draft Mafia - Town Wins!

Postby soundman on Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:35 pm

pmchugh wrote:Also props to freezie for catching shield

Um, I was the first one to go after shield ;) I had him pinned before his 180 flip, that just confirmed it for me.
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Re: Power Role Draft Mafia - Town Wins!

Postby pmchugh on Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:59 pm

soundman wrote:
pmchugh wrote:Also props to freezie for catching shield

Um, I was the first one to go after shield ;) I had him pinned before his 180 flip, that just confirmed it for me.

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Re: Power Role Draft Mafia - Town Wins!

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:02 pm

lol i just cant believe my luck lol first time being tracker to lol but this game was so much fun and i would play another game like it if it comes up
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Re: Power Role Draft Mafia - Town Wins!

Postby drunkmonkey on Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:12 pm

I'd like to play this setup again, with the chance to submit a list that doesn't start with "doublevoter". :(
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Re: Power Role Draft Mafia - Town Wins!

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:29 pm

drunkmonkey wrote:I'd like to play this setup again, with the chance to submit a list that doesn't start with "doublevoter". :(

lolol ya i think that was low on my list lol not sure though i just now i had vig first and then tracker
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Re: Power Role Draft Mafia - Town Wins!

Postby Ragian on Sun Apr 15, 2012 4:33 am

Go town!
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Re: Power Role Draft Mafia - Town Wins!

Postby dazza2008 on Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:38 pm

What was everyones list? Be interesting to see.

Mine was:

1. Busdriver - I had never been one and I know it can be pretty dangerous in scum hands.
2. Bomb - I thought better town than scum having it.
3. Cop
5. Inventor
6. Vig.
7. Doc
8. Roleblocker
9. Watcher
10 Tracker
11. Double voter
12. Governor
13. Mason
14. Loved Person
15. Commuter.
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