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CC Olympics 2022, an unpretentious guide

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CC Olympics 2022, an unpretentious guide

Postby Zemljanin on Fri Jan 21, 2022 10:48 am

An introduction

I visited every single tournament page and extracted useful data. This way, by simply reading the list, you can have a pretty good picture which tournament is for you and which one isn't. You don't have to visit every tournament, just to see what it is. You can visit only the tourneys you're interested in. (Mad will be mad! He's a seller and wants you to visit EVERY tournament page. And then press the JOIN button for any reason, or without any reason... :D)
Than I split the list into three divisions: Speed, Freestyle and Normal. This way, instead on one big, messy list - you have three reasonably neat ones, of much more comfortable size. And if you want to favour or exclude certain type(s) of games, you can do it easily.

Speed, 10 franchises

Freestyle, 5 franchises

"Normal" (Sequential, 24h)


All tournaments


- You see the spoiler "Polies". It's just a bunch of duplicates, collected for convenience of lovers and haters who make a big deal whether a game is Standard or Poly. Each tournament you find here, you'll also find in the appropriate section.

- There aren't any links. They do change. You can always find correct ones in Mad's thread. Though I'd like to take over Mad's enormous salary :mrgreen: , I'm not going to take the work away from him. Visit Mad's thread! Do it frequently!
(My favorite saying is: Do as I SAY, not as I do!)

- An advice about iterations (how to protect yourself from missing the tourney because you haven't joined on time) is missing. I made a useful observation last year, but forgot it. If I recall, or if someone posts a good advice - I'll update this post.

- If you see a relevant error in data, do not hesitate to report it here. Don't know how often I'll look this thread, but if you wish to see the error corrected soon - feel free to attack my wall
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Re: CC Olympics 2022, an unpretentious guide

Postby chanakam2020 on Fri Jan 21, 2022 7:03 pm

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