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Postby Craig25 on Sun Feb 27, 2022 12:09 pm

Calling ALL CC Troops................

I'm sure you are all aware of the heart breaking conflict in the Ukraine.

The Band of Brothers Super League, which contains around 250 CC Players are running a Poll specifically on the Ukraine conflict. It has been agreed that we should open this poll to all of CC. So feel free to vote and if you wish to contribute then you can reply on the Polling Page. Everyones views are welcome and all will be respected.


Should CC change the colour of the Red Armies in protest against the Maniac in Moscow?

- YES, #IStandWithUkraine Change them to the Ukranian National Colours
- NO, this is just a game and should not be involved in taking a side in a war.

It is as it reads, I have strong views on the matter, but, The Super League and CC's vote as at 2AM CCT on the 1st March will form our decision. That is in roughly 36 hours time from the time of this post.


Follow this link, and the Poll is contained at the very top of the Super League Page. Select Yes or No.

Stay Safe Troops!
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Postby Shannon Apple on Sun Feb 27, 2022 5:18 pm

If you're talking about the in game colours, then I'll say no. The blue is way too close to cyan. It's not practical from a gamer's point of view.

If you suggested changing CC's logo to blue and yellow colours to show solidarity, or something along those lines, then I'd not be against it.
00:33:53 ‹riskllama› will her and i ever hook up, LLT???
00:34:09 ‹LiveLoveTeach› You and Shannon?
00:34:20 ‹LiveLoveTeach› Bahahahahahaha
00:34:22 ‹LiveLoveTeach› I doubt it
00:34:30 ‹LiveLoveTeach› I don't think she's into farm animals
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Postby Deanos75 on Sun Feb 27, 2022 9:18 pm

Hi All,

I am absolutely in solidarity with Ukraine. I wish the world was doing more but we don't seem to be prepared to suffer a cost - while our fiends in Ukraine give enormous cost including their lives.

I am concerned whether the colours of Ukraine are suitable however as a colour in this game. It can be hard enough sometimes in say quads with 8 colours to see who is who in the zoo and red is a good stand out colour...its just a colour i dont think it was ever meant to symbolize Russia (in this game at least - i get that the 'red army' in real life is traditionally a name of the Russian army).

Maybe thats an ironic statement given the one above it about no being prepared to suffer a cost, but the colours in this game do not help Ukraine.

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Postby ConfederateSS on Mon Feb 28, 2022 10:15 am

--------If I could get there , in time, I would, But GOD protects me...I can't fly , Not Vaxed...I would have to take a cargo ship, even then I don't know if I can travel , eat, etc. In Europe not vaxed...I remember before Reagan crushed The Soviet Union...Those Commie Pinkos...We lived in fear of nuclear war...I would love to crush Russians, Commie Pinkos...
---------------Now don't take it out on the Color RED... :D NATIVE AMERICANS :D ...I LOVE THAT THE CONQUER CLUB LOGO IS RED...
---------------How about a "GOD BLESS THE UKRAINIAN PEOPLE"...In BLUE and YELLOW...Running across the Home page...Or even on all pages ,even in games...That would be KOOL 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) :!: :!: :!: =D> =D> =D> =D>
O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:)
----------- Conquer Club used to change the Dice on Holidays...... Change the Dice to Blue and Yellow... another Idea...:)
Last edited by ConfederateSS on Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby DoomYoshi on Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:10 am

How about we get rid of all colors and maps and play on spreadsheets? It would be even better if the game was only supported by Lotus 1-2-3.
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Postby Craig25 on Tue Mar 01, 2022 10:12 am

The Results of the Poll are in.........69 CC Players voted, and overwhelmingly, the votes went 1 way...............................

- 43 (62%) Voted for #IStandWithUkraine and for the Red Armies to be removed from CC in a demonstration with Solidarity with Ukraine.

- 26 (38%) Voted for the Red Armies to remain. (although some of these were in favour of some action in support of Ukraine).

As the person responsible for the Sep-Poll, I declare that the majority wins and we proceed with action accordingly.


1. SoftBelly is working on removing the Red Armies from Super League Branding and current Artwork will be replaced. The Red Armies being replaced with Ukraine Branding on those Soldiers.

2. We will ask CC to remove the Red Armies completelt, and to replace them with another colour in all games. I don't know how big a job it is.

3. If it is way too big to do, as a minimum we will demand that CC clearly demonstrates solidarity with Ukraine and it's people against the Russian Aggressors.

TY for taking the time to support this Poll, further action may be required..............

Craig25 wrote:Calling ALL CC Troops................

I'm sure you are all aware of the heart breaking conflict in the Ukraine.

The Band of Brothers Super League, which contains around 250 CC Players are running a Poll specifically on the Ukraine conflict. It has been agreed that we should open this poll to all of CC. So feel free to vote and if you wish to contribute then you can reply on the Polling Page. Everyones views are welcome and all will be respected.


Should CC change the colour of the Red Armies in protest against the Maniac in Moscow?

