I thought about this today and thought it might be an amusing story.
I did a 30 day rehab thing in 2014 (mostly for benzos, eating them like candy, I still drink) and we played a good deal of risk. I was 3 years into my conquerclub career, was clanned up, considered myself an expert. The first couple of times we played I laid low, I was new, still withdrawing from benzos so not trying to make waves.
At some point I let slip that I played online risk. So now my ego kicks in and I decide to play like we play online. Ya'll know the drill. You keep a presence in each area, card, don't get into a fight with anyone, and wait for the opportune time to clear the board in one fell swoop. This style of play does not go over well in real life! The first couple of times I did it I was met with a lot of why aren't you doing this, you know standard in person attempts to sway the game. But I'm not really talking cause I know what I'm doing, hanging out in russia with the big stack and letting them fight over boarders to pointlessly break each other's bonuses.
After winning a couple of these using CC style of play, this one guy is getting really pissed. He's a smart dude, probably an upper guy (I'm a downer), and does not like the way I am playing. We are playing with the full 6 players at this point because now it's become a "thing" and people are watching us play, but their aren't enough pieces to make it work when escalating gets high. So I take it upon myself to be in charge of "this is worth this" etc, and I'm moving things around pretty fast to keep the game going, but I'm not cheating.
During one of these games it becomes my turn and I have a clear shot at cleaning the board. I'm rolling quick, replacing makeshift troops with real troops of people I killed so everyone can see I'm not cheating but I'm doing it very fast. I think I'm 15 days into my stay, and this dude is more like 7. So he is ready to fucking go, and he has had enough of my shit. He isn't big and I'm 6'2 but I'm lanky and absolutely sure he would tear me apart, bite my ear off Mike Tyson style.
He stops me after I've killed off 3 people and have him and one other left and now have a freaking pile of troops that I have accumulated through different colored troops, handwritten stuff, it's a mess. It would be funnier if he just flipped the board and said f*ck this and walked away, but he made me stop playing and accused me of cheating. People at the table started to peal away as I was making my case for how I had so many troops and why I wasn't cheating, explaining escalating rules, the whole 9 yards.
He wasn't hearing any of that. It ended up me and him, staring at each other for one of the longest 90 seconds of my life where he said admit you cheated and I would not and neither of us said anything. I finally got up and said f*ck this (so I guess he won, I broke first!). We sort of came to an understanding after that but Risk was not allowed to be played for the rest of the time I was there!