I'll be taking a break from modding. I'm working on two different novels, not sure how long either of them will be (Depends how long my mind wants to take them) But I will be doing up an Alien Apocalypse story and hopefully have a few chapters by the end of the summer done.
I think with how huge the Halo Mafia is, unless people make quick decisions that it will take us into Christmas. By New Years I plan on writing a mystery novel. For those who read Vodean's death scene in Infection.. know that I can be gory with a QUICK write up... This mystery novel I do not have plots for yet for I am working on the Alien Apocalypse story atm. HOWEVER. The conclusion of the book will depend on a single mafia game that I will be making around the time that I start writing the book. I might try to use the first chapter as an introduction to the mafia game and will supply chapters as the game continues on, but whoever wins in the mafia game and whoever is left alive will ultimately decide who lives and who dies in the book.
I will not take kids into this mafia game. By the time I'm finished the book I'll be 18, probably almost 19 by the time I'm done. The game will contain GORY scenes, that I seriously don't suggest being read if you have a weak stomach. So this is WAY before the game even begins to see the light of day, but I would ask that no one sign up for it if you can't handle the mention of different body parts and a bit of swearing. (I know most of you don't care, but I strongly urge that you take this into consideration).
For a lighter side of this news. I will make MANY characters, so signing up WELL in advanced will be nice (If you guys wanna see a 2 page bio of your character, sign up before the summer is over, any last minute sign ups may either not be accepted or will not be given as much). But I will let the game be open for many players if we can get a big group interested, otherwise I'll stick the story down to a small group of people.
My head is constantly running with ideas for how the story will be laid out, but literally.. the number of people that sign up for it and how the game turns out will control the plot of the story majorly.
This thread I'll update with stuff as the time grows near, but check back after the summer every few weeks for updates. Maybe nothing, maybe small things, but perhaps I may drop some nice details into it as the frame of the story is made more solid.
(I'm thinking about it atm, the minimum people I'll accept for this to work will be 10. The maximum will be somewhere in the 50's (if that's even possible to reach on these forums

But yea, I strongly advise the weak stomachs to stay away from this game. Vodean's death scene in Infection was nothing compared to what I make when I put my time into it (more than 10 mins XD)