- YES, #IStandWithUkraine Change them to the Ukranian National Colours
- NO, this is just a game and should not be involved in taking a side in a war.

It is as it reads, I have strong views on the matter, but, The Super League and CC's vote as at 2AM CCT on the 1st March will form our decision. That is in roughly 36 hours time from the time of this post.


Follow this link, and the Poll is contained at the very top of the Super League Page. Select Yes or No.

Stay Safe Troops!
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Postby Extreme Ways on Tue Mar 01, 2022 11:03 am

ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Yellow Rebellion)... O:)

yes this is a joke dont hurt me
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Postby Deanos75 on Thu Mar 03, 2022 12:11 am

Hi Craig

What if only 5 people voted and 4 said change - is that overwhelming?

43 people in the whole of CC world voting for this change is hardly overwhelming. Voter turnout probably provides more information about the lack of publicity for the vote, lack of time given to vote, and lack of desire for this change than the affirmative votes.



PS I for one didnt realise it closed so soon - and didnt cast a vote. I wonder how many people even know about it.
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Postby Craig25 on Mon Apr 11, 2022 6:25 am


Morning CC!

To give everyone an update on this. 70 CC Players voted, which, is a huge response for CC Polls.

- 44 Players voted to SUPPORT UKRAINE (63%)
- 26 Players voted AGAINST (37%)

Given the sensitive nature of this Poll. CC did not want to show support for either side in this conflict. But were open to running some sort of Tournament in aid of Ukraine, perhaps with Blue and Yellow stars as prizes as a donation from CC.

But, alas, events have taken over our Poll. A member of the Super League, Yatti of Super League 09 has taken matters into his own hands and is off on a month long humanitarian mission from tomorrow. He is going to Ukraine and Poland to help displaced Children, Mothers, Daughters and Grandparents who are fleeing the War.

The following update was sent to Super League Players, but, it would be great if the wider CC Community could show there support:

Well Troops, Band of Brothers Super League has found it's very own Hero. The 1st Hero of the Super League!

Yatti in League 09 is going well above the Call of Duty, and embarking on a Month long Humanitarian Mission. He takes with him my absolute respect and the best wishes & support of all Super League players I am sure!

Yatti's real name is Ian. But, to us he is still Yatti from Super League 09. Yatti, from 12th April to 9th May, will be working with the amazing people at Food For All on the Polish/Ukraine border.

With some friends He will be taking donations to a refugee camp near the border. They will help with the evacuation of refugees away from the border. Yatti will take food from the Polish border, each morning, to a field kitchen in Lviv. Here, they will be able to provide 3,000 nutritious meals a day to refugees who have escaped the stricken towns and cities of Ukraine. He will then bring back refugee children and their mothers to Poland.

With BoB's Super League support, Yatti will be able to bring over 300 women and children to safety as well as helping to feed thousands of refugees awaiting transport out of Lviv.

Now, not only is Yatti showing great bravery in this noble undertaking. He has also had the bravery to post a picture of himself on his Crowdfunding page. And all I'm saying is, if Tom Jones was Baldy, he'd be playing in BoB's Super League 09!

So Troops, I need to ask 2 things:

1. You follow the link below and check out the picture of Yatti, and
2. Donate what you can afford to what is a totally worth while cause.

Innocent Woman and Children, forced to flee their homes and country is a very harrowing thing to watch on TV never mind experience it in real life. I know this is tough times for everyone but please donate even a little if you cannot afford alot.

Okay, and as ever, 'LIVE' Super League Tables and Results can be found here:

Good Luck Ian, Our best wishes go with you. Stay Safe!
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Postby jusplay4fun on Mon Apr 11, 2022 7:40 pm

My two cents (and two sense):

1) One idea is to use a banner or some such to show support for Ukraine, such as on one page or the opening page for CC, assuming feasibility, if that is what the majority wants to do. Of course management and ownership has LOTS of input on such matters.

2) Another option is that we can display something, as individuals, such as in our signatures, to show support for Ukraine.

3) But, to get rid of ALL uses of ANY one or two colors on this game site severely limits game considerations. Pink vs. Magenta? really? can many of us tell the difference? (to use one example of a possible consequence of such actions).

Red is such an important and distinctive color in Game Play. Do you realize the #1 color problem experienced by those of us color-blind is to discern Blue from Green (THINK ROY G. BIV). Red is at the extreme of that color span and is easily seen. Think about: Red marks used for correction of school papers; Red used on Traffic lights; Red colors used for emergency vehicles. (Yes, I know that Blue lights are often used today; I think I read that the BEST combination was Red with Blue, however, for emergency vehicles and situations). Red is used for much more than by Russians. And the Russian flag has Red and Blue AND WHITE, too, RIGHT? Do we ban ALL THREE colors? Really?

4) I have pondered this a bit since I read this initial post on Feb 27 or shortly after, but I have no real good answer or solution or alternative. These ideas are what I have considered so far.

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