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Trying to create a game but map is missing from list to choo

PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2023 8:51 am
by chinabomb20

I'm trying to create a game to play with my friend of the map Feudal Epic. It doesn't show up in my list under "Map" (a whole bunch of maps are missing from this list in fact). In the link "Browse Maps" it's there but I can't select it from there. Help?! Used to play this with my friend all the time.


Re: Trying to create a game but map is missing from list to

PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2023 10:05 am
by TeeGee
new recruits can not play certain maps.
I noticed that you had a previous account when we had facebook logins.
if you click on help in the top right of the screen and open a ticket, they will help you recover the old account and bring all the maps back