hey ya'll so while at work i had an idea for what i think would be a brillant mafia game, it would be based of the star wars han solo trilogy, second book the hutt gambit, specifacally the battle fought at the end hence the title. in this battle its the smugglers verse the empire, my idea is to have several smuggler groups verse an imperial group, and i might have some indepents too depending on how many are interested.
the thing is in order to have it work like i want it too ill need 18-21 players, i could take more but i doubt that it would work with less than 18. the problem is that activity has declined in the mafia forum so i don't know if there are that many players interested in joining. so i guess the reason i posted this is to check the number of interested potential players so i can decide to go ahead and implement it or not.
feel free to ask questions about the game too.