i think this is my new route for this website..
just going to play bots for now on..
I already know. everyone will post sarcastic remarks about the idea.. members will mock me.. , members will try to feel superior with some sort of demeaning rhetoric.. Llama will post some 1 line simple minded comment just to get attention ..
all of the above will happen..
here is my reasons for it. :

bots always take their turns...

bots do not engage in Secret Diplomacy

bots do not attempt to manipulate anything in the gameplay like intentionally missing turns in order to gain extra deployments

when playing bots . you can actually set a decent strategy knowing they are going to take their turns..

Bots do not have previous grudges from losing to you , so they suicide themselves into you just to ensure you do not win

games will not take 2 months to play 30 rounds..
if you have any thoughts about the actual topic of this forum post.. feel free to engage in conversations. ..