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RE: recruitment

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 1:10 am
by what,me worry?
We should create a list of ex- members of Cconquer Club to reach out to. Volunteer team

Re: RE: recruitment

PostPosted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 4:44 pm
by jusplay4fun
Here is another SILLY idea by wmw. I JUS want to offer one example and proof of my earlier post about these silly ideas by wmw.

I think it is official, at least for me: no need to read any or most of his posts. They are a waste of time.


Re: RE: recruitment

PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 2:01 am
by Kotaro
Reaching out to people who once enjoyed the site, in the hopes that perhaps they'd consider returning and make the site more active, is a terrible idea?

That's a real silly statement.

Re: RE: recruitment

PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 4:59 pm
by what,me worry?
jusplay4fun wrote:Here is another SILLY idea by wmw. I JUS want to offer one example and proof of my earlier post about these silly ideas by wmw.

I think it is official, at least for me: no need to read any or most of his posts. They are a waste of time.


It's a system

He reads them, reaches deep down into his feelers, and tells you how to feel(er) about them

It's like when you're in grade school and you have a crush on someone and can't verbalize your feelers to them and your mean to them and you really like them but you can express how you feels to them so your means to them

Re: RE: recruitment

PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 8:58 pm
by jusplay4fun
This is simply more silliness and lack of coherence from wmw.

Give it up, O great Savior of CC Forums. The vast majority of your posts are JUS SILLY. You keep proving it with 4 of every 5 posts that you do. 20 percent isn't even a good batting average. Pathetic.

what,me worry? wrote:
jusplay4fun wrote:Here is another SILLY idea by wmw. I JUS want to offer one example and proof of my earlier post about these silly ideas by wmw.

I think it is official, at least for me: no need to read any or most of his posts. They are a waste of time.


It's a system

He reads them, reaches deep down into his feelers, and tells you how to feel(er) about them

It's like when you're in grade school and you have a crush on someone and can't verbalize your feelers to them and your mean to them and you really like them but you can express how you feels to them so your means to them

Re: RE: recruitment

PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 10:25 pm
by what,me worry?
jusplay4fun wrote:This is simply more silliness and lack of coherence from wmw.

Give it up, O great Savior of CC Forums. The vast majority of your posts are JUS SILLY. You keep proving it with 4 of every 5 posts that you do. 20 percent isn't even a good batting average. Pathetic.

what,me worry? wrote:
jusplay4fun wrote:Here is another SILLY idea by wmw. I JUS want to offer one example and proof of my earlier post about these silly ideas by wmw.

I think it is official, at least for me: no need to read any or most of his posts. They are a waste of time.


It's a system

He reads them, reaches deep down into his feelers, and tells you how to feel(er) about them

It's like when you're in grade school and you have a crush on someone and can't verbalize your feelers to them and your mean to them and you really like them but you can express how you feels to them so your means to them

"20 percent" isn't a batting average, Kuauntahtahtah

Re: RE: recruitment

PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 7:21 am
by jusplay4fun
20 percent translates to 0-200.

Learn some simple math.


Re: RE: recruitment

PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 6:53 pm
by Kotaro
jusplay4fun wrote:Here is another SILLY idea by wmw. I JUS want to offer one example and proof of my earlier post about these silly ideas by wmw.

I think it is official, at least for me: no need to read any or most of his posts. They are a waste of time.


And most of your posts are with the intent to troll or attack players personally; yet you're still allowed to post, so why shouldn't WMW be allowed to post as well?

Re: RE: recruitment

PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 7:41 pm
by jusplay4fun
Lies. You do not know me well. Read more. And look up the definition of a troll.

Further, if you read many of the posts here, you will see that I am not the only one who think wmw posts silly ideas. He wants to be the new "king" of CC Forum posts. He posts large quantities of rather worthless posts rather than post something intelligent and thoughtful.

And you criticize me for my "attack players...."? I have criticized the major trolls here; here is the list that you apparently missed: Thorthoth, fake burnie sanders, noMADpatriot, and now wmw. Check them out. They post lots and play little, so your characterization is incorrect.


Kotaro wrote:
jusplay4fun wrote:Here is another SILLY idea by wmw. I JUS want to offer one example and proof of my earlier post about these silly ideas by wmw.

I think it is official, at least for me: no need to read any or most of his posts. They are a waste of time.


And most of your posts are with the intent to troll or attack players personally; yet you're still allowed to post, so why shouldn't WMW be allowed to post as well?

Re: RE: recruitment

PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 3:59 pm
by iAmCaffeine
arent you a teacher? i feel bad for any kid that has been in your classroom

Re: RE: recruitment

PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 4:45 pm
by Kevi
[quote="jusplay4fun"]Lies. You do not know me well. Read more. And look up the definition of a troll.

And you criticize me for my "attack players...."? I have criticized the major trolls here; here is the list that you apparently missed: Thorthoth, fake burnie sanders, noMADpatriot, and now wmw. Check them out. They post lots and play little, so your characterization is incorrect.

I'll have you know that the real Bernie Sanders is right here on this site! It's the one you see on TV that's the fake. :twisted:

Re: RE: recruitment

PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 2:01 am
by Kotaro
jusplay4fun wrote:Lies. You do not know me well. Read more. And look up the definition of a troll.

Further, if you read many of the posts here, you will see that I am not the only one who think wmw posts silly ideas. He wants to be the new "king" of CC Forum posts. He posts large quantities of rather worthless posts rather than post something intelligent and thoughtful.

And you criticize me for my "attack players...."? I have criticized the major trolls here; here is the list that you apparently missed: Thorthoth, fake burnie sanders, noMADpatriot, and now wmw. Check them out. They post lots and play little, so your characterization is incorrect.


Just an FYI, attacking and trolling people that are trolls, doesn't make you not a troll; you have actually proved my point in your own post.

Similar to how you aren't allowed to kill a killer, I don't believe you should be allowed to troll a troll; if they're breaking the rules, they should be punished, but so should you.

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying

Since your posts are personal, off-topic messages in an online forum, and clearly made with the intent to provoke WMW, I do believe you fit the definition.

Re: RE: recruitment

PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 11:27 am
by hwhrhett
sup yall?

Re: RE: recruitment

PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 11:38 am
by 4 U 2 NV
Where the f have you been?

Re: RE: recruitment

PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 11:45 am
by iAmCaffeine
in the kitchen by the look of things