I am not sure it's the place to re-discuss your suggestion.
But, why I am against it is :
in team game currently, 99,99999% of the time a missed turns is already costing you a lot - more often than not even costing the game.
Your suggestion means making it worse for team where one of the player missed a turn, in order to discourage people missing turn intentionally, which imho doesn't even happen.
detleft wrote: The game takes some new shape in the cycle of moves that happen after their miss and now it becomes beneficial for them to drop their deferred armies on another player. They shouldn't be afforded that luxury.
You're not even referring to people that miss a turn intentionally there, you're only talking about someone that missed a turn, then see that it's better after his missed turn to drop the deferred on another player.
. I'd seen it happen in a game (that I wasn't in and wasn't even a tribe or clan game that I had a rooting interest in),
Same here, in that game, what you've seen was a player miss a turn un-intentionally, then use the deferred troops on another player.
Then you've ( or whoever) made the conclusion that having the deferred troops deployed on a different player gave the team an unfair advantage that helped them win the game. I am saying that's wrong, not missing the turn would have been better for the team, and they'd have won faster.
They didn't gained any advantage from the missed turns, they were winning the game, and won it despite the player missing a turn, not tanks to it.
CC has fewer users than anyone associated with it would prefer. So, anything that diminishes enjoyment should be highly scrutinized
I completely agree with that statement above, and that's why I am against your suggestion.
Because I've lost many games due of a teammate missing a turn, and while I've been able to win some game despite a teammate missing a turn, your suggestion would make it more difficult and therefore diminishes enjoyment ( for me, and for all the other people whose teammate miss turn unintentionally).
And I don't believe anyone is currently missing turns intentionally in team game, definitely not in the area that interest me the most, which is the clan scene.
Therefore to fix what I believe to be a non-existing problem, you'd be harming honest player that just happen to be busy ( and their teammates who have to suffer the consequences).
If people were actually missing turns to gain advantage successfully thanks to deploying deferred troops on a different player, I'd reconsider my position.
But I've played a fair amount of games, and I've never seen it happen for that.
I did see player miss a turn for some purpose, but never to be able to deploy the troops on a different player one turn later. Not saying it's 100% impossible someone ever did that or ever will, but that'd be so incredibly rare imo that we don't need to "fix" that.