I know there are a lot of mafias going on, but I thought of 2 interesting ones and I want your thoughts.
3 Strikes Mafia: Each person has three targets (represented by ). Each vote towards someone is a "strike" and thus the person who was voted for loses a target. Each person only has one strike (per day), and strikes cannot be taken back. Every time someone is hit, information will be revealed as to who they are. During the night, mafias can hit a person for two strikes! Roles include mafia (2 strikes at night), townie (1 strike during the day), carpenter (repairs 1 target each night), and cop (can get one target's worth of info without hitting someone during the night).
Storytime Mafia: Each person holds two pieces to a story: 1 real, 1 fake, or in the case of the mafias, 2 fake. Each person may only post one of their story pieces. It's the town's job to piece together the story and determine who's piece doesn't fit. Roles include townie, mafia, cop (can investigate people's story pieces), and arsonist (blocks someone's story piece from being discovered).