DoomYoshi wrote:It be crazy time to make moderation at to me.
For those who don't speak goon - the mafia community currently has no moderator. We need another one. Please volunteer and voluntell people to take on the tasks which involve:
a)moving threads around once games are done
b) being a pillar of piousness and a bastion of best behavior
There is another significant duty which needs to be mentioned. The credits for Officially-sponsored mafia games need to be disbursed and kept track of. There is a budget to maintain and records to keep. It's not onerous, but it does require being organized and fair.
dakky21 wrote:Check the Basement Disco Lounge. When I resigned from a Community mod position, I clearly asked if I can remain only a mafia mod. My pleas were not heard.
So I don't see the point of this topic, as you are either a community AND mafia mod, or you're not mod at all.
The point is, all Community mods are also a mafia mods, there is no need to appoint one specifically. Just do your community work and that's it.
There's no separate Mafia department, and nobody is going to create a separate department for a marginal sub-community with 20 adherents at the best of times. When you resigned from the Community team you resigned, period. However, within departments mods do have specific job descriptions, and I don't want random Community mods trying to handle the Mafia budget on an ad-hoc basis. I want one person who will take it seriously and keep accurate records. A fiduciary trust is a sober matter, and it makes no difference if you're dealing in billions or in credits which are worth something less than a penny.