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POLL: how do you feel when your plan goes wrong, or when you

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how do you feel when your plan goes wrong? or when it makes you lose the game?

no biggie. It's only a game!
auggh!! horrible! our mighty civilization has fallen!
it depends! on how bad the mistake was, or what's at stake
depends on whom I'm fighting
depends on whether it is one of my favorite maps, or one that I've never played
depends on what caused it; if I misread the map, that's much worse
if it's just because someone else had a set, no biggie! or something similar!
Total votes : 25

POLL: how do you feel when your plan goes wrong, or when you

Postby sm8900 on Tue Apr 13, 2021 1:06 pm

quick question; how do you feel when your plan goes wrong? or when it makes you thereby lose the game?

feel free to vote for multiple options! or to change your vote!! thanks for any replies! :)
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Re: POLL: how do you feel when your plan goes wrong, or when

Postby Dukasaur on Wed Apr 14, 2021 5:59 am

Opposite ends of the spectrum make me lose my shit.

If I clearly lost because of my own stupidity, then I feel like a totally worthless piece of shit. I want to beat myself in the head with a steel pipe, cast myself into a blast furnace, and whip myself with a chainsaw blade.

On the other hand, if I did everything right, but still lost because of atrocious dice or cards, then I feel even worse. I want to the dice to take physical form, so I can smash them into tiny pieces with a hammer.

I can be relatively cool about losing if it's not at the opposite extremes, but somewhere in the middle: if I generally didn't play all that well, but not quite badly enough to deserve a beating, or if the dice were rather crappy, but not quite bad enough to deserve utter destruction. In those in-between cases I can sort-of go ho-hum, yeah yeah, another loss. The in-between spaces, being inherently mediocre, lend themselves to mediocre emotions. Lethargum, rather than ira.
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Re: POLL: how do you feel when your plan goes wrong, or when

Postby rockfist on Wed Apr 14, 2021 9:01 am

I get the most upset when the dice cause me to lose to inferior strategy or if I am being lazy/arrogant (usually in 1v1 or poly) and someone pulls something improbable, but I really only get deeply upset about clan games because the others don't matter as much to me.
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Re: POLL: how do you feel when your plan goes wrong, or when

Postby Kotaro on Wed Apr 14, 2021 1:02 pm

auggh!! horrible! our mighty civilization has fallen!

I see people start their turn, drop 1 on every territory they can, and then beat my face in.

I try to return the favor, lose every dice roll.

Then I get pissed, drop all on 1 territory in my next game, mwahahahaha time for a rampage beat 'em all, and then find out it's trench.

Then I log for the day, f*ck the rest of the games.
Lakad Matataaag!
Normalin, normalin.


TheJonah wrote:I`m not really that arsed. Just supporting my mucker.
